My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 772 Shocked, Deathwing Turned Out To Be A Jerk

Deep in the cave, the goblin foreman wearing an apron that Levin noticed earlier ran away in a hurry. While kicking the goblins around him, urging them to speed up their work, he hurried towards the upper passage, muttering something in his mouth. Levin could hear it with his keen psychic perception, which was some calculation formulas.

Before Mecro could reach the entrance of the tunnel, Neltharion's huge body had already stepped out of the hole - exactly where Levin and the others were going - and Neltharion's body blocked the entire entrance of the tunnel. .

Seeing this, Maiev couldn't help but blurt out a few curses - she had never seen Neltharion so obsessed with this armor - fortunately, her curses were drowned out by the dragon's roar. completely flooded

"Mecro! You loser, you are worse than an insect! I can't bear it anymore! Has the new armor been finished yet?" Neltharion's roar echoed in the cave, making the walls of the cave tremble.

"Two have been made! Yes, two, my master! Did you see it?" Meclo replied with a trembling voice: "Look, it's over there!"

He pointed tremblingly in one direction, and saw several goblins pulling out a pair of huge metal armors from the mold with sweat dripping from their backs. Although the armor had been cooled in the giant wooden barrel, it still emitted a slight residual heat and made a hissing sound, as if it could burn people's skin.

Neltharion glared at the armor and snorted coldly: "I hope this one is stronger than the tattered ones last time! The two ones last time are simply trash among trash!"

The gray-haired Meclo nodded hurriedly and said solemnly: "Master, this armor is carefully cast from the finest source metal! It is stronger than steel! With your strength, this armor will The two armors can withstand any impact and are as light as a feather when worn on the body."

To prove what he said, he motioned to the goblins who forged the armor to lift one of them and show it to Neltharion. The goblins easily carried the heavy armor for a while.

While Malfurion watched from the sidelines, he originally thought that it would take an extremely large number of goblins to move this behemoth.

Neltharion stared at the armor, his eyes shining with desire. When the blazing armor passed by him, his breathing became rapid, as if he was attracted by the heat and light.

"We only need to put the armor into the water tank, and after a short period of time--" Mecro explained carefully.

However, Neltharion suddenly roared: "No!"

The old goblin Mekluo was so frightened that he asked tremblingly: "I——my master, what do you mean?"

The black dragon's eyes stared closely at the armor, with an almost crazy light shining in his eyes.

"I'm going to put it on now!" he growled.

"However, the residual heat on the armor has not dissipated, and wearing it now will only increase your burden." Merlock said quickly, "Furthermore, in order to ensure the strength of the armor, the bolts also need to be tightened at high temperatures. You should wait patiently a little longer——"

Merlock's advice was very sincere, but the black giant dragon became impatient. He directly stretched out a huge claw and stomped on the ground. I want it!"

Meclo was so frightened that he trembled all over and nodded quickly in response: "Okay - okay, Master Neltharion! It will be done right away, my master Neltharion!'

He turned his head and roared at the goblins transporting the armor: "You lazy fools, get moving!"

Just as the goblins began to work in confusion, the black dragon had already walked towards a wide open area beside the wall. Neltharion's huge body slowly lay down, completely exposing the right side of his body. The huge gaping wound still has flames spurting out from time to time, and you can feel the pain of the black dragon just by looking at it.

"Get that armor quickly!" Neltharion roared, "Hurry up, you idiots!"

Malfurion and the priestess looked at each other, filled with confusion. He frowned and muttered, "What on earth do they want to do with that armor?"

Maiev shook her head, indicating that she was also confused.

"Get the bolts ready, get the bolts ready, quick!" At this time, Mekluo began to nervously instruct the goblins: "The higher the temperature, the better!"

A dozen goblins quickly divided into two groups and busily put a giant fire tongs into the blazing furnace. The three of them saw them taking out a huge bolt from the furnace. The bolt was almost as big as Maiev's height.

"Hammer team! Prepare the hammer quickly!" Mekluo ordered again.

Following a noisy rubbing sound, there was a noise from the right side of the secret room. A dozen goblins laboriously pushed a huge machine similar to a catapult towards the black dragon. The machine was equipped with a huge metal head, one end was flat, and the other end was connected to some iron chains and pulleys.

The three of them were attracted by this complex device. Levin from Blue Star saw the usefulness of the device at a glance. He secretly sighed that the goblins did have some skills, but the two night elves were like two bumpkins, full of curiosity and curiosity. I'm confused and can't figure out the purpose of this machine at all.

"Armor!" Neltharion's roar became anxious and impatient, "Why are you so procrastinating? Get the armor quickly and follow my orders!"

The goblins were in a panic. They hurriedly carried the heavy armor like a group of disturbed ants. When they cautiously approached the towering body of the black dragon, they almost lost their balance several times. That was not because the armor was too heavy, but because the hot air spurted from Neltharion's mouth was like strong winds and huge waves, making these little greenskins sway like boats in a storm.

Finally, Meclo waved his hand, and the goblins worked together to push the armor forward. There was only a loud "clang" sound, and the armor hit Neltharion's body covered with hard scales like a meteorite.

At this moment, the sound of impact and the friction of scales were intertwined, making a harsh sound. The three bystanders were startled by the sudden loud noise and couldn't help but take a step back.

When the armor came into contact with the black dragon's scales, it made a burning sound. The terrible wounds on the black dragon's body caused the armor to shake a few times when it fell, but in the end it still faintly covered Neltharion's body.

"The armor has been stabilized!" Mecro shouted to the goblins, with a hint of relief in his voice, "Quick! Install the bolts and secure it!"

Malfurion stood there, gaping at all this. He couldn't believe his eyes: "They——they actually planned to nail it to the dragon! Is this family crazy? It's really crazy!"

Meanwhile, Maiev remained silent. Her eyes narrowed into a thin line, and she clutched the moon blade in her hand so tightly that her fingers turned white from excessive exertion.


Only Levin was not surprised by this and seemed unusually calm. He had already foreseen all this and just stood there quietly, staring at the black dragon deeply, as if he was thinking about something.

Contrary to what Malfurion and the others thought, what happened just now did not anger the Earth Guard. Instead, his face was filled with almost intoxicating joy. His smile was as bright as the midsummer sun, and his big mouth seemed to be able to Swallow the whole world in. His crimson eyes were half-lidded under the smile, shining with anticipation. His chest was like rough waves, rising and falling, showing his inner excitement and expectation.

Under the gaze of the black dragon, the goblins were busy manipulating the tongs, carefully transporting a huge bolt and aiming it at several round holes on the edge of the armor.

Malfurion's eyes swept across the holes as fast as lightning, silently counting, there were more than a dozen. Do they really plan to put these bolts through the holes and then drive them into the black dragon's indestructible body?

The black dragon's shaking body once again caused a lot of trouble to these goblins. The first two attempts failed, but on the third time, they finally succeeded in sliding the bolt into a hole in the armor. The bolt slid halfway in, and the goblins nervously clamped it firmly with long fire tongs, trying their best to prevent the bolt from falling out.


With quick eyes and quick hands, Mekluo waved to another group of goblins and shouted loudly: "Is the hammer ready? Once the bolt is in place, hit it hard!"

The goblins responded with grunts and tried their best to drag the heavy hammer to Neltharion. The dragon's half-open eyes shone with hope, and he watched the goblins busy adjusting the position of the hammer with anticipation, as if he couldn't wait to feel the unique experience of pain and pleasure from the bolt penetrating the body.

This time, Mekluo, the goblin leader, planned to take action himself. He was getting stronger with age and his skills were still as agile as when he was young. He jumped onto the black dragon's huge body with a few "bangs", and then lowered his head to carefully examine the embedded bolt. Under his command, other goblins carefully fine-tuned the bolt's position to ensure it was in optimal condition. After completing all this, Mekluo jumped down and fell steadily back to the ground.

"Big guy, pull harder!" Mekluo shouted loudly, and his voice echoed in the cave, inspiring every goblin.

The group of goblins who controlled the hammer moved upon hearing the sound. They grabbed the chain tightly and pulled with all their strength. Although the two night elves did not fully understand the inner workings of this strange machine built by the goblins, he had a clear idea of ​​their purpose.

With the efforts of all the goblins, the flat side of the huge metal hammer hit the bolt with thunderous force.

With a deafening bang, the hammer and bolt collided violently. The power of this blow caused the bolt to sink deeply into the black dragon's flesh, leaving only a short section exposed.

Neltharion endured great pain and let out a roar. However, this roar was mixed with an indescribable moan of pleasure - this painful sensation was intertwined with pleasure, making him feel an unprecedented stimulation.

"Do it again!" The black dragon's roar echoed in the cave, "Do it again, make this feeling even more intense!".

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