Although Levin had never studied the Dragon Soul in depth, when he slowly poured his power into the artifact, he quickly felt the mystery contained within it.

The mechanism of this powerful artifact is similar to that of the Holy Grail in the moon-shaped world. They both carry the power of making wishes, just like a machine that can realize dreams.

Making a wish to the Holy Grail consumes the magic power stored in the Holy Grail. Unlike the Holy Grail, the Dragon Soul does not consume its own magic power to realize the wish, but absorbs the user's own magic power as a price.

This mechanism is like a nine-ring [Prayer] permanently engraved on the artifact. As long as the user is willing to pay, it can respond to the user's inner desire.

But this alone cannot fully explain why the Dragon Soul has become an artifact that everyone is in awe of today.

Because in this world, there are no miracles without reason, and the realization of every wish requires a corresponding price.

The power of [Prayer] is indeed powerful, but the consumption it brings is also staggering. Although the Dragon Soul eliminates the consumption of cumbersome rituals required to activate [Prayer], the equivalent energy required to realize the wish has not been reduced. This is what makes it unique. It requires the user to carefully weigh every wish, because every ten prayers means a huge consumption of one's own childhood experience.

If you want to realize your wish, you need to consume an equivalent amount of energy, which directly limits the caster. He cannot use [Prayer] to do whatever he wants like using the Holy Grail.

However, the magic of Dragon Soul does not stop there. It also has another amazing feature - energy boost.

When the user injects his own power into the artifact, the Dragon Soul can amplify this power dozens or even hundreds of times during the prayer process. This amplification of energy enables users to realize more ambitious wishes and create more amazing miracles.

It is by relying on the peerless power endowed by the dragon soul that Neltharion can challenge the entire dragon army on his own and become an unrivaled overlord.

At this moment, the dragon soul fell into Levin's hands, and he was ready to retaliate with his own kind, using the dragon soul to fight Neltharion himself.

He took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, followed Xalatas's guidance, focused all his attention on the disk, and let his thoughts gradually sink in.

As soon as Levin touched the disc, he immediately felt its inner restlessness and uneasiness.

This was not a physical feeling, but more like a resonance deep in his soul, which made him realize that there was definitely something wrong with the source of the dragon soul.

The disc does not seem to belong to this real world. In the process of the amazing increase in the magic power of the disc, Levin can clearly sense that the extra power seems to come from a place outside the world, which also explains why it is so powerful to him. The spellcaster who uses it is so destructive.

Facing this unprecedented experience, Levin felt a deep sense of fear and uneasiness in his heart. He almost wanted to give up, but he knew that in the current situation, he could not retreat and must persevere.

Xal'atath's voice seemed to ring in his ears again: "Become one with it..."

So, Levin closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to establish a deeper connection with the dragon soul. He felt that his consciousness gradually merged with Yuanpan, and the power of the two began to blend and penetrate each other. This process was painful and difficult, but Levin persisted until he felt ten unprecedented forces throughout his body.

And just like that...he succeeded.

This force is powerful and dark, seducing Levin and corroding his soul. At that moment, Levin felt as if he had become omnipotent, and even had an impulse. I want to break out of this passage and start a life-and-death battle with Deathwing and all the black dragons in the cave.

But at this moment, Levin's mental barrier finally came into play, and the dark impulse was firmly restrained.

Levin suddenly woke up and realized that his mind had been eroded by that force.

While the dragon soul gave him unimaginable power, it also quietly changed his personality and way of thinking, making him arrogant and arrogant - just like Death at the time - as if the whole world should Surrender at his feet.

However, Levin was not swallowed up by this dark force. He suppressed his inner impulse and arrogance and tried to stay sober and rational.

The priestess's eyes were as sharp as an owl, and she keenly noticed something was wrong with Levin. She stared at Levin closely and asked with concern: "Levin... are you okay?"

Levin frowned, as if he was fighting his inner demons.

He first replied in an almost scolding tone: "I'm fine."

After saying that, he took a deep breath to calm down his agitated mood, then turned his head, cast an apologetic look at Maiev, and then pointed the dragon soul at the wall again.

"Made a path for me..." Levin crooned.

The faint light at the edge of the disk suddenly shone brightly, like a small sun blooming in the darkness. Immediately afterwards, the rock at the top of the disk instantly turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared without a trace. The power of the dragon soul is as hot as fire, easily burning away the stones and dust without leaving even a trace.

Although the other two people could not directly see how the disk exerted force, they were all shocked by the amazing power, and their eyes were full of awe and wonder.

Under the power of the disc, a new tunnel gradually appeared, extending upwards and opening up a road leading outside the cave.

"It's no problem now," Levin explained, "The Dragon Soul has opened a complete passage for us. Let's go. If the effect of the Dragon Soul is OK, we can leave the cave through this hole."

At this moment, a thunderous noise suddenly sounded behind them, shaking the small cave they were in.

Maiev glanced around the corner and shouted nervously: "The dragon is coming!"

The three of them heard the sound and started to escape without hesitation.

Malfurion stepped forward and took the lead in leaping up into the passage created by Levin, while Maiev and Levin followed closely behind, daring not to neglect at all.

The ferocious roar of the Earth Guardian continued to echo in the cave, and along with the continuous shaking of the mountain, it seemed that the entire cave was about to be destroyed.

"Where are they? I will cut them into pieces!" Neltharion (bjaa)'s roar was full of violence and anger.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a deafening crash, and Levin's heart tightened. He knew that Neltharion had discovered their traces.

"This lair is your tomb!" The black dragon roared furiously into the cave, with endless killing intent in its voice.

Immediately afterwards, there was another loud noise, and at the same time, the temperature in the cave suddenly increased, as if being in a furnace.

Neltharion begins to use his dragon's breath.

However, this time he did not use the shadow flame dragon breath commonly used by black dragons, but instead sprayed lava dragon breath. This variant of dragon breath that combines the power of the earth does not emit flames, but high-temperature lava. It is not only more powerful, but also has the characteristics of fluids, and is aimed at caves full of forks.

"Quick, come in front of me!" Levin shouted, quickly pushing Maiev out of the way to ensure her safety.

Then, he turned around decisively, grasped the dragon soul tightly, and aimed at the danger approaching behind him, focusing entirely on the disc.

In an instant, an icy blizzard appeared out of thin air. A large number of ice crystal snowflakes condensed around Levin, and then fell downward, like silver butterflies dancing in the air.

These snowflakes condensed quickly in the air, forming ice cones, like countless arrows, shooting forward with biting cold air.

At the other end of the corridor, Neltharion Dragon Breath was like an erupting volcano, spewing out a torrent of blazing lava, rushing forward with an aura that destroyed everything. Wherever the lava dragon's breath passes

The air was distorted by the high temperature, as if even the space was being burned by this force.

Soon after, the icy blizzard met the hot lava dragon's breath, creating a deafening roar and dazzling light. The cold snowflakes melted rapidly under the high temperature of the lava dragon's breath, but at the same time, new snowflakes were constantly added, forming an indestructible ice wall. However, the lava dragon's breath gradually lost its power and momentum under the obstruction of the ice wall, began to condense, and finally stagnated.

Levin himself was deeply shocked by this thrilling magic showdown. He took a breath, then quickly came to his senses and continued climbing up.

Maiev's eyes widened and she looked at the changes caused by Levin in disbelief - the entire tunnel seemed to be re-decorated with ice and snow, like a magnificent piece of ice born in the mountains.

The priestess was obviously shocked by the amazing power displayed by the dragon soul, and her heart was full of uneasiness.

"Levin, you have to be careful with that thing," she reminded, "I can't believe that ten such small objects can release such a huge amount of energy."

"You are right." Malfurion echoed, "This is indeed an incredible artifact."

During their escape, they were still amazed by the magic of the Dragon Soul. They found that the road under their feet was surprisingly easy to walk, as if this passage was not a product of magic, but was carefully dug by professional craftsmen. In addition to the gentle stairs, there are actually two rows of handrails on both sides of the tunnel, which made it easier for them to walk on the mountain road. Therefore, the three people's traveling speed was nearly twice as fast as in the cave.

"I feel the wind blowing." Maiev said cautiously, with a hint of excitement in her tone. This time we were definitely not going to a dead end. "

Hearing Maiev's words, the flame of hope rekindled in Malfurion's heart, and they involuntarily accelerated their pace. Immediately afterwards, a "whooshing" sound came into their ears, and they soon realized that this was exactly the wind sound that the priestess had just mentioned.

"Look! It's right there!" Levin pointed forward excitedly and shouted, "The entrance to the cave!"

They finally reached the end of the cave and appeared on a slope of the mountain. A cool breeze blew in their faces, as if welcoming them to escape from that hellish nest. The three of them took a deep breath of fresh air and felt the beauty and tranquility of nature. At this moment, they seemed to be reborn.

But leaving the cave is only the first step, and it does not mean that they are completely out of danger.

They themselves also knew that it would not be long before Deathwing would realize that they had successfully escaped. He and his black dragon will surely follow and launch a thrilling pursuit.

"We have to hide the disk," the priestess reminded. "Deathwing can detect the light, which will be our signal of exposure."

The power of the disc cannot be completely concealed. Even if it is hidden deep in his pocket, Neltharion may still be able to sense its presence. However, putting the disc away would at least give them a glimmer of hope of escape.

Levin carefully put the dragon soul into the space bag, and then tied the mouth of the bag tightly, as if this could seal the danger. .

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