"Levin, is that girl your partner?" As they left, Xal'atath's voice suddenly rang in Levin's ears: "You two have an interesting relationship."

"Yes." Levin didn't look back, but simply replied, "I didn't expect she was so seriously injured."

After that, he turned his head to look at the almost endless demon army in the suburbs of Sin Aishalin in the west, his eyes became deep and firm, and he said in a deep voice: "Our losses are getting bigger and bigger, and it has gradually reached a point that the night elves can't bear. We must end this war as soon as possible, and the hidden hand left before should also be launched.'

As the war on the front line became increasingly tense, the demigods joined the battle one after another, trying their best to make up for the disparity in combat power between the rebels and the powerful Burning Legion.

In the military camp, the tense and solemn atmosphere gradually intensified with the passage of time, making people feel that this difficult battle is becoming more and more intense.

When When Levin stepped into the commander's tent, he found that apart from Garrod who was in command, only a few officers with weak combat effectiveness were here. The air in the tent seemed to be frozen, and everyone's face was full of fatigue.

Since he had learned the detailed information about Deathwing from Malfurion, Garrod did not try to keep Levin. The communication between the two was very efficient.

In principle, Garrod agreed with Levin's previous tactic of using the Dragon Soul to raid the portal of the Well of Eternity. However, he also seriously pointed out that once this plan was implemented, it meant that the decisive battle with the demons had begun. This major decision will be incorporated into the overall design of the final battle, and needs to be discussed in depth and carefully deployed at the upcoming conference.

Levin slowly turned around and stepped out of the main camp gate under the respectful military salutes of the officers.

As he was about to leave, he heard some officers whispering in the tent.

"How can we rely on those foreigners?" A voice muttered dissatisfiedly, "When the Burning Legion reinforcements did not arrive, we should have gathered all our strength and launched a frontal assault."..

Levin smiled contemptuously when he heard this.

For this view, he didn't even need to use his military talent. He only needed to think about the direction of this war in a cheating way to reverse the problem of this strategy.

In fact, the Burning Legion had already seen the possibility of this happening. Therefore, shortly after the portal was opened, they quickly sent Mannoroth as a temporary commander.

After that, Archimonde personally visited the palace to demonstrate their determination and strength.

In this high magic world, the strength of the Burning Legion is not only reflected in the huge military force, but also in the fact that they have a group of extraordinary strongmen. Legion leaders like Archimonde and abyss lords like Mannoroth are not something that ordinary night elves can deal with. Only by asking the wild demigods or guardian dragons can they be effectively suppressed.

However, it is not easy to ask these powerful beings. This requires a lot of time and energy to communicate and coordinate, and time is the most precious resource in this war.

For this reason, as long as the generals of the Burning Legion still exist, the demons can still hold their ground in the early stages of the war even if they are short of troops.

In general, this magnificent ancient war has to wait until both sides have exhausted all their strength and squeezed out the last bit of troops before the final decisive battle. It is really a helpless move, and it is also the inevitable result of the development of the war after the two sides have fully played the game.

"Mr. Levin!" Leaving the hustle and bustle of the main tent, Levin suddenly heard a familiar shout on the quiet path back to his independent tent.

He turned his head and saw Elise running towards him with an anxious look on her face, with two figures following closely behind the girl.

One of them is someone Levin knows, and that is the second-generation druid, Landra Linge.

However, what surprised him even more was that there was a special companion behind Ali Leisi - a panda with a round figure and a simple face.

"How did these three get together..." Levin couldn't help but feel doubts and curiosity in his heart.

Levin has heard from Jarod that the Pandaren clan has sent envoys to the front line through the portal in advance, aiming to pave the way for the incoming main force and complete initial communication and cooperation with the night elf resistance.

However, the panda in front of him, with a fair complexion and no beard, seems to be very different from the image of a diplomat. Although Levin has never actually seen a panda, he has seen pandas in a zoo in his previous life.

He is no stranger to pandas. This seemingly immature panda is quite similar to the underage panda in his memory, so he guessed that this special envoy may not have officially reached adulthood yet.

Judging from her petite and curvy body, she seems to be a young girl.

"What's wrong? You're in such a panic." Levin asked Ellyse with a somewhat reproachful tone.

"Something happened! Something happened, Levin!" Elleis rushed forward in a hurry, grabbing Levin's sleeves tightly, her eyes full of panic and helplessness, "You know, we originally planned to build a daily life in Black Crow Castle. The new residence of the family, but until today, the butler and servants have not arrived at Black Crow Castle."

At this moment, more than half a month has passed since Levin and the other three left Zin Aissalin. Under today's urgent situation, even if the Sun Chaser family needs to sort out and dispose of their property, they should not delay it for so long without any response.

Levin frowned slightly, stretched out his hand, and gently comforted Ellyse: ".||Don't be afraid, Ellyse, calm down. Did Mr. Dathrema send someone to deliver the news to you?"

Alice shook her head, with a hint of trembling in her voice: "No."

Her trembling hands held Levin's hand tightly, trying to find some support from him. After all, this child is not yet an adult. The great changes that have occurred in just two months have made her deeply aware of how narrow the world she lived in before was.

Levin shook his head in confusion: "This is indeed a bit unreasonable."

In the brief contact, he understood Dath'Rema's character.

In his impression, Dathrema is a thoughtful person who will never neglect easily. (Zhao Li) also attaches great importance to family. He always personally handles all family affairs, and is very attentive to them. For such important matters as arranging a retreat for the family, Dath'Rema would have put more attention and energy into it. However, to this day, his messenger has not been seen yet. What is going on?

Levin gently stroked Alice's soft hair, his deep eyes shining with thought. After a moment, he slowly spoke: "Perhaps something new happened inside Zin Assalin, which made Dath'Rema temporarily unable to escape. But don't worry, we planned it together with Mr. Dath'Rema at the beginning. When rescuing Tyrande, the plan was very thorough and there was no possibility of any mistakes. I believe their safety should be guaranteed and would not be easily exposed."

At this point, Levin's voice gradually became lower, as if he was talking to himself: "At least, for now, they should be safe."

The voice of this sentence was very low, and Alice did not hear his whisper clearly. .

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