"What's wrong? Why don't you take away the dragon soul?" Maiev asked doubtfully, while preparing to reach out to touch the mechanism covering the secret room.

However, Levin quickly grabbed her hand and stopped her movement.

Maiev looked at Levin in confusion and saw him shaking his head slightly and saying solemnly: "There is something wrong with this dragon soul. We should not act rashly. Let's leave here first."

In terms of perception and spellcasting, Maiev has no doubts about Levin's abilities. After all, Levin does have stronger perception and spellcasting abilities than she does. Although she herself didn't notice anything strange, since Levin said so, he must have a point.

So, she followed Levin out obediently, her curiosity and doubts not diminishing at all.

Little did she know that Levin's decision was actually temporary. He himself was full of questions and kept asking Xalatas.

"So, why are you telling me this?" Levin asked curiously, "Wouldn't it be better for you to let me be confused by N'Zoth?"

"Huh? No way." Xal'atath replied resolutely, "I will not let you be captured by other ancient gods. You are my master, Xal'atath, how could I just sit back and ignore you?"

Levin knew in his heart that Xal'atath was unwilling to fall into the hands of his old rival N'Zoth.

19 Levin nodded slightly. Although this ancient sword appeared to be respectful to her, the inherent arrogance still flowed in her blood.

So he asked calmly: "Then what should we do? Isn't there a way to deal with this trap?"

"That's not the case, Master," Xal'atath pondered for a moment, and then replied, "Actually, if you just want to solve the problem of the Dragon Soul, the method is very simple - Big, didn't you use that [Big The Disintegration Technique has dealt with me, and the same method can be used to deal with the Dragon Soul."

She further suggested: "Since your spell has the power to destroy me, it will also be destructive to Dragon Soul. In this way, Neltharion will lose his threat, regardless of N'zoth's role in Dragon Soul." Whatever traps are set, they will all be reduced to nothingness in the face of the power of [Great Disintegration Technique].

Levin heard another meaning in Xal'atath's words. He smiled faintly and said, "This will also consume my precious magic materials and make you feel safer, right?"

Xal'atath could only fall into awkward silence as Levin saw through his thoughts.

Levin smiled tolerantly: "Because you reminded me in time, I won't care about your little calculation. However, destroying the Dragon Soul is not my choice. So, you can change your plan. Is there a way to solve the trap without harming the Dragon Soul itself?"

In fact, even if Xalatas didn't have a little bit of caution, Guowen would never adopt her suggestion.

If the Dragon Soul is destroyed, what can he do to destroy the portal on the Well of Eternity, thus stopping the influx of demons once and for all?

"Okay, okay." Seeing that his proposal was rejected, Xal'atath sighed helplessly: "Since you, Master, are determined to win the Dragon Soul, it's not that I can't understand it. It's just that we have to do everything in advance. Complete preparations. I can teach you a spell, which is specially designed to deal with the dangerous traps set by the ancient gods. However, the steps to cast this spell are quite complicated..."

"Cumbersomeness is not a problem." Levin was very satisfied with his answer, "I have plenty of time and patience. Now, let's leave this cave first, and then prepare this spell."

So, Levin took Maiev and carefully left the cave, preparing to find a safe place far enough away from the black dragon's lair to start preparing the spell.

Levin didn't want to alarm Neltharion because of a little negligence. After all, their actions at the moment were related to the safety of the entire world.

However, just as they were about to step out of the cave and greet the starry night outside, an unexpected face suddenly appeared in their sight.

"Krassus?" Maiev called out the other person's name in surprise, her tone full of doubts and surprises, "Krassus, I remember you, you and that Ronin were together. Why are you here, Marvi Where is Furion?"

Krasus is one of several time travelers and a red dragon trapped in human form. After all, there is already a past version of him in this world - although the laws of this world allow him to go back to the past, they cannot allow two identical people to exist at the same time. Therefore, in order to coexist with his past self, "he cannot go back." To the true form of the red dragon.

"Malfurion is by my side, we are safe." Krasus smiled slightly and said softly, "But what I didn't expect was that Cenarius would choose you to assist us. This is really beyond me. Anticipate.”

"Actually, I was the only one who was invited here." Maiev explained carefully, while glancing at Levin beside her. "He decided to join later and came here on an impromptu basis to lend a helping hand."

After hearing this, Crassus turned to Levin, his eyes flashing with surprise.

"Oh, I understand." He nodded with emotion, "Thank you both from the bottom of my heart for being willing to take such a huge risk and come to support us.

"I have something to say about this issue. We need a clear explanation." Levin's attitude was much worse than Maiev. He did not respond to Krasus' gratitude, but said in a stern tone, "After all, Are we assisting you, or are you assisting us? From the beginning of the mission to now, we have hardly seen you, but we have already penetrated into a place that is only one step away from the Dragon Soul. I have to wonder what is going on. Who is carrying out this mission? Are Maiev and I 'taking the spotlight'?"

Levin's sharp sarcasm instantly froze the air, making the already tense atmosphere even more depressing.

Perhaps realizing that the two of them were in Neltharion's dangerous lair, Krasus quickly adjusted his emotions and said with some apology: "I'm really sorry. We have been watching from a distance before and did not take immediate action. But please bear with me. I explained that it wasn't that we didn't want to go in, but that the black dragon was too alert. If I entered his territory rashly, I might be noticed by him immediately. Because of this, I couldn't let Malfurion do it alone. risk."

"Fortunately, fortunately, you didn't rush to get the Dragon Soul." Then, Krasus said happily, "Malfurion also noticed the abnormality of the Dragon Soul before, but he couldn't come to remind you personally. The dragon aura in my body is too obvious, so I dare not step into the cave easily. I'm really lucky that you didn't act rashly."

"Hey, you actually said that," Maiev couldn't help but feel curious after hearing this. "Just now, Levin mysteriously prevented me from touching the rock behind me. Can you tell us now why he stopped me from touching the rock behind me? Is there something in it? What trap?”

"Things are not as simple as you think." When mentioning this, Krasus's expression became serious, "It's just because Malfurion entered the Emerald Dream and he saw your actions in the dream. But more importantly What's more, he discovered the deeper secrets hidden in this secret room, which are existences full of evil power."

Maiev's eyes immediately shone with curiosity, and she couldn't wait to ask: "Tell me, what kind of evil thing is that?"

"It's a long story about this, let's talk about it later. In short, if you touch that mechanism rashly, it will not only alert those evil beings, but also possibly anger Deathwing himself. In short, Fortunately, you were cautious enough and did not act rashly!" He said as he motioned for them to move forward, "Now, please follow me. We need to find Malfurion as soon as possible and discuss a careful plan together to ensure that we can be safe. Get the Dragon Soul."

Levin and Maiev looked at each other, and both temporarily agreed with Krasus' plan, so they turned around and left Neltharion's cave, followed in Krasus' footsteps, and embarked on a journey to find Malfurion.

Under the leadership of Crassus, they passed through a dense forest, climbed over rugged mountains, and finally came to a hidden mountain pass. Levin couldn't help but admire Krasus' caution and wisdom - in order to avoid the detection of the black dragon, he was able to find such a hidden place, which indeed gave them an indescribable sense of security.

Here, they finally met Malfurion.

As soon as Maiev saw Malfurion, she couldn't wait to ask: "You can always explain to me now what will happen if I touch that stone?"

However, Malfurion stared at her silently and did not answer immediately.

At this time, Krasus took over, "In the final analysis, the crisis facing Azeroth is far more than the Burning Legion. Demons are only enemies on the surface, and greater threats are actually always lurking behind us."

He paused and continued: "You all know about Neltharion, but you may not know why he became like this. Deep underground in this world, there is an extremely evil dark power hidden. It His whispers can drive dragons into madness, more powerful than Neltharion himself.

Hearing this, Maiev couldn't help but glance at Levin, and Levin deliberately showed an expression of sudden realization. .

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