Xiao Ju asked curiously:"What place is it? So mysterious?"

Xu Yi smiled:"Haven't you always wanted to know what I have been doing these days?"

Xiao Ju opened his eyes wide and looked at Xu Yi excitedly:"Are you going to reveal the answer to me?"

"Well, you'll know when you get there."Xu Yi kept it a secret at first.


Xiaoju immediately began to wash and dress, and then got into Xu Yi's car.

The morning air was very cool, blowing into the car through the window, making Xiaoju feel comfortable. At this moment, her heart was full of anticipation for the unknown.

But because the other party was Xu Yi, Xiaoju was very confident. What she would encounter in a while must be a surprise, not a shock.

Half an hour later, the car stopped next to a diamond-shaped characteristic building.

Xu Yi got out of the driver's seat, walked to Xiaoju's co-pilot seat, and opened the door for her gentlemanly.

Xiaoju got out of the car and looked at the building in front of her, a little unbelievable

"Here I know……"Xiaoju whispered something

"Really?" Xu Yi didn't expect it.

Xiaoju stared at the building in front of her, and said absentmindedly:"This is a recording studio. It was my dream when I debuted."

Because this recording studio has advanced equipment and is equipped with the best production team, the recording fee is particularly expensive.

The most important thing is that this is not a place that can be booked simply by spending more money. The reason why it is called a dream is that the threshold for recording here is very high. You must get the approval of the producer inside before you can come in to record a song.

At that time, when Xiaoju and her group sisters debuted, the training teacher drove them past here and said to them:"You singers should set this as your ultimate goal."

Xu Yi saw Xiaoju's eyes shining and felt that he had made the right choice.

He pulled Xiaoju in, but Xiaoju stopped and asked Xu Yi cautiously:"Are you going to take me in now?"

"Of course." Xu Yi smiled at Xiaoju, holding her hand and said,"It's so obvious, can't you see it?"

Xiaoju was still a little confused:"I can see it, but I don't know why you pulled me in?"

Xu Yi raised his hand and touched Xiaoju's head, and said lovingly:"To the recording studio, of course it's to record songs!"

"Record songs? What songs?" Xiaoju was puzzled,"Didn't the company say they would release an album for me recently?"

"It has nothing to do with the company, it's just recording songs that belong to the two of us."

After saying that, Xu Yi took Xiaoju into the recording studio. Xiaoju was still a little bit unbelievable, until she was pulled into the recording studio by Xu Yi, saw the equipment inside, and got a playlist of ten songs, Xiaoju finally dared to believe that this was true.

But there were still many things that puzzled Xiaoju.

She asked Xu Yi:"Where did these songs come from?"

Xu Yi told her firmly:"I wrote them."

Xiaoju suddenly realized:"You have been staying at home these days, just to write this song?"

Xu Yi nodded at Xiaoju.

Although Xiaoju understood what Xu Yi was saying, when she really understood it, she still felt like she was listening to a fairy tale.

She couldn't believe it and went to Xu Yi to confirm:"You can write songs? And it's been less than a week? You have created ten songs?"

"Your husband I am an all-round talent, didn't you know this a long time ago?"Xu Yi didn't explain too much, just smiled and joked with Xiaoju.

However, his words did not arouse Xiaoju's suspicion at all. In Xiaoju's heart, Xu Yi is omnipotent and there is nothing wrong with him.

Xiaoju soon got rid of her doubts and happily watched the songs composed by Xu Yi.

Xu Yi ordered the staff in the recording studio to play the arrangements of ten songs one by one. At the same time, he said to Xiaoju:"While you listen, take a look at the lyrics of these ten songs. Whichever one you like, we will make it the main song."

Xiaoju nodded at Xu Yi:"Well, I like this job!"

Hearing Xu Yi's words to let her choose the song, Xiaoju felt truly favored. You know, when she usually records songs, she can't decide on her own, let alone the title song. She can't even decide which songs to release on an album, and the order of sides A and B.

Because of Xu Yi, Xiaoju finally experienced the joy of freedom. That was the joy she had always wanted, but she had never experienced it before.

But today, Xiaoju was completely addicted.

The demos were played one by one, and Xiaoju took the playlist in her hand and flipped through it page by page. Finally, Xiaoju heard a melody that warmed her heart.

She immediately looked up and asked Xu Yi:"Which song is this?"

Xu Yi flipped through the playlist in Xiaoju's hand and presented the song in front of Xiaoju.

"The stars in the sky are not as good as you."

Xiaoju looked down at the playlist and finished reading it. A surprised expression appeared on her face and she said excitedly,"What a good name!"

""Do you like it?" Xu Yi asked Xiaoju with a smile.

Xiaoju nodded desperately at Xu Yi and told him:"Let's go with this one! Our theme song."

This was Xiaoju's decision after reading the lyrics.

""Okay." Xu Yi smiled and said to Xiaoju,"Let's start recording! Don't worry about it today, just record this theme song."

Then, the two began to record this theme song in the recording studio.

《You are the star in my eyes, shining brightly at all times.



The sky is full of stars, it's better to have you by my side.

When Xiaoju sang these lyrics, what came to her mind was Xu Yi accompanying her to look up at the stars in the Miao village and Xu Yi booked a restaurant on the top of the mountain for her to give her a starry sky.

This is a commemoration of their love.

With such emotions, Xiaoju sang very emotionally. The recording process was very smooth, smoother than any other time the two recorded the theme song.

Although Xu Yi felt that Xiaoju's second singing was already perfect and could be directly included in the album.

But Xiaoju wanted to keep improving. This was their first love album, and she wanted it to be better. It was also because she was very happy recording that Xiaoju felt like she didn't want to stop.

Xu Yi saw that Xiaoju was very enthusiastic about recording, so he naturally wouldn't interrupt Xiaoju. The two recorded until the evening before returning home.

Xu Yi and Xiaoju spent the next week in the recording studio. The production team was very efficient. After Xu Yi and Xiaoju finished recording, their title song had been produced.

That night, the title song was released on the studio's cooperative music platform. Once released, it instantly swept all major music platforms.

All major music platforms rushed to get the copyright of this song, and the critics also gave it a lot of praise.

In less than a week, Xiaoju and Xu Yi's hit song"The Sky Full of Stars Is Not as Good as You" topped 13 music platforms.

And in the following month, it never came down.

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