Xu Yi saw Xiaoju appear, and faced Chen He and Sun Li with a serious face. She stood slightly in front of him, as if protecting him, and Xu Yi felt warm and cute.

Xu Yi reached out and pulled Xiaoju, pulling her behind him. Xiaoju didn't want him to be bullied by others, Xu Yi completely understood, and was very happy to accept it.

But he couldn't let Xiaoju rush in front of him. No matter when and what situation, he would protect Xiaoju in front of her.

The man in black took Chao Ge, Zheng Kai, Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong, whose name tags were torn off, away, leaving Sun Li and Chen He, who had made an alliance.

Now it was no longer the chaotic scene just now. The four stood by the flower bed and confronted each other, and the battle of tearing off the name tags was about to break out.

Chen He was a little timid after witnessing how Xu Yi had just torn off Zheng Kai and Chao Ge, especially the strength and speed he showed when he confronted Chao Ge one-on-one.

He felt that in the melee of the four people, he might not be able to take care of Sister Li. He was afraid that he would not have the time to deal with Xu Yi alone.

As long as he lost his concentration, like Brother Chao just did, he and Sun Li would be wiped out.

The two of them were the last hope of this alliance.

So Chen He took the lead and suggested,"Why don't we have a one-on-one duel! Girls against girls, boys against boys"


Chen He's suggestion was exactly what Xu Yi wanted. It was difficult for him to tear Sun Li's clothes off, and seeing how Xiaoju rushed out just now, he was also a little eager to try.

Xu Yi felt that he was wrong. He had good intentions to protect Xiaoju from having her name tag torn off, but if Xiaoju just hid under his wings and couldn't participate in the game at all, Xiaoju would not be able to have fun and would be unhappy.

Moreover, just as Xiaoju was full of confidence in his strength, Xu Yi should also have confidence in Xiaoju.

He would protect Xiaoju from being attacked by boys, but Xu Yi thought that the battle between girls should be left to Xiaoju herself.

After a brief discussion, the two teams decided to let the girls fight first.

Xiaoju and Sun Li 1V1.

Before the start, Xiaoju She expressed her respect for Sun Li and politely asked Sun Li to show mercy. Sun Li is her senior in the film and television industry, and Xiaoju has watched her plays all the way up. Xu

Yi could see that Xiaoju was a little excited to be able to fight with Sun Li today.

After the name tag tearing began, Xu Yi and Chen He were completely dumbfounded by the performance of the two girls.

The intensity was no less than the fight between the boys.

Sun Li had no intention of giving way to her juniors, and showed no mercy at all. It was better to say that she did not have the energy to show mercy.

And Xiaoju was not as submissive as she had just been when she expressed her respect and admiration for Sun Li. She attacked actively right from the start.

The two girls were torn apart for the name tags on their backs. Staff outside the venue They all exclaimed in surprise. They didn't expect that two skinny girls could burst out with such great energy.

It was really beautiful!

In the end, Xiaoju narrowly defeated Sun Li.

The two were evenly matched in strength. Xiaoju's victory was partly due to her and Xu Yi's efforts in the previous three levels. They won the first place and were rewarded with a small name tag.

If it weren't for the small name tag, it would be hard to say who would win the game.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xiaoju win. But he was more happy from the bottom of his heart, because he saw the kind of joy on Xiaoju's face that was several times happier than usual.

Xiaoju cheered and spun around with Sister Li's name tag, as happy as a child who got candy for the first time.

Xu Yi couldn't help but feel that he didn't... There was someone who stubbornly stopped Xiaoju and locked him behind her. But the choice of supporting her to go out and fight and make a breakthrough was extremely correct.

After the two girls fought, it was finally the turn of the boys' battle to decide life and death.

Chen He was a little nervous from the moment he knew he was going to fight Xu Yi, but now that things have come to this, he has to go.

Compared to failure after the battle, Chen He was more worried that Xu Yi would let him go for friendship. What he was most worried about was that Xu Yi let him go, but he still lost... In that case, he really couldn't get over it in terms of face.

At this time, Chen He still cared a lot about face. He was worried that Xu Yi would see his nervousness and show mercy.

So before the battle, Chen He asked Xu Yi,"Don't let go! Let's fight one-on-one, with real swords and guns."

Xu Yi understood his pride as a man, and immediately nodded and agreed to Chen He.

When the two were fighting, Xu Yi was very dedicated, just as he promised Chen He, and showed no mercy.

The result of not letting Chen He off was that after less than two minutes of confrontation, Chen He was defeated, and his name tag was easily torn off by Xu Yi.

Chen He picked up the hat that had just fallen off when he was lying on the ground in defense, he put it on his head, clasped his fists towards Xu Yi, and said sincerely:"I am not as skilled as others, I am convinced!"

When everyone was laughing at Chen He for being too dramatic and starting to steal the spotlight again, the horn of the ancient town suddenly sounded:"Wang Zulan, Yanan, baby, brother Xiao Ming, out!"


Xu Yi, Xiaoju, and Chen He, who had not yet left the stage, were all a little shocked when they heard the broadcast news.

Four people were eliminated at the same time...

Xu Yi thought about it and thought it was probably the same as what happened to them just now. The two teams formed an alliance with each other, experienced sneak attacks and melee, and the winner was decided in an instant.

However, judging from the people who were eliminated and the remaining members now, it should be the team of Big Black Bull and Sister Bingbing who wiped out the two teams of Royal Blue and Baby.

The alliance of their two teams has never been able to defeat Big Black Bull. When Xiaoju came to this conclusion, she felt a lot of pressure.

Xu Yi knew his own strength and thought it was okay. Xu Yi had watched the show"Running Man" before, and had also seen Big Black Bull tearing up the name tag in this show.

He is indeed better than ordinary men in terms of physical fitness and strength. But Xu Yi is not an ordinary man, especially after the system has blessed him with physical fitness.

Now, whether it is strength, speed or physical fitness, he is confident that he will never lose to Big Black Bull in any aspect.

He is determined to win the battle with Big Black Bull.

Although Xiaoju believed in Xu Yi, she has always been a loyal fan of"Running Man" and has seen many times that Da Hei Niu tore up the male stars on the show.

When she thought of these scenes, Xiaoju couldn't help but worry about Xu Yi.

Xu Yi saw Xiaoju's worry. He took Xiaoju's hand and said bluntly:"Don't worry, we will go to their group now. I will do a 1 on 1 battle with Da Hei Niu, and there will be results soon."

At this time, Xu Yi felt that the longer the time dragged on, the greater the psychological pressure on Xiaoju.

I have been recording for a whole day today and I am very tired. Now it is already early in the morning, which is the time when the human body is most tired.

Xu Yi doesn't want to drag it on too long. For Xiaoju, he wants to make a quick decision.

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