Seeing the three-person team reentering the battle, Levin turned around with relief. He no longer needed to be distracted from taking care of Ellyse, so he transformed into a chimera form again, ready to start his personal battle.

Unfettered, Levin charges unscrupulously on the battlefield like a heavy tank. His powerful attack power and impenetrable defense make him like no one among the demons. On the soles of his lion's forefoot, there were claws like falcons. Every swing was accompanied by a bloody storm, and countless demons died under his claws.

For Levin, the attacks of ordinary demons are like scratching the surface and cannot pose any threat to him at all.

However, the demons are not without solutions. At this time, the frontline commander of Levin's demons was a burly Wrath Guard. The Wrath Guards were all from the Eredar clan, but they did not follow the racial tradition to become spellcasters, but instead embarked on the path of warriors.

But even so, the eredar's natural high intelligence gave the Wrath Guards a cunning mind, which allowed them to serve as officers in the Burning Legion.

At this "May 13" moment, the sharp gaze of the angry guard has already been locked on the mighty Chimera on the battlefield. He cunningly mobilized his troops, made secret arrangements, and carefully selected an elite demon squad to bypass the Chimera's defense line and attack the night elves behind it.

This strategy really worked, and soon, Li successfully cut off the connection between Chimera and her comrades behind her.

Just like that, unknowingly, the Chimera was left alone, and then was deeply surrounded by demons. The demon commander looked at the trapped Chimera with a sly and cruel smile on his face, as if he had foreseen the other party's doom.

But just when the demon commander thought he had a chance to win and was about to celebrate his victory, the besieged Chimera suddenly displayed shocking magical abilities. Originally, the demons thought this was just a special Druid of the Claw, who was only good at melee combat.

Who would have thought that the other party suddenly released powerful magical power.

Chimera took a deep breath, and a dark light surged around her body. Immediately afterwards, a ripple with a strange light spread rapidly from it, like ripples on the water.

Under the influence of this ripple, the demons surrounding Chimera suddenly stiffened, as if their souls had been taken away by some mysterious force, and they were all unable to move for a while.

The demon commander looked at this scene in astonishment. He couldn't believe his eyes. The encirclement he had worked so hard to create "just collapsed under Qiye's spell."

Now, he could only watch as his men stood there like puppets, letting the Chimera disembowel them claw by claw. This carefully planned siege ended dismally in this way.

"Damn it, what kind of magic did that guy use!" The angry guard's eyes were spitting fire, and he waved the weapon in his hand in vain, but he was unable to change the situation of the battle in front of him.

Chimera——In other words, what Levin cast was not the so-called "demon magic", but the psychic spell, psychic blasting.

Under the careful guidance of Xal'atath, Levin has successfully touched the dark side of the Force - it should be said that the dark side of the power of the mind, which makes the psychic abilities he exerts

Contains powerful shadow power.

Although the power of shadow cannot enhance the effects of spells such as mental detection or mental barrier, it gives psychic spells a stronger corrosive effect. Therefore, when Levin's offensive psionic spells hit an enemy, the damage they cause is heavier and longer-lasting.

At this moment, seeing the demons around him pouring in like a tide, with their numbers increasing, Levin took a deep breath and began to gather the power of shadow psychic energy. The force gathered in his throat

Guowen seemed to be able to feel a black flame burning in his throat.

"The power of shadow can hurt others as well as yourself. Unless it is absolutely necessary, use it as little as possible." Levin thought to himself while casting the spell.


Following his roar, the psychic spell——[Psychic Scream] was suddenly activated. The sound waves spread out around Levin like an explosion, like an invisible storm, sweeping through the entire battlefield. Except for the Aili Leisi team he specially protected, all the demons within a few dozen meters were affected by the violent impact of this sound wave.

The demons held their heads and fell to their knees one after another, their faces full of pain and fear. The power of shadow roughly invades their brains, and even the strongest demons cannot withstand this damage. After all, these creatures with chaotic nature are not strong in mental defense.

At the same time, this power of the shadow mind also injects deep "fear" into the demons - this is one of the emotions closest to the power of shadow, which makes the demons feel fearful and choose to flee. Many demons covered their heads, turned around and ran away, regardless of the angry commander yelling at them from behind to keep the battle line.

There was an obvious breakthrough in the enemy's front line in front of them. When the rebels saw this scene, their morale was greatly boosted. They charged one after another and fought side by side with Levin [intending to expand the victory.

"Master, you are such a genius. It's amazing how fast you learn." A charming female voice echoed softly in Levin's mind, but Elleisse and others behind him knew nothing about it.

The owner of the voice was Xal'atath, and it didn't take long for her to teach Levin to master the power of shadow, but she never expected that Levin would be able to integrate the power of shadow into his own mind spells so quickly.

In fact, after roughly understanding the nature of the power of shadow from Xal'atath, Naifen mastered the two commanders [Shadow Commander, Shadow Body Skiller.

[Shadow Command: When you display the use of psychic powers containing the power of shadow, you will have a more comprehensive connection with the shadow plane. When you display the ability to use, dispel, or detect the power of shadow, you are treated as Normally one casting level higher. 】

[Shadow power: All the abilities you display are marked with fear by the power of shadow. You can add the power of shadow to any of your psychic powers. You can change the erosion effect caused by the shadow power. So that any living creature will be shaken for 1 minute while receiving a shadow erosion caused by this ability...

Logically speaking, a druid would usually integrate all weapons and equipment into his body when transforming. However, at this moment, the chimera that Levin transformed had a strange-looking scimitar strapped to its back. This scimitar seems not to belong to this world, and its existence itself reveals a sense of strangeness and ominousness.

Levin brought Xal'atath to the battlefield for a reason.

If Levin is in a state of near-death at this moment and can look around from the perspective of his soul, he will be surprised to find that within a radius of tens of meters, every time a demon falls, a demon will emerge from its corpse. A translucent soul trying to escape from the constraints of this world. However, these poor souls are all eventually attracted to Xal'atath without exception, and then mercilessly devoured by her.

"Hiccup... I haven't been so satisfied for a long time." The female voice couldn't help but let out a satisfied burp after savoring the gluttonous feast of her soul.

The horror of demons lies not only in their strength and cunning, but also in their despairing ability to resurrect.

No matter how bravely the enemies of the Burning Legion fought and how many demons they killed, the overall combat effectiveness of the Burning Legion never seemed to weaken.

Because those demons who were knocked down can always be reborn in the Twisting Nether, and then return to the front line again to fight for the Burning Legion.

However, there is a premise for all this - their souls must be able to escape back to the Twisting Nether. Only there can demons reshape their bodies.

But here at Levin, everything is different.

Whenever a demon falls near Levin, their souls will be mercilessly devoured by this scimitar. This is the power of Xal'atath. She feeds on the souls of demons, thereby preventing their resurrection——Levin is not satisfied with 0.5 to eliminate the demons that invaded Azeroth. If there is a chance, of course he will To dig out the roots of the Burning Legion.

However, due to the limitations of Xal'atath's own abilities, she could only prey on demon souls near Caiwen, so she did not arouse the vigilance of the Burning Legion officers.

Of course, Xal'atath cannot devour souls as he pleases. According to her agreement with Levin, she can only prey on demon souls. Those night elf resistance fighters are prohibited targets. Even if the night elf fighters around Levin die, their souls will freely go to the kingdom of death after their death without any hindrance.

"What a sin." Whenever she saw those pure white souls floating lightly into the distance, but she couldn't taste their deliciousness, Xalatasqi's heart was always full of unwillingness.

However, Xal'atath also knows that his current situation is completely different from that in the past when he was in the hands of Zandu.

Her current master, Levin, is not only powerful and cunning, but also knows her abilities and weaknesses very well. Therefore, she no longer dared to treat Levin as lightly as she treated Zandu. She could only obey his orders obediently and play the role of a tool. .

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