After a good meal and a good drink, the room was warm. Seeing that everyone was a little sleepy, Teacher He started to organize everyone to play games.

Teacher He gathered everyone around the floor table and started the game.

Before starting, Teacher He reminded everyone:"Pay attention to details, pay attention to all details."

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Teacher He began to gesture.

He raised both hands, extended his index fingers, pointed at his temples with his two index fingers, and said:"This is open."

Then, he moved his two index fingers away from his temples and spread them outward, saying:"This is closed." Finally

, Teacher He made the right index finger point forward and the left index finger point to the temple, and then asked everyone:"Is this open or closed?"

Cai Xukun was anxious to show off, and quickly answered:"It's open!"

He naturally thought that this should be open from Teacher He's last gesture of opening his hands.

But it was quickly denied by Teacher He:"It's closed."

Cai Xukun showed a puzzled expression, unbelievable.

Teacher He said,"I'll do it again."

This time, the first half of the action was exactly the same as the last time. When the two fingers were placed on the temple, it was called"open", and when the two fingers were moved away from the temple, it was called"closed".

In the last questioning action, Teacher He made a slightly larger action than before. He raised the fingers of his right hand and made a check mark, and then asked everyone again:"Is this open or closed?"

Cai Xukun still followed the same idea as before, looked at Teacher He's two hands apart, and guessed"open".

But this time, Teacher He told him that the answer was correct:"It is open."

Cai Xukun happily raised his head on the spot and began to show off.

Peng Peng saw the clues on the side, looked at Cai Xukun and said,"This is open, but don't guess."

He looked at Cai Xukun and didn't understand at all. He guessed the correct answer just now by chance, or it should be said that he just happened to guess it.

Because when Teacher He was doing the action just now, Peng Peng was always watching Cai Xukun. Seeing that Cai Xukun was staring at Teacher He's hands the whole time, he probably thought that Teacher He's two hands finally made a gesture of separation, so this was open.

But in fact, the trick to this game is not in the gestures at all, but in the"mouth shape".

In fact, it doesn't matter what gestures Teacher He makes, whether it is open or closed. The answer to the final question, whether it is open or closed, depends on whether Teacher He's mouth shape is closed or open when he finishes the last word.

If it is closed, it is closed, and if it is open, it is open. The gestures made by Teacher He are just confusing.

But Cai Xukun didn't pay attention to Teacher He's mouth the whole time, but was looking at Teacher He's confusing gestures. He just said the right answer, obviously by guessing.

Then, Teacher He made one gesture after another, and then announced the answer to everyone. The sister was a little confused, and it can be said that she had no clue.

Cai Xukun saw it, turned around and asked sister Zifeng:"Do you understand?"

Sister Zifeng shook her head.

At this time, Cai Xukun felt that his chance to show off had come, and began to analyze it for sister Zifeng.

After Teacher He's gestures, he realized that the switch game was not that simple.

He held Teacher He's hand and said to his sister,"This is definitely not a gesture game!"

He was right, but the following analysis was completely off the track and made people laugh.

"Whether it is on or off should depend on what Teacher He said in the last question. If asked whether it is on or off, it is on; if asked whether it is off or on, it is off!"

After saying that, he looked at Sister Zifeng, as if he had completely mastered it, and interacted with her like teaching:"This is very simple, do you understand now?"

Sister Zifeng was still confused, wondering what Cai Xukun was talking about. She frowned and said nothing.

Then, Teacher He said a word, which immediately slapped Cai Xukun in the face:"No, no."

Teacher He asked Cai Xukun:"Do you think there is a problem with the last sentence of whether it is on or off, then I won't say this sentence."

Cai Xukun opened his mouth wide on the spot, looking confused.

The audience in the live broadcast room quickly took screenshots

"There are emoticons again!"

Many viewers in the live broadcast room have played this game before and know the tricks of the game. They have also explained it to the audience in the barrage. Now the audience in the live broadcast room are all open-eyed players, watching Cai Xukun pretending to know and making a fool of himself.

"It really made me cry with laughter. I don't understand but I still have to show off my IQ."

"In the past, people asked me what exactly did Cai Xukun’s fans love about him, and I thought about it for half a year but still couldn’t answer. Now I think I finally know, maybe it’s because they love his funny side!"

"It's so funny. If he doesn't show off in a while and make a fool of himself, he won't be himself."

At this time, Teacher He started the next round of movements.

He stretched out the index fingers of both hands and stretched them to the left side of his ears, saying,"This is open."

Then, Teacher He stretched his hands in the opposite direction and said,"This is closed."

When doing the last movement, Teacher He completely closed his mouth, just crossed two fingers on his chest and closed his mouth.

Teacher Huang and Peng Peng said together,"Close."

Cai Xukun widened his eyes with a stupid expression on his face:"What the hell is this?"

Xiao Ju watched for a while and became interested, so he pulled Xu Yi to join in. Seeing more people joining the game, Teacher He became enthusiastic and started to do one move after another.

Xiao Ju guessed several times, but none of them were right. Xu Yi, who had been silent the whole time, smiled knowingly. After Teacher He finished the second competition, when Cai Xukun insisted on showing off his IQ and guessed that it was related to what Teacher He said at the end, Xu Yi had actually seen the mystery in it.

Teacher He saw Xu Yi's smile, looked over and asked Xu Yi:"You understand, don't you?"

Xu Yi nodded at Teacher He.

Cai Xukun didn't believe it, looked at Xu Yi and said:"You are just being mysterious, I don't believe it."

He thought to himself, I haven't guessed it right for a long time, how could you know the trick so quickly? Moreover, except for the original guests Mr. Huang and Peng Peng, even his sister didn't understand it.

How could you know? If you knew, why didn't you answer it once just now? He must be pretending to know and want to show off in the live broadcast room.

Mr. He and Xu Yi had read Cai Xukun's mind from his face. Then, Mr. He made two more moves towards Xu Yi, and Xu Yi guessed them one by one.

Mr. Huang looked at Xu Yi from the side, showing a kind smile, and affirmed:"He really understood it."

Xiaoju was very curious. After learning that Xu Yi understood, she immediately leaned over and asked Xu Yi:"How do you see this?"

Xu Yi hooked Xiaoju's nose with his finger and asked her with a smirk:"Guess?"

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