《After the show"Running Man" was broadcast, Xu Yi's popularity soared. The definition of a perfect man on the Internet now all refers to Xu Yi.

He is handsome, rich, and will spoil his girlfriend; he is smart and powerful, giving girls a sense of security; he is low-key, introverted, and talented; he is not only versatile, but also proficient in everything...

In short, he is good in every way.

Merchants saw the huge commercial value of Xu Yi's high popularity, and they all came to Xu Yi to discuss endorsements and commercial performances.

For a while, the studio's phone became a hotline, and the threshold was lowered an inch. Faced with these businesses that came to the door, Sister Lan was very happy.

Because they felt the fierce competition, each merchant was willing to pay a price. Looking at these sky-high contracts, everyone in the studio felt that spring had come early.

The reason why Xu Yi was signed in the first place was more because of Xiaoju. The studio didn't know how to deal with Xiaoju, a boyfriend who suddenly appeared from nowhere, so they had to accept him as an agent.

After that, Xu Yi showed his amazing talent in singing and acting. The studio signed Xu Yi as an artist, but did not expect him to be popular or bring much profit to the studio.

After all, there are too many talented artists in this industry. Unless you have superb skills, are particularly outstanding, and have a certain amount of luck, it is difficult to come out.

So today, Xu Yi has achieved what he has now and brought so much profit to the studio, which is beyond the staff's expectations.

Sister Lan praised her decision to sign Xu Yi, but there was only one thing that she was particularly worried about.

This was something she discovered in Xu Yi a long time ago, that is, Xu Yi was not very interested in being famous and making money.

Sure enough, when Sister Lan brought these endorsement and commercial performance contracts to Xu Yi, she saw Xu Yi's faint attitude of disapproval.

The value of these contracts, for any newcomer who has just been in the industry for one or two years, is a lucky pie in the sky.

But now that they fell in front of Xu Yi, he just pushed them away lightly:"I didn't enter the entertainment industry for these."

If it were any artist in the studio other than Xu Yi, Sister Lan would dare to scold him directly. Then, even if it was forced, he would definitely be given these jobs.

But when it came to Xu Yi, Sister Lan didn't dare to use any force on him. She knew that Xu Yi was not lying, and he really didn't care about these things.

After all, he had money and talent. These things that others dreamed of were all within his reach.

Xu Yi entered the entertainment industry, probably for... Xiaoju, right?

Thinking of this, Sister Lan began to change her approach and said to Xu Yi,"Look at these commercial performances, they are inviting you and Xiaoju to sing on the stage together; and for these endorsements, the merchants are very eager to have you, I think if I let them add Xiaoju to do this endorsement with you, it should not be a problem."

Sister Lan carefully observed Xu Yi's expression, and then tentatively asked him,"If you're with Xiaoju, you should be willing, right?"

"I am willing, but it depends on the situation."Xu Yi said expressionlessly,"If it is a project that Xiaoju likes or is interested in, I can participate with her. But I think these commercial performances and endorsements are of no benefit to her career path, but rather consume her own value. And……"

Xu Yi paused and said in a serious tone:"Hasn't the studio arranged a lot of interviews and commercials for her recently? Her workload is almost overloaded, so I won't drag her along."

Sister Lan didn't dare to say anything more. By chance, a staff member came in and reported that Sister Lan had a job that she needed to handle on site. Sister Lan said goodbye to Xu Yi and left the studio.

In the evening, Xu Yi was brought to the studio by Xiaoju and re-entered Sister Lan's office.

After failing to persuade Xu Yi in person in the morning, Sister Lan called in Xiaoju for help. Xiaoju originally wanted to respect Xu Yi's opinion, but when she heard Sister Lan always persuading her to help in an almost pleading voice, Xiaoju thought those endorsement and commercial performance opportunities were really good.

It's not a matter of remuneration, but she has been in this circle for a long time and understands the importance of popularity. If Xu Yi refuses all of them, she may end up with a reputation as a picky ghost in the future.

Although Xiaoju knows that Xu Yi doesn't care about these, Xiaoju still hopes that Xu Yi can be seen and liked by more people, except for those wife fans who want to compete with her for Xu Yi.

In the end, Xiaoju helped Sister Lan to persuade Xu Yi.

It was Xiaoju who asked for it herself, so Xu Yi had to give her this face anyway. Considering the situation in the morning, Xu Yi also guessed that it was Sister Lan who asked Xiaoju to persuade him.

Xu Yi didn't want to embarrass Xiaoju, so he and Xiaoju went to the studio and directly agreed to Sister Lan.

But Xu Yi also had a request, not to accept all commercial performances and endorsements.

Seeing Xu Yi agreed, Sister Lan was already satisfied and didn't dare to make excessive demands.

Xu Yi looked at the contracts and picked three with a strong public welfare nature.

Moreover, these three commercial performances and endorsement activities were concentrated in the next two days, which also made Xu Yi more satisfied with the time arrangement.

Previously, when he and Xiaoju were recording the duet theme song in the"Running Man" program, Xu Yi had an inspiration. Thinking that when the recording was over, he had time, he wanted to make an album for him and Xiaoju to record their love.

After the recording was over, Xu Yi saw Xiaoju half leaning on his shoulder and sleeping on the return plane with a smile on her face. That sweet look gave Xu Yi a lot of inspiration.

The next day, Xu Yi began to collect and prepare music-making equipment. At the same time, he ordered the nanny to vacate a room in the villa to build a music studio.

After attending commercial performances and endorsement activities, the music equipment ordered by Xu Yi was just in place. Then, he began to make music at home.

Due to the two variety shows"Longing for Life" and"Running Man", Xiaoju has performed very well in them, and her strength has also been recognized by the industry.

Recently, Xiaoju has more work.

Xiaoju works until the evening almost every day, and she can't see Xu Yi every time she gets home. The servants have to call him a few times before Xiaoju can see Xu Yi walk out of a room she never enters. Xiaoju curiously asked Xu Yi"What are you doing in the room", and Xu Yi always smiled and told her that it was a secret and couldn't tell her for the time being.

But Xiaoju knew that the studio had not arranged work for Xu Yi during this period. She was really curious about what Xu Yi did in that room at home all day.

One day in the middle of the night, Xiaoju got up and sneaked into the room where Xu Yi usually walked out, but found that the door was locked, and she didn't find out the truth in the end.

Xu Yi also found that Xiaoju's curiosity had reached its peak.

That morning, after Xiaoju got up, Xu Yi asked her,"Do you have work today?"

Xiaoju shook her head and told Xu Yi,"No."

Xu Yi pulled her out of bed and said to Xiaoju with a smile,"Then I'll take you to a place."

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