"Hurry! Hurry up! In order to welcome the arrival of the great Lord Sargeras, we must do our best. Glory and victory are right in front of us!"

At the edge of the Well of Eternity, a nathrezim passionately urged the upper elf mages, asking them to use the arcane power of the Well of Eternity to widen the huge portal.

Dath'Remar Sunstrider looked pale due to his continuous casting of spells and excessive use of magic power in his body, and his physical strength was almost exhausted. Seeing how exhausted he was, the upper elf companions standing behind him quickly stepped forward and replaced him from the magic circle.

"Dathrema, go meditate quickly and restore your magic power. Leave it to me to deal with it." The mage who replaced him said eagerly.

Dasrema raised his tired arms, wiped the sweat from his forehead, squeezed out a weak smile on his face, and responded: "Okay, then I'll leave this place to you, be careful.

The other party was not only a friend of Dath'Rema, but also a companion who had rescued Tyrande with him. The interests of both parties were almost completely tied together, so Dath'Rema trusted him very much.

As his companions took over his position, Dath'Rema finally breathed a sigh of relief, and together with other upper elf mages who had also just retreated from the magic circle, they slowly walked towards the makeshift lounge with a tired pace.

On the way to the lounge, he could hear the whispers of the other Highborne around him.

"What do these demons really think of our noble upper elves? Are we their 24-hour laborers?" An upper elf mage complained angrily.

"Shh! Keep your voice down. Her Majesty the Queen has agreed to recruit a large number of our noble arcanists. Don't let the personal guards hear your complaints." Another upper elf mage reminded, "At the same time, look around vigilantly.


Hearing this, Dathrema couldn't help but frown, and a complex emotion surged in his heart.

Dath'Rema walked slowly into the lounge with heavy steps. His face was full of exhaustion, but the blank look in his eyes was for other reasons.

He chose a bed, sat down heavily, and his eyes fell unconsciously on the 170 wall opposite, which was as smooth as white jade. The cold white seemed to tell the endless loneliness.

In the lounge, several noble arcanists who were still shouting loudly before have now calmed down and entered deep meditation. The task of expanding the portal is very tedious, and there are so many tasks assigned above. This makes them have to seize every minute to rest when they have the opportunity, and they don't even have time to complain.

A bitter smile appeared on Dath'Rema's lips.

"For the glory of the upper elf?" He whispered to himself, his voice full of confusion and self-mockery, "If you place your hope of resolving class conflicts within the clan on those demons, how can there be any glory at all?"

His thoughts couldn't help but drift back to his previous mission experience. During that time, he witnessed with his own eyes the perseverance and courage of the top brass of the resistance, and their beliefs were as firm as a rock. In sharp contrast, Queen Azshara's puzzling actions - he couldn't understand it at all.

This made him feel confused and made him make a choice - to join the resistance.

As an upper elf who had many conflicts with the civilians, he found his own value and purpose with the resistance.

He assisted Levin in successfully rescuing Tyrande Whisperwind, a key figure in the resistance. It was a thrilling operation. They went to great lengths to avoid the enemy's heavy blockade, and finally rescued Tyrande from the dungeon of the palace.

However, these risks now seem to be worth it. According to the latest information from outside, "Tyrande has officially become the high priest of the Sisters of Iron.

This news delighted Dath'Remar and the highborne who joined him in his plan. After all, they had taken risks to rescue Tyrande, and Tyrande could be said to owe them a favor. Now that her status has improved, it also means that the return on their investment has also increased.

However, they were not happy for long.

Just like Levin said, thanks to their (bjdf) careful preparations in advance, even if they encountered an accident on the way to rescue Tyrande and even unfortunately lost several companions, Vosma and others still managed to rob the prison. Not exposed.

Especially Levin kept his promise. After leaving Aissalin, he cast a prophecy spell to cover up the traces of their escape and cover up the information about their escape. Because of this, although Azshara was furious because of Tyrande's mysterious disappearance and tried her best to trace it, no matter what method was used, no one could find out what happened. No one knew that all this was their work. .

But Tyrande's escape was not without consequences.

Perhaps Azshara realized that the resistance was strong enough and had even penetrated into her city, or perhaps she had a premonition of the impending decline of the Burning Legion. No matter what, Azshara finally became anxious.

And when Azshara is anxious, the upper elf will be in trouble.

Just as Dath'Rema was preparing to secretly transfer the family's wealth, an emergency recruitment order suddenly came from the palace. All the upper elf arcane masters, without exception, were summoned to the palace by the queen, and were then dispatched to the Well of Eternity to join the massive project of expanding the portal, and Dath'Remar was naturally among them.

And their domestic servants, regardless of high or low, were all conscripted to perform heavy labor. The entire social order of the Highborne fell into chaos due to Azshara's ten orders.

In the past, Azshara would never have given such an order. After all, no matter how powerful she is, she is only one person. She can destroy an army by herself, but she cannot rule the entire Dark Night Empire by herself. As the cornerstone of her rule, the Highborne have always been loyal executors of her orders. It is through them that Azshara's orders can be conveyed to the entire empire.

Therefore, she also knew very well that the risk of offending the entire upper elf class was something she could not bear.

However, as time passed, Azshara's power no longer came only from the Highborne. The devil's support gave her greater confidence. On the contrary, most of the high-level elves, because they followed Azshara and abandoned the low-level elves, are now in a dilemma. They could only follow Azshara closely and had no choice but to accept all her demands.

Maybe this is retribution.

The Sunstrider family had originally formulated an evacuation plan, but Azshara's sudden order disrupted all their arrangements. Even the housekeepers and servants were sent to work as coolies and do chores. The packed belongings and luggage had no choice but to stay where they were, with no one able to send them away.

Dath'Rema's thoughts drifted back to a few days ago, when he received an encrypted arcane letter from his youngest daughter Celes via a hidden line.

Recalling the information conveyed in the letter, a complicated look appeared on Dath'Rema's face. It was concern about the future and helplessness about the fate of the family.

He took a precious mana gem from the ring on his finger and crushed it without hesitation. Pure arcane magic poured into his body, relieving his weakness due to lack of energy.

"It's time to act," Dath'Rema whispered to himself, "Levin Cuiye, now I can only choose to believe in you, but don't let me down."

On the top of the tower in the palace's side hall, a night elf man stood quietly.

His eyes were tightly covered by thick black cloth, and there were strange evil patterns lingering on his body, as if they were traces of being deeply eroded by dark power. At this time, he crossed his arms, leaned back slightly, and leaned against the hard stone pillar. His eyes were blocked, but his mind seemed to have passed through the cloth, silently staring at the eternity that had been almost dyed dark green by evil energy. well.

"Why, are you missing those comrades in the resistance again, or are you reflecting on your choice to join the darkness?" A joking voice suddenly sounded from behind the man, "breaking the quiet and heavy atmosphere.

But the sudden sound did not waver the night elf man in the slightest. He still maintained his original posture, "gazing" at the surging lake in the distance.

At the same time, an elegant figure in gorgeous clothes quietly emerged. It was an upper elf with shawl long golden hair. His figure was translucent, like a ghost, and he obviously did not appear in a physical form - it was Dath'Rema.

The blindfolded man did not appear at a loss because his eyes were covered. He turned his head and faced the direction of Dath'Rema's shadow accurately, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth: Dath'Rema, if you are here just for If you laugh at me, you'd better disappear as soon as possible. I'm not in the mood to play word games with you right now. "

Hearing this, Das'Remar showed a meaningful smile on his face. He touched his chest gracefully and performed a standard noble salute, with a bit of teasing in his tone: "Oh, that's really my fault, Mr. Demon Hunter. Please forgive my offense." "Let's get back to the point." Das'Remar's projection didn't want to make the other party laugh, so he stopped joking and immediately changed to a serious face, slowly saying, "Illidan Stormrage, I didn't intend to come to you. Although you helped in the mission to rescue Lady Tyrande, I still don't believe in you, a fickle person. After hearing this, Illidan just raised his eyebrows indifferently, and seemed to be unmoved by the comment of "fickle". He asked softly: "In that case, why did you come to me specifically?" "Because someone outside the city is willing to bet on you, he has expectations for you." Das'Remar sighed and replied: "Although I have doubts about you, I respect him. I don't believe you, but I believe him. "Who is that person?" Illidan's face flashed a complicated look when he heard it, but he quickly regained his composure and asked tentatively, "Is it Malfurion or Tyrande?" "Neither." Dath'Remar denied it flatly, "You don't have to ask who he is specifically, the key is what you are going to do. What I want to convey now is his message." At this point, Dath'Remar paused, and his tone became more serious, "The final decisive battle is about to begin. When that time comes, the rebels outside the city will send an elite team to secretly sneak into Zin Aishalin." He looked directly into Illidan's eyes and continued: "We need you to pick them up and ensure that this assault team can enter the palace smoothly. Now that you are deeply trusted by the Burning Legion, it should not be difficult for you to complete this task?" As he said this, a trace of sarcastic smile flashed across his lips, which disappeared in an instant. "Enough!" Illidan's patience had been exhausted, and he interrupted Dath'Remar in a stern voice, "Just get to the point!" He has always had a bad temper, and Dath'Remar's repeated ridicule made him even more furious. "Humph! All right." Seeing this, Dath'Remar snorted lightly and restrained his playful expression, "Since you are so anxious, I will tell you directly. As long as you can help the elite team sneak into the capital, the rest of the matter will be left to me. Since we have chosen our own positions, I hope you can stick to your beliefs. After all, you don't want to see your beloved Whisperwind Priest fall into the hands of the Burning Legion again, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, Dath'Remar's projection turned into a wisp of blue light, drifting away like a meteor in the wind and disappearing in the night sky.

Illidan witnessed the disappearance of the light, clenched his fists, and his eyes flashed with unwillingness and determination. He slowly turned around, his eyes passed through the night, and cast towards the towering main building complex of the palace


His heart was full of struggles and contradictions, but when he gently read out this name, he finally made up his mind..

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