Xu Yi and Xiao Ju were lying in ambush near the flower bed, watching Lu Han and Guan Xiao Tong approach Brother Chao and Sister Li naturally. Lu Han pretended to form an alliance with Brother Chao, and said to Brother Chao enthusiastically at the beginning:"Brother Chao, let's form an alliance~"

Brother Chao usually takes good care of Lu Han in the show. Lu Han thinks that he is also a good actor now, and he should be able to deceive Brother Chao and lure them out.

Brother Chao heard this and agreed immediately:"Okay, Xiao Lu. I was just thinking about finding a group of people to form an alliance! I didn't expect you to come. You are the first one, and you came at the right time. Brother Chao must form this alliance with you."

As he said, Brother Chao pulled Sun Li to stand up and called on the four people to put their hands together and make a cheering gesture together.

Everything went according to plan.

Xu Yi and Xiao Ju were lying in ambush at the corner of the street, waiting for Lu Han and Brother Chao to form an alliance, Lu Han brought Brother Chao to them, and then the two rushed out to take action.

However, plans are not as fast as changes. Before Xu Yi made a move, he saw two figures jumping out of the darkness and jumping behind Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong.

With the dim light of the red lanterns in the ancient town, Xu Yi saw that the two shadows were Chen He and Zheng Kai.

When they were preparing to attack Brother Chao under the guise of an alliance, Xu Yi found that the other party was using the same routine as himself. It turned out that Brother Chao had already formed an alliance with Chen He and Zheng Kai's team, and took the next team that would pull him into the alliance as prey.

When Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong walked towards Brother Chao, Brother Chao's plan had already started. Brother Chao first pretended to agree to form an alliance with Lu Han, and then enthusiastically called on everyone to shout slogans of encouragement.

While the four people's hands were stacked together, Brother Chao and Sun Li held Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong's hands tightly and controlled the two in place.

At this time, Chen He and Zheng Kai immediately jumped out, and it would be easy to tear off Guan Xiaotong and Lu Han's name tags.

Brother Chao, this insidious old fox, had planned everything long ago.

But the only thing he didn't expect was that Lu Han had already formed an alliance with Xu Yi before. And Xu Yi would choose to save Lu Han's group in such a crisis.

Although he saw that Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong's name tags were already in the hands of Chen He and Zheng Kai. If Xu Yi appeared again at this time, he would be in a state of one person against many people, which was very disadvantageous.

But Xu Yi thought that since he had formed an alliance with Lu Han, he couldn't watch his ally being calculated to death like this.

Even if it was a dead end, he had to rush over to try.

But before Xu Yi rushed out, he specifically told Xiaoju, telling her:"Don't go out for the time being, wait and see. If they tear off my name tag as soon as I go out, you should protect yourself first. If the scene is chaotic and there is an opportunity, you can decide whether to come out based on your own judgment."

Xiaoju nodded solemnly at Xu Yi, and then watched Xu Yi rush out.

In fact, when she saw Zheng Kai and Chen He rushing out just now, Xiaoju almost rushed out impulsively. If Xu Yi hadn't stopped her in time and said these words to her, Xiaoju thought that her current name tag might have been lost.

Xiaoju calmed down and thought that if she rushed out at this time, she would only become the other party's bait. Not only would she not be able to help at all, but she would also be easily torn off.

If she was targeted, Xu Yi would definitely rush to save him, which would inevitably affect Xu Yi's actions to save Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong, his allies.

Xiaoju thought about it, and finally held back. She decided to listen to Xu Yi and wait and see.

Here, Xu Yi rushed out and wanted to do his best to save Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong. However, because the other side had three men, Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong were firmly controlled in place.

Chen He and Zheng Kai did not hesitate at all, and quickly tore off the name tags of Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong to avoid any more trouble.


""Watch out behind you!"

The first two pleasant"swish" sounds were the sounds of Chen He and Zheng Kai tearing off the name tags of Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong.

The last"swish" sounded at the same time as Brother Chao reminded Zheng Kai and Chen He.

But Brother Chao's reminder was still too late.

Xu Yi took advantage of the two's inattention and took the lead in tearing off the name tag behind Zheng Kai. When tearing it off, Zheng Kai was unaware. It was not until Brother Chao's voice sounded that he realized what was going on. Chen He was frightened by Xu Yi who suddenly appeared behind him, and jumped aside reflexively.

At this time, Brother Chao and Sun Li were the only ones left on the field. Xu Yi felt that he had a chance to tear off one more person while taking advantage of this chaos.

Sun Li was a woman, so Xu Yi naturally would not tear her off. Without thinking much, Xu Yi stretched out his long arms. Reached behind Chao Ge.

At that time, Chao Ge was also surprised by Xu Yi's agile movements. Originally, he was the first person to see Xu Yi appear, and he had a warning in his heart.

But Xu Yi's movements were too fast. Before he could see clearly how Zheng Kai was torn off, Xu Yi had already stretched out his arm to the name tag behind him.

Chao Ge subconsciously dodged left and right, trying to avoid Xu Yi's hand. However, Xu Yi was not affected at all and grabbed Chao Ge's name tag firmly in his hand.

Chao Ge was shocked again. He did not expect Xu Yi to grab his name tag so accurately. Originally, he thought he was a veteran of many battles. As a veteran of the name tag tearing program, he had a lot of experience. Even though Xu Yi is young and strong, there is no need to be timid.

He originally thought that when he was avoiding Xu Yi At that time, he tried every means to get behind Xu Yi or reach out to grab the name tag behind Xu Yi.

But unexpectedly, he didn't even touch Xu Yi's hair, but because of his negligence, Xu Yi completely grabbed the name tag.

Based on his experience, Chao Ge subconsciously leaned back and was about to lie on his back on the ground, trying to stop Xu Yi's hand from tearing off the name tag.

But Chao Ge also greatly underestimated the difference in strength between himself and Xu Yi. When he wanted to lie back, he was forcibly pulled by Xu Yi and could not move.

Chao Ge was extremely surprised when Xu Yi tore off the name tag on his back.

He has been recording"Running Man" for such a long time, participated in dozens of name tag tearing battles, and competed with various male stars nearly a hundred times, but this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

With his body shape With his weight and strength, it is easy for him to defend, not to mention tearing off others.

But for the first time, his defense against Xu Yi was completely ineffective.

Xu Yi looked tall and thin, but he didn't expect him to be so strong. Chao Ge felt that he had miscalculated, but now that his name tag had been torn off by Xu Yi, it was too late to realize it.

Sun Li and Chen He on the side were also stunned, especially Chen He, who had never seen Chao Ge being caught off guard in the name tag tearing segment.

After Chao Ge's name tag was torn off by Xu Yi, he saw that his wife Sun Li and ally Chen He were both shocked. Xu Yi was still in good shape, ready to go, and Chao Ge immediately shouted to wake them up:"Go and tear off Xu Yi's name tag! Now you two are against each other!"

Sun Li and Chen He reacted immediately and were about to rush to Xu Yi.

At this time, Xiao Ju came out from nowhere, stood beside Xu Yi, and said to the two of them:"It's 2 vs. 2 now."

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