In a harmonious and positive discussion atmosphere, several people quickly formulated a careful plan.

However, they also clearly realized that this operation was still full of dangers.

After some deliberations, they finally decided: Levin and Maiev would be the vanguard, responsible for leading the way and exploring; Malfurion would enter the cave with them to help retrieve the dragon soul; and Krasus would stay outside to watch. , and is also responsible for ensuring a safe retreat route for them.

Immediately afterwards, Levin began to follow the methods instructed by Xal'atas and began to make magic items that could temporarily block the power of the Ancient God.

Following Xal'atath's prompts, Levin took out a crystal and slowly injected spiritual power into it, while Xal'atath also assisted. As time went by, ten crystals shining with dark light gradually took shape in his hands.

...Or rather, the Shadow Crystal.

This crystal can be regarded as the physical manifestation of "Shadow", one of the six major forces in the world of Azeroth.

In the universe where Azeroth is located, there are six kinds of Forces, and these Forces accompany each other in pairs, forming three pairs of opposite yet unified existences, which together maintain the balance and harmony of Azeroth.

The first is the confrontation between arcane magic and evil.

Arcane magic is the power of order in Azeroth, which represents stability, rules and wisdom. Its representative creatures are Titans, and Titans are also the builders of the universe. They have indeed brought life and order to many planets.

Evil energy is a kind of chaotic energy, which represents the ultimate of entropy, always destroying and destroying everything. The demons of the Burning Legion are the embodiment of evil energy. With their desire for destruction, they attempt to drag the entire world into the abyss of chaos.

The other pair of Forces is the power of life and the power of death.

What life manifests is the power of nature, which gives the power to the growth of all things in the universe. Under the influence of the power of life, the planet wakes up and the vegetation flourishes. "Sheng Li Huanteng II-Wild Demigod is the representative species of the calendar of life."

Death, however, manifests itself in the power of withering. This power is cold and ruthless. It is like the coldness of winter. Wherever it goes, life is lost, leaving only the wails of the undead and the withered earth. Their representatives are the undead of the Scourge.

The last pair of forces is light and shadow.

The expression of light is the power of holy light. It is warm and peaceful, like the rising sun, dispelling darkness and bringing hope. Their representative creatures, the Naaru, are guided by the Holy Light and guard the peace and justice of the universe.

The power of shadow is the power of shadow, which is deep and mysterious, like the curtain of night, swallowing everything and corrupting everything. The Lords of the Void use the power of shadow to manipulate darkness and evil in an attempt to swallow the light of the entire universe.

These six forces correspond to the six areas in the Dungeons and Dragons system, namely order and chaos, life and death, and good and evil.

Therefore, light and shadow are essentially emotional and spiritual forces. The holy light of goodness and nobility represents the bravery and determination of life; while the shadow of evil and depravity reveals the ugly side of the souls swallowed by darkness.

Therefore, the power of holy light and shadow is not only a kind of realistic energy, but also contains metaphysical spiritual connotation. They come from the same source as spiritual energy, both originating from the soul of life.

As the subordinates of the Lord of the Void, the Ancient Gods mastered the dark side of the Force... energy.

This is why the holy light can influence life and the ancient gods can seduce and corrupt.

Xal'atath dares to boast that it can take Levin's psychic ability to a higher level, and this is also the reason.

"Don't worry," Krasus solemnly promised as they were about to embark on their journey. "I will provide you with solid support outside to ensure nothing goes wrong. Those black dragons will never find my traces."

Returning to Neltharion's lair again, the tunnel that was once used to transport ore became their secret passage, creating excellent conditions for their infiltration. This hidden path provided them with unique cover. Otherwise, even Malfurion, who has experienced hundreds of battles, would have difficulty finding a suitable breakthrough in this intricate underground maze.

Most of the time while walking through the long and narrow tunnel, Maiev had to keep her arms close to Levin's arms, while holding the sharp moon blade in her hand, her eyes as sharp as an eagle, staring ahead.

The noise coming from the depths of the tunnel gradually increased, which made Levin secretly happy. This noisy sound can serve as their cover, and may distract the goblins, making it difficult for them to detect Levin's infiltration in the chaos.

Not long after, there was finally a faint light from the front that penetrated the bend of the tunnel, bringing a glimmer of light into the dark space.

The dim light made Maiev's nerves tense, but Levin seemed calm and calm. He reached out his hand and gently pressed Maiev's shoulder to comfort her.

"Look over there," Levin whispered softly, "I remember that after we entered the cave, the black dragon chose the left passage."

Maiev nodded slightly, indicating that she understood Levin's instructions.

She took a deep breath, stabilized her mind, and continued walking forward. The light ahead became brighter and brighter, and the noise became more deafening.

Turning the corner in front of you is the former foundry. The light is not sunlight or moonlight, but the red light of metal in a high-heat state.

Maiev's eyes suddenly opened up, but she was so shocked by the sight before her that she almost cried out.

The chaos and disorder here were far beyond what they had seen before. Inside the cave, the number of goblins was at least double that seen before. They were busy shuttling back and forth like headless flies, as if every moment of pause would plunge them into a situation of life and death.

In fact, this sense of urgency may be a true reflection of their survival.

Some goblins were busy crushing large piles of ore. Despite their small stature, their movements were fast and powerful. The stones quickly turned into powder in their hands. Other goblins kept adding fuel to the towering furnace. The fire reflected their busy figures and also reflected the tension and anxiety on their faces.

Huge jars hung from several thick chains, and molten metal poured out of the jars like a waterfall and was poured into a huge mold.

The metal droplets jumped in the mold and made a hissing sound, as if announcing the birth of a new creation.

On the other side of the cave, several giant barrels stood quietly, filled with water. The molds filled with molten metal were then carefully placed into the bucket. The huge bucket immediately emitted billowing steam, shrouding the surrounding goblins in a white mist. The goblins in the steam were sweating profusely, but they seemed to have been accustomed to such an environment, and they were still busy and carrying out their work in an orderly manner.

In the distance on the right side, the pavilions cast by the two deputy chiefs were casually placed aside. Some minor cracks on the pavement are looming under the light.

No matter how the black dragon plans to use these armors, at this moment they have been reduced to a pile of useless scrap metal, lying quietly in the corner, waiting for the fate of being forgotten.

"I still don't understand why they did this," Malfurion muttered. "Does the black dragon want to make himself a suit of armor?"

The priestess frowned deeply and said in deep thought: "That crazy guy can do all kinds of incredible things..."

She tried hard to suppress this doubt in her heart and turned her gaze to the left side of the cave. A secret path came into view, winding up to ten huge passages.

She suddenly remembered that that was the direction Neltharion came from before.

"Look! That's it! We should go along that road!" the priestess told Malfurion.

Levin nodded in agreement, but he stretched out his arm to stop Maiev and Malfurion who were about to move, "Wait a moment, there are goblins moving below.

Compared to Maiev's dark vision, Jiumen's psychic perception appears to be more acute and reliable in this dark cave.

The goblins he was referring to were busy hauling away the debris left behind by mining. Maiev and Malfurion followed Levin's guidance and carefully observed the work progress of the goblins. They soon realized that at this rate, they might have to wait in their current hideout for quite some time.

"We have to find a way to distract them, or at least distract them." Malfurion said anxiously, turning to Levin for advice.

Levin thought for a moment, and then a flash of light flashed in his eyes, "Perhaps, we can try to use natural magic to create some interference.

Malfurion's heart moved, and his eyes fell on the bag on his waist with understanding. Hidden in the bag are a few things that might come in handy.....

Druid is an environment-hungry profession.

In a favorable environment like a forest, they can manipulate the surrounding plants to join the battle at will, but if they are in a desert with no grass growing, or in the cave where they are now, they need to create an environment.

Therefore, every time Malfurion goes to a relatively harsh environment to perform a mission, he always carries various seeds with him.

However, just when he was about to reach into the bag, Neltharion's violent roar suddenly sounded, deafening [it seemed like even the huge cave was shaking at the roar.

"Meclo! I'm back! If you're not ready this time, I'll eat you all alive... I'll start with you as my appetizer!".

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