My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 784 The Inheritance Of The High Priest

Just as the night elf warriors continued to advance under the leadership of Levin, a Storm Crow bathed in green blood flew across the chaotic battlefield and flew in front of him.

The crow landed lightly, and then there was a flash of light, transforming into a bare-chested, burly night elf—Fandral Staghelm.

"Mr. Levin, the time has come to change defenses. You can evacuate the battlefield." Fandral's voice was rich and powerful. He continued, "Commander Garrod was full of praise for your performance and said that you are brave and extraordinary."

He glanced at the war-torn surroundings and continued: "However, Jarod wants to remind you that there is no need to rush forward now. The decisive battle is imminent. The main force of the resistance army will not launch a full-scale attack for the time being. Now the front is pushed too far. "

Seeing Levin nodding, he continued: "Moreover, the Pandaren reinforcements and the tauren warriors who left temporarily will arrive at the camp soon. When they all arrive, we will usher in a large-scale rest. , is the decisive final battle.”

"Really..." Levin heard this and ordered to stop advancing.

And he turned around and greeted the three young people around him, and together they evacuated the land that was ravaged by the war.

Fandral Staghelm, who took his place, instantly transformed into a ferocious giant bear, roared into the chaotic battlefield, and continued the unfinished battle.

Before leaving, Levin looked back at the devastated battlefield with mixed feelings in his heart. "The final battle is finally coming."

Although with Levin's efforts, his side's resistance army gained an advantage in the battle against the demons, looking at the entire battlefield [Kang's resistance army did not have an advantage in every place.

In fact, in most areas, the rebels are the disadvantaged party.

This is not because the rebels are not working hard. On the contrary, the rebels are already trying their best at this time.

On the high-end battlefield, the demigods of the wilderness fought fiercely with the senior generals of the Burning Legion with their unyielding will.

The mortal soldiers of the night elves, inspired by the high-level officers who took the lead, had high morale, resisted heroically, and finally survived this difficult period full of challenges.

At this critical moment, the main force of the Pandaren, led by the commander-in-chief Guan Zhengye, rushed to the battlefield like a storm.

Seeing that the war was critical, they launched a surprise attack on the side of the Burning Legion without taking any rest or taking off their armor, horses or saddles.

Completely different from the Dark Night Empire, which advocates individual heroism, the Pandaren's fighting style is known for its strict discipline and superb legion coordination. The pandas formed neat and uniform square formations. Under the precise command of the officers, they moved like one person and attacked like a tide.

General Guan chose the monk troops as the sharp knives to attack the flanks. Their appearance posed a huge threat to the Burning Legion. Facing this sudden and unfamiliar enemy, the demons were obviously unprepared. Under the fierce attack of the Panda Life force, their flank defense line was easily torn open like paper.

In order to avoid falling into the danger of being encircled by both sides, the Burning Legion was forced to make a difficult decision - to abandon some of the demons bitten by the pandaren and evacuate the battlefield urgently.

On the Pandaren side, since they had just entered the battlefield and did not understand the situation, they did not pursue blindly. They knew very well the principle of not chasing an enemy when they were in trouble, so under the iron discipline of the officers, the troops stopped the attack in an orderly manner, and instead consolidated the occupied positions and waited for new fighter opportunities.

The performance of the pandaren on the battlefield was of course clearly visible to the night elves. With this battle, the pandas have won the respect and gratitude of their allies. Commander Jarod is also extremely lucky that he followed Levin's advice and sent people to the panda kingdom.

"An army that emphasizes such discipline is indeed impressive." Jarod stared at the orderly military formation of the Pandaren and sighed sincerely, "This is indeed very different from our night elves' fighting style."

Although Jarod's performance on the battlefield made him known as a genius commander, after seeing the Pandaren army, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought. His talents were most vividly demonstrated in his command on the battlefield and his overall view. However, he was not outstanding in terms of training and disciplined control of soldiers.

This is not a problem of his personal ability, but stems from his experience and inertial thinking formed over a long period of time.

What's more, the night elves are a race with a long history, and each night elf has a lifespan of thousands of years, which directly leads to the fact that the night elves follow the tradition very much.

And this respect for tradition also means that it is extremely difficult to initiate some kind of change among the night elves.

A few days after the pandaren reinforcements arrived, the chiefs of the various tauren tribes followed suit and returned to the camp, gathering again under the banner of Huon Highmountain.

Next, the rebel commander-in-chief Jarod and the Pandaren Marshal Wang Guanzhengye began to discuss cooperation matters between the two parties. This is a life-and-death war [no details can be sloppy.

Huon Gaoling and the leaders of other small races who joined the coalition also participated in this meeting. However, including the tauren, the population of these races is not large, and the size of the team they bring is relatively small. It is so small that it cannot even be called a real army.

Among the rebel coalition, only the night elves and pandaren can truly be called an army in terms of organizational capabilities and scale. They have strong combat effectiveness and rigorous military organization, and are the backbone of the coalition. Therefore, this military meeting is completely led by the night elves and pandas, and the others can only make suggestions.

Facing the upcoming war, Jarod did not waste time getting hung up on trivial matters.

He quickly and decisively discussed appropriate combat strategies with all parties. Time is tight and they have no time for mixed training and can only rely on their respective military leaders to lead their armies.

Although the pandas and night elves will fight independently in terms of tactics, in terms of general strategy, they will obey Jarod's unified dispatch. This arrangement not only ensures the independence of the armies of all parties, but also achieves overall strategic coordination and unity.

The long war is like a huge forge, which is constantly tempering every soldier who steps into it under the blazing hands.

This fire is cruel and merciless. On the one hand, it returns countless brave warriors to the warm embrace of Elune with a ruthless elimination rate. On the other hand, it forges those talented elites into A sparkling gem.

The night elf rebels paid a heavy price in this endless battle, and countless lives were lost in the flames of war. However, on this trial ground of blood and fire, many new stars are rising.

Many of the priests of the Druid Order and the Sisters of Elune that Levin knew about began to show their talents. The names of many of them were remembered by Levin in his previous life. Thinking about it, after the end of the War of the Ancients, these warriors who emerged in the war gradually became the backbone of the night elves supporting the night elves.

In the Sisterhood of Elune, that

As for the Sisters of Elune, the highly respected High Priest Dejana, although she absorbed too much energy due to the forcible use of the Tears of Elune and was once in a crisis of severe overdraft, in the end, she ended up with amazing results. With his perseverance, he forcibly broke away from the clutches of death and survived.

However, surviving is not the whole story.

This ordeal left deep damage to her body. Now she is very weak and it takes a lot of effort to even stand, let alone move normally. Such Dejana can no longer go to the front line as she did in the past and perform her lofty duties as the High Priest of Elune.

Faced with this reality, High Priest Dejana had long begun to consider a smooth transition of his power.

She chose to intentionally delegate power, and began to use a cramming teaching method to teach Tyrande, her successor, the experience of defeating the high priest.

Under Dejana's careful guidance, Tyrande grew rapidly like a seedling that absorbed the rain, and its strength increased day by day. At the same time, Maiev, another candidate who might have been Dejana's successor, started to take the initiative to keep a low profile after learning about Dejana's choice. This undoubtedly paved the way for Tyrande's rise to power.

However, things are unpredictable, and for some things, even if the parties involved have reached an agreement, it does not mean that everything will go smoothly. Although Maiev did not publicly express her intention to compete with Tyrande for the position of high priest, the battle priest army she led was dissatisfied with Dejana's favoritism. They felt that Tyrande's qualifications were still very young and it was difficult for her to take on big responsibilities.

Faced with this situation, Dejana originally planned to use a longer period of time to train Tyrande, making her more mature in all aspects before taking over as high priest. However, changes in the current situation forced her to rush to the shelves and implement the plan in advance.

In order to build momentum for Tyrande and subdue those opposing voices, Dejana made her identity as the Chosen of the Moon God public to the public after seeking Tyrande's consent.

This news was like a bombshell, instantly causing an uproar within the Sisterhood of Elune. The fighting priests who were determined to seek justice for their leader suddenly lost their voices after learning the news.

They understood that being a follower of the Moon God meant that Tyrande not only had extraordinary talent and strength, but also received the favor and blessing of the Moon God. Such identity and background undoubtedly make her the perfect candidate for the high priest.

After all, the Sisters of Elune are a religious organization.

When the goddess made her position clear, the dissatisfied fighting priests had to bury these emotions deep in their hearts, even if they still had complaints in their hearts. They also know very well that to forcefully object under such circumstances is really against the deal, and the label of "disrespecting the goddess" will be slapped heavily on their heads, making them feel ashamed in the sisterhood.

Fortunately, Tyrande, the newly promoted high priest, is also up to par. Although she is slightly inferior to Maiev in terms of martial arts, her performance on the battlefield is not inferior. With her higher divine favor than Maiev, she has acquired more exquisite divine skills, which allows her to perform very well on the battlefield. She saves her comrades at critical moments time and time again, turning the tide of the battle and even though she is suffering from injuries. You can't even flinch even if you're seriously injured.

Her bravery and determination not only restored the decline of the front line, but also won widespread praise among the sisterhood.

Now, those battle priests who once criticized her can no longer find excuses to accuse her.

Even they, looking at Tyrande's figure on the battlefield, their dissatisfaction and complaints gradually dissipated.

In other areas, Tyrande also demonstrated her extraordinary qualities as a high priest.

Although she does not have many supporters among the battle priests, her popularity among ordinary people, especially those from Suramar, far exceeds that of Maiev. With her super soothing ability, she brought spiritual comfort to the people; with her excellent political wisdom, she consolidated the status of the sisterhood. Soon, she firmly established herself as the high priest in this religious organization and became a leader respected by everyone.

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