Xu Yi and Xiao Ju switched sides and started singing duet again.

Due to the special setting of the melody of male and female duet songs, the male side's lyrics are usually low and flat, always in a relatively stable range, and only at the climax at the end, will they rise a little bit.

But the female voice is usually difficult from the beginning, because in male and female duets, the female's key is usually set at a relatively high position.

From the beginning, it must be higher than the male voice to create the overlapping effect of the sound. In the later singing process, the female voice's key must always be higher than the male voice, which is a considerable burden for the female.

When it comes to the climax, the high pitch usually rises to a more terrifying position. Therefore, female singers without general strength cannot complete this kind of male and female duet song.

Because of this special setting, when Xu Yi and Xiao Ju switched places to sing, Xiao Ju was unusually relaxed.

As a girl, whether she sang the male's initial bass or the high pitch of the climax later, it was very easy for her.

The recording atmosphere of this duet was also very relaxed. Because the staff was also in the mood to adjust Xiao Ju's state, and did not want to record and find anything wrong.

They were completely listening to the two people's"cross-dressing" singing as audiences.

Xiaoju sang Xu Yi's part very easily. Besides being relaxed, she was very curious and wanted to hear what Xu Yi would sing her part like.

Xu Yi felt Xiaoju's curiosity, which was also his goal. Xiaoju listened to Xu Yi singing the part she was supposed to sing with curiosity. As soon as

Xu Yi opened his mouth, everyone at the scene, including Xiaoju, was dumbfounded. Not only could he perfectly interpret the bass, but he also sang the high notes so well.

Xiaoju had heard Xu Yi sing the high notes, but he had previously sung the high notes of boys' songs, which were very different from the high notes of girls' songs.

Today, hearing Xu Yi sing the high notes of her part, Xiaoju had a new understanding of Xu Yi's singing skills.

With such an admiring mentality, Xiaoju started to sing Xu Yi's part and sang this"cross-dressing" song with him.

They sang very happily all the way. While listening to Xu Yi's singing, Xiaoju tried the boys' key and sang very happily.

Until she heard Xu Yi sing the climax, Xiaoju suddenly shut up.

The staff knocked on the glass and asked Xiaoju nervously:"What's wrong? Is your throat suddenly uncomfortable?"

After a long while, Xiaoju came back to her senses, shook her head, looked at the staff and said:"No, my throat is in good condition. Now let's re-record the theme song! I will definitely do it this time!"

After saying this, Xiaoju turned her head and looked at Xu Yi with moist eyes. Xiaoju looked at Xu Yi with moved eyes and admiration.

When she heard Xu Yi sing the high note that she had not been able to sing well since the second time, Xiaoju understood it all at once.

Xu Yi's suggestion was completely to demonstrate to her how to sing this high note.

After listening to Xu Yi's singing, Xiaoju also understood the problem she had just had. She was a little too hard. In fact, she could interpret this high note well.

It's just that when she thought that this high note was at a dangerous position on the edge of breaking the voice for herself, she became a little restrained.

But in fact, it's not that scary. She can actually keep a calm mind and sing it naturally. Just now she was too tense, which resulted in her voice not coming out and not being in place.

She recorded it again.

In the next recording, Xiaoju seemed to have her Ren and Du meridians opened up. Not only did she easily sing the high notes that she had never been able to sing before, but in other parts, Xiaoju sang more gracefully and beautifully than in the previous times.

The staff who were monitoring outside the recording studio were stunned:"Is this sung by one person? How could the improvement be so fast?"

Xu Yi took off the headset and said to the staff with certainty:"It was sung by one person. She just didn't adjust her state just now. She was not feeling well yesterday and had to catch a plane today."

After hearing this, the staff felt sympathy for Xiaoju and praised Xiaoju again and again:"I've heard that Xiaoju works very hard and is very dedicated. Today we have seen it."

"But don't work so hard next time, your health is more important. If you had told us earlier that you were not feeling well, we could have recorded it another day. There is no rush for this theme song."

Xiaoju heard the staff say this and explained nervously,"I am fine, do you think we need to record the theme song again?"

"No need. I just listened to it again, and the effect is simply perfect."

The staff knew that Xiaoju had high requirements for the work, and smiled and assured her again and again:"The effect is really very good. I promise that we can make a theme song that will satisfy you."

After hearing what the staff said, Xiaoju did not insist any more.

After walking out of the recording studio and arriving at a place where there were no outsiders, Xiaoju took Xu Yi's hand and whispered in his ear:"Thank you."

Xu Yi was still pretending to be stupid, and asked her humorously:"What are you thanking me for? Thank me for coming to you and not letting you wait too long?"

Xiaoju smiled and hit him:"That was still a bit long to wait!" Xu

Yi smiled when he heard this, and generously admitted:"My fault."

Seeing that Xu Yi didn't respond and didn't want to mention what happened in the recording studio just now, Xiaoju didn't continue. But Xiaoju already understood Xu Yi's painstaking efforts, and was fully aware of everything Xu Yi had done silently for her behind her back.

Such a good man is her boyfriend. He will be her husband in the future, and Xiaoju feels very happy. Xiaoju tilted her head and leaned on Xu Yi's shoulder. As she walked, she said to Xu Yi,"Actually, I don't blame you. It's my luck to meet you in this life." Xu Yi raised his hand and touched Xiaoju's head. He lowered his head, looked down at Xiaoju and said affectionately,"Me too."

When they returned to the hotel arranged by the program team, Xiaoju and Xu Yi ran into the director of the program team as soon as they got out of the elevator. As soon as the director saw the two of them, he smiled and said,"I received news from the staff of the recording studio. I heard that you recorded quickly and well. It's really rare. It saved us a lot of time in the later stage."

"The director chose the song well, it suits both of us very well."Xu Yi modestly agreed with the director,"Xiao Ju and I sang very well, and we finished recording in a short time."

Hearing this, the director smiled and pointed at Xu Yi and said,"You are really good at talking, young man, you have a future. No wonder you have such a good reputation in the industry, whether it is a TV drama director or a variety show director, they are all vying for you."

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