The two felt warm when they heard the Running Man team say this. After saying goodbye to them, Xiaoju and Xu Yi followed the director to the recording studio.

When they walked into the recording studio, Xiaoju seemed a little excited. She was originally a singer, but in the past six months, because she was filming in the crew and appeared on some variety shows. The opportunity to go to the recording studio has become very rare.

Now that she is in the recording studio again, Xiaoju feels strange and nostalgic. Especially when she thinks about recording a new song with Xu Yi, she becomes more excited.

Xu Yi's singing has always been the sound of nature in Xiaoju's mind. Xiaoju is very happy to hear Xu Yi singing again, and in a recording studio with professional equipment. What makes her even happier is that they are about to have another song that belongs to the two of them.

Xiaoju, like every girl in love, likes this kind of thing that belongs only to two people and is meaningful. She hopes that the more the better, she wants to keep it as a souvenir.

It would be even better if it can not only be kept as a souvenir, but also be made public to the world.

The staff of the recording studio gave the music sheet to Xu Yi and Xiaoju, and the two began the familiarization process in the recording studio.

After Xu Yi got the music sheet, he looked at it for about two minutes and was confident that he had fully mastered it. With the blessing of the system's"singing talent", in fact, any song, Xu Yi can be fully proficient as soon as he gets it.

But because this song is to be recorded with Xiaoju, Xu Yi's attitude has become more cautious, so he looked at it for a while longer.

But two minutes is enough for Xu Yi to master this song.

After that, Xu Yi used his peripheral vision to observe Xiaoju who was reading the music sheet. Looking at Xiaoju working with the music sheet, he thought her serious look was very charming.

But the next second, Xu Yi found that Xiaoju frowned. Xu Yi followed Xiaoju's line of sight and glanced at the place where she was frowning and staring. It was indeed a little difficult.

However, Xiaoju did not ask him, so Xu Yi chose to pretend not to see it, and waited quietly until she finished reading the music sheet, letting her overcome it first.

About ten minutes later, the loudspeaker in the recording studio rang, and a staff member asked,"Are you ready? Shall we try it out now?""

"Look at it"


Xu Yi and Xiao Ju gave the staff a positive reply.

Then, the staff adjusted the equipment and started playing the prelude, and told Xu Yi and Xiao Ju:"Let's go through it once for the first time to get a feel for it, don't put too much emotion into it."

The two nodded to the outside in the recording studio."OK".

At the beginning of the first recording, Xu Yi and Xiao Ju sang along easily. At the end, the staff praised the two:"It's so touching! It's not easy to do this on the first time. Now this can be said to be a perfect start. With the tacit understanding between the two of you, it is estimated that you will be able to record this song soon."

That's the best, Xu Yi thought to himself. He chose to record the theme song first, not thinking about warming up or getting to know it in advance.

He wanted to get the theme song done with Xiao Ju before the official recording of the show. For him, it doesn't matter whether it is recorded first or later. But for Xiao Ju, it may have a little impact.

Xu Yi is not sure what kind of game session they will experience when recording the show tomorrow. But according to his understanding of the Running Man show in the past, first of all, none of those games can be completed easily.

Secondly, just by watching the broadcasted program, Xu Yi can feel the length of time the program group records. It often starts recording at dawn and records until late at night.

This recording process must be very intense. Xu Yi was originally worried about whether Xiaoju's body could handle it, but when he saw that Xiaoju had always wanted to participate in this program, Xu Yi didn't say much.

He just thought that the program team just happened to invite him to go together. Anyway, with him around, he wouldn't let Xiaoju work too hard.

However, the recording of the theme song is another matter. It is not like the game session, Xu Yi can do it for Xiaoju or help her share more.

Xiaoju can only do the recording herself. Moreover, he knows that Xiaoju has very high requirements for personal professional performance.

If she is not in good condition and cannot record the level she hopes to achieve, she will be very upset and sad.

From the beginning, Xu Yi told the director to record the theme song first, and he never thought of delaying this matter until the end of the recording.

The first attempt at recording went very smoothly, which made a good start for the subsequent recording.

However, from the second time the staff said"You can invest your emotions and start the formal recording now", the recording process gradually became less smooth.

The specific unsuccessful part was stuck here with Xiaoju. Among them, Xiaoju always sang a line of the song a little floating, and could not accurately fix it on that key.

The staff seemed a little anxious. After listening to the effect of the duo's singing for the first time, they thought they could leave work early.

But in the next two or three times, Xiaoju always had problems with this place. There were no problems with other places, which could be said to be perfect.

The staff originally thought that it was just a problem with the sound and it was not a big deal. They suggested to Xiaoju to fix the sound later, but how could someone like Xiaoju who had high demands on herself and pursued her own works tolerate such a thing?

Xiaoju flatly refused.

The staff was not unhappy. On the contrary, they admired Xiaoju's dedication to her work and kept praising her:"Nowadays, there are not many singers like you who pursue their works and pursue perfection so harshly."

Xiaoju was very anxious when she heard such compliments. She always couldn't find the feeling in that place and couldn't sing well.

��Yi found that the note that Xiaoju couldn't sing well was the one that Xu Yi saw her staring at and frowning when she was looking at the music score at first.

The staff entered the recording studio, trying to ease Xiaoju's anxious mood and help her explain the singing method of this note.

But Xu Yi knew that Xiaoju was very strong in her profession, and she definitely didn't want this to affect the normal recording and increase the workload of the staff.

So Xu Yi proposed to Xiaoju and the staff:"Why don't I and Xiaoju switch, and we each sing each other's part once. After singing it once, maybe we can understand this song more comprehensively and find the feeling better." The staff and Xiaoju agreed. There is no better way at present, so why not try Xu Yi's proposal.

In this case, Xiaoju trusts Xu Yi even more. She wants to rely on him, but she knows that this difficulty must be overcome by herself.

It is precisely because Xu Yi understands Xiaoju's desire to overcome it by herself that he made the proposal just now.

After the two exchanged lyrics and sang it once, everything was different.

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