With the acquisition of the Dragon Soul, Levin felt excited in his heart - no matter how well-informed he was and understood the history of World of Warcraft, this was the first time he had obtained the Dragon Soul.

Level artifact.

He raised his head and saw Maiev looking at him anxiously.

Levin took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, and prepared to step out of this secret room and leave this land full of unknowns and dangers.

However, just as he was about to step out of the secret room, he suddenly realized that he had made a fatal mistake.

A deafening howl of a giant dragon suddenly sounded in the cave. The sound was full of anger and violence, as if it was about to shake the entire cave to collapse.

Hearing these noises, Levin suddenly felt that something was wrong and immediately stayed where he was.

In just an instant, he figured it out - this was not the dragon soul causing trouble - the sound he just heard was actually a magic alarm set by the black dragon Neltharion. The cunning evil dragon did not set a trap directly on the disc, but cleverly arranged the magic on the secret room. Once someone steps out of the secret room with the dragon soul, the alarm will sound immediately

The trap was so cleverly designed that even Levin's keen senses failed to detect it.

As the screams of the dragons gradually dissipated in the cave, a deeper and terrifying sound began to echo from the cave walls. It was the howl of Deathwing, full of violence and madness, and the entire cave was shaken to the point of collapse.

Neltharion enjoyed every pain. Every time a bolt was hammered into his skin covered with hard scales, he felt that he was one step closer to becoming a true god. He imagined that when he was wearing indestructible armor and holding the disc containing endless power, he would be invincible and become truly invincible.

"Hurry up!" Black Dragon roared and ordered again, "You losers, hurry up!"

His patience was running low and he was extremely dissatisfied with the slow progress of the goblins.

The goblin almost had his hammer at the ready. Mecro holds the huge hammer tightly [sweat drips from his forehead. He nervously directed his men to make final preparations for the coming final ten blows.

However, at this moment, a voice that frightened all the earth guards suddenly sounded in the cave.

Neltharion thought he would never hear this sound, but he heard it with his own ears just a few days after setting up the trap. The giant dragon was so frightened that he kicked out involuntarily, sending Hammer, Meklo and the other goblins flying far away.

"My disc! My dragon soul~[!" Neltharion let out a blood-curdling roar, "How dare someone steal it!"

His rage and terror made the entire cave tremble. The goblins were frightened by this sudden change. They fled the huge secret room in panic, leaving only the black dragon roaring alone in the cave.

Neltharion struggled to get up from the ground, regardless of the fact that all the goblins had fled, and the third metal armor on his body was only half filled. As he quickly turned towards the deep corridor, the armor plates swayed in the wind, making a rustling sound.

Anger drove him to turn around suddenly, and his heavy feet and huge tail swept across the table, furnace and molds mercilessly. For a moment, the entire cave was in a mess. Flames suddenly burst into the sky all around, and a furnace exploded because it could not withstand the heat inside. Burning debris flew everywhere like meteors, and the splashing sparks ignited the surrounding flammable materials. "The fire spread quickly.

However, to Neltharion, this chaos was of no consequence. His heart was filled with anger and anxiety. Someone dared to touch his beloved, which he would never tolerate. He wants to find these thieves and make them pay for their crimes... He wants them to taste all the pain and die slowly, because such punishment is insignificant in the face of the crimes they committed.

Neltharion's anger reached its peak when he thought that these invaders could cleverly avoid numerous traps, get rid of countless guardians, and crack complex spells. This can never be done by a single person or a few people. There must be other dragon tribes involved behind the scenes.

He vowed to make all participants receive the punishment they deserve, just as he had done to the Blue Dragon Tribe, and he would not show mercy.

"He's coming!" Malfurion warned loudly at the entrance of the cave.

However, these words seemed redundant at this moment, because even Levin could hear the roar caused by Neltharion's actions.

Levin knew that their plan had gone awry, but now was not the time to regret it. He quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead and ran directly outside - the most important thing now was to escape from this dangerous place with the dragon soul.

"Levin, Maiev! Come on! Come on! Maybe there is an exit ahead! If there is wind here, there may be an exit." Malfurion followed the guidance of the previous airflow and led the two of them to run forward.

Under the leadership of Malfurion, the three people quickly and nimbly crawled towards the possible escape hole. Levin was the second to enter the cave entrance, then turned around and pulled Maiev into the cave.

Before Maiev could adjust her breathing, she was dragged by Levin and ran deeper into the cave. As they walked through the narrow passages, they could only hear their own breathing and hurried footsteps.

"There may be an exit ahead! The wind means there is hope!" Levin repeated Malfurion's words to encourage himself and his companions.

This trail is full of eerie atmosphere, with bones and waste everywhere. Malfurion, who was leading the charge, frowned, the disgust on his face clearly visible. He tried his best to avoid the disgusting waste and led the team forward quickly.

Soon, however, their desire to be free was dashed. They found two dead ends one after another, but found no exit. The airflow Malfurion felt before only came from some small gaps, which could not be passed through at all.

"It's not surprising," Maiev muttered with a wry smile, with some disappointment and exhaustion in her voice. "The black dragon was indeed cautious enough and did not leave any way out. We are truly desperate now... "

They heard heavy footsteps coming from outside the cave. The sound was like thunder, making the cave tremble. Malfurion cautiously poked his head out from the edge of the secret room and saw the huge body of the Black Dragon King slowly approaching the entrance of the cave.

".||Deathwing...he is coming." Malfurion's voice revealed deep fear.

At this moment, he deeply felt that this title from the future was so appropriate for the black dragon, especially after he witnessed those horrific scenes with his own eyes.

"Then we will fight him to the death." At this time, Maiev was ready to fight. Her voice was firm and decisive, and her expression was serious and decisive. "We want him to know that we are not timid people."

Levin was also thinking intensively about how to escape.

At this moment, Xal'atath's voice sounded softly in Levin's ears: "Master, you can use the Dragon Soul..."

Levin was stunned for a moment. He refused this suggestion at first.

As we all know, the dragon's soul contains dark magic [He has personally seen the various changes that have occurred when the black dragon uses the surrounding residence. Will this thing have a similar impact on him? He was filled with doubts and fears.

But at this moment, another deafening roar suddenly came from outside, and the entire cave began to shake. The rocks on the roof of the cave were shaken and fell, some of which were fatal. Levin knew that they had no time to hesitate anymore......

"Levin, you...what do you want to do?" A trace of uneasiness flashed in Maiev's eyes. She stared at Levin closely and saw him quickly taking out the Dragon Soul.

The disk shone in Levin's hand, and the light poured out like a waterfall. In an instant, the entire cave was filled with this bright light, and the strong light even penetrated the cave wall and shot into the dark corridor.

At this moment, they seemed to have become a bright light in the darkness, which could not be covered up. Even if Neltharion knew nothing about their hiding place before, he must have been attracted by this light now and knew their whereabouts.

Levin took a deep breath, held the Dragon Soul tightly with both hands, raised it above his head, and aimed it at the widest wall in the secret room.

"This is our last life-saving straw..." He murmured to himself, his tone full of determination.

"You must become one with it," Xal'atath's voice sounded in Levin's ears again, reminding Levin softly, "Let it become a part of you, and you also become a part of it..." .

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