Xiaoju reached out and touched Xiao H's round, furry yellow head, and asked her gently,"Are you hungry?"

Cai Xukun saw that Xiao H had left him but still refused to give up. When he heard Xiaoju talking about hunger, he quickly picked up a piece of mutton and stretched it in Xiao H's direction:"Come on, come to brother! Brother has meat here!"

Xiao H did not move at all, and did not even look at Cai Xukun. She still sat obediently between Xiaoju and Xu Yi's chairs, wagging her tail to act cute.

Cai Xukun's hand holding the mutton slice was suspended in the air, and he was very embarrassed.

At this time, Xu Yi picked up the chicken leg in the bowl. Before he handed it to Xiao H, Xiao H jumped up and took it away with his mouth flexibly.

Cai Xukun was embarrassed again, put down the meat slice in his hand, and finally gave up this time.

Xiao H was chewing the chicken leg, not far from Xiaoju and Xu Yi's chairs. Xiaoju saw that Xiao H's mouth was full of oil, and he looked very cute.

She was worried that Xiao H would be thirsty after eating the chicken leg, so she went to the house to get Xiao H some water.

Little H is very smart and knows who is truly kind to him. After eating the chicken leg and drinking water, Little H lay down at Xiao Ju's feet, rubbing her legs, with a satisfied look on his face.

Sister Zi Feng looked at Xiao Ju enviously:"It seems that Little H likes you very much. I have been in the Mushroom House for so long, and he doesn't like me to touch his head, let alone sleep next to me."

Xiao Ju looked down at Little H with a faint smile on his face and soft eyes. This scene, in the eyes of the male fans in the live broadcast room, was sighed like a pervert.

"This look, if only you could look at me……"

"Damn Xu Yi, how could he deserve my Ju!"

"I will never forgive you for stealing my wife!"

"Brothers in front, calm down. Even if it's not Xu Yi, it won't be your turn."

"Forget it, if there has to be a man who gets Xiaoju, then I would rather it be him."

After a day of live broadcast today, Xu Yi has truly convinced these male fans who adore Xiaoju. Occasionally, they will feel a little agitated and dissatisfied, but they will eventually recognize Xu Yi.

Especially when they see another male guest, Cai Xukun, everyone feels that it is great that the man who gets Xiaoju is Xu Yi.

If it is someone like Cai Xukun who is only good in appearance, then they would really want to kill him and then commit suicide. It is absolutely unacceptable!

At this time, Xiaoju heard a fierce barking from the direction of the dog pen in the yard.

Xiaoju heard that it was the puppies barking, and then looked at Teacher He and asked,"Are they hungry?"

Teacher He looked at the watch, nodded and said,"It should be, it's time for them to eat."

With that, Teacher He stood up from the chair and ran towards the direction where the dog food was placed.

Halfway through, Teacher He suddenly turned around and greeted Xiaoju,"Do you want to feed them?"

""Can I?" Xiaoju asked Teacher He happily.

Teacher He smiled and waved at Xiaoju, inviting her to come over enthusiastically:"Of course! I see you are very popular with small animals."

After that, Teacher He called Xu Yi again:"Xu Yi, come too! Men and women work together, and the work is not tiring!"

Seeing Xiaoju's excited face, Xu Yi knew that she really wanted to feed. He immediately stood up from his seat and took Xiaoju to find Teacher He. When

Teacher He saw the two of them coming over to join him, he went to get the dog food without hesitation. After observing for half a day today, Teacher He liked Xu Yi and Xiaoju even more.

He wanted to help the two of them get as many shots as possible. In the Mushroom House, feeding cute pets is a fixed project. According to data from previous seasons, the audience likes to watch these scenes very much.

If Xu Yi and Xiaoju participate in it, it can increase popularity and give the audience more good impressions.

Then there was a unique feeding battle.

The four little ones were released from the dog pen, and when they saw that they could eat, they all ran lively The one with the strongest fighting power is Xiaopiao, who is a typical"eater from the bowl, with an eye on the pot". After eating half of the food in his own bowl, he would go to grab other people's. And he didn't just grab one bowl, but all three brothers and sisters' bowls. He was very domineering.

Xiaoju helped to preside over justice several times and protect the food bowls of other little friends. The big eater Xiaopiao couldn't eat the food of several brothers and sisters, so he started to think about the food in his mother Xiao O's bowl.

Xu Yi took Xiao O's rice bowl to a slightly farther place and watched Xiao O eat.

Not long after, the four little guys, the pot, bowl, ladle, and basin, ran over together and ran in a ball around Xu Yi's feet.

Xiaoju thought they were going to steal Xiao O's food at first, and said anxiously:"No, this is your mother's food.……"

But after a while, she found that they had no intention of snatching Xiao O's food.

Teacher He came over and smiled and revealed the secret:"They are full and want to play, begging Xu Yi to play with them! It seems that they like Xu Yi very much."

Xu Yi smiled and said:"Maybe I have the smell of meat! I stayed in the kitchen for a long time in the afternoon, so I got it."

Teacher He handed the toy ball that the dogs played with to Xu Yi, and Xu Yi threw the ball under the close attention of the six puppies. The six puppies ran out like crazy to catch it, as if they were competing to see who could grab the ball and bring it back.

In the end, Dad was better, and Xiao H won every time and brought the ball back.

Perhaps because of being with these little cuties, Xu Yi also became playful and started to have bad intentions.

In order to prevent Xiao H from winning every time, he began to use fake moves. He pretended to throw the ball, but he didn't throw the ball at all.

Xiao H and the other five puppies were fooled, and Xu Yi and Xiao Ju smiled with satisfaction like children.

Cai Xukun sneered at the side:"It's just a trick, what's there to be happy about! Are you stupid!"

However, many viewers in the live broadcast room, especially Xu Yi's female fans, don't think so.

In their eyes, this scene just now is like discovering a new world.

"Oh my god, my idol, I didn't expect you to have such a childlike side"

"How many sides of you do I not know? I am dead.……"

"I want to be that toy ball, held in your hand"

"I'm different, I want to be like those dogs (What am I saying)……"

"Obsessed with male gods, losing reason!"

Cai Xukun was right. Being liked by small animals would indeed attract the favor of female fans.

Seeing several cute puppies happily circling around Xu Yi, they were cute, lively and active, which made Xu Yi exude a youthful and warm atmosphere.

Xu Yi thus attracted another wave of female fans, and his popularity rose rapidly. After playing for a while, Teacher He saw that it was completely dark outside and the temperature had become a little cool.

Teacher He called everyone back to the room and organized everyone to sit around the floor table. The classic game session of the Mushroom House was about to begin.——"Guess if it’s on or off?"

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