Levin was a little worried that Neltharion would notice the faint aura on his body. Fortunately, however, the smell of hot steel all around provided him with a layer of natural cover.

In the face of this terrifying aura, not only the two infiltrators Levin and Maiev felt palpitations, but the goblins working in the cave were even more frightened. Especially those goblins who were trying to be lazy. Their legs were shaking like chaff and their hands were covering their faces, as if they could avoid Neltharion's terrible wrath.

Levin cautiously stuck his head out and stared at the dragon in the distance.

The ferocious figure was the same as what he had seen that night - a twisted and deformed body, and his eyes were more terrifying than ever before. What's even more shocking is that Salion's body covered with hard scales is covered with gaping wounds, and fire and lava are constantly spurting out from these shaking wounds. Some wounds even had tongues of fire flying wildly, as if to indicate that Neltharion's body would one day completely collapse and fall apart.

However, when Levin's eyes fell on the object tightly held by the dragon's huge claws, his thoughts about the black dragon's imminent split instantly disappeared.

It was a golden disk, shining with a dazzling "187" light in the dark claws of the dragon - it was the soul of the dragon.

For a moment, Levin felt a strong impulse in his heart. He wanted to transform into a phoenix and rush towards the dragon to snatch the golden artifact from those giant claws.

But this thought was fleeting, and he also understood that this was not just an unattainable fantasy, but a path of no return to destruction. He could only suppress his inner desire and choose to wait and see quietly, waiting for the opportunity.

At this moment, the goblins inadvertently provided them with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Don't be lazy, don't have any evil thoughts, you humble reptiles!" Neltharion let out a deafening roar again. His huge tail hit the ground hard, and a loud bang echoed in the cave, scaring several goblins out of their wits.

Levin was surprised to find that the cruel Neltharion did not choose to execute a few goblins to scare the monkeys this time, but only issued a stern warning.

It seems that his physical condition is indeed urgent, so that he is unwilling to waste extra labor on hand.

The goblin foreman nodded hurriedly, the panic on his face gradually receding, replaced by a professional calmness.

"Yes, Lord Neltharion, my master," he asked humbly, "what are your orders?"

The black dragon's voice rolled in like thunder: "I feel that my body is being torn apart! The power of the dragon soul has exceeded my endurance limit! Mekluo, when will the armor you built for me be available? Finish?"

"This requires precise calculations, careful measurements, and comprehensive consideration of all your needs, my master." The goblin foreman Meclo looked embarrassed, but still responded calmly: "We must act cautiously and not be in a hurry. to avoid making a work that dissatisfies you.”

Neltharion's nose suddenly came closer, almost knocking the goblin foreman to the ground.

He roared: "I hope it's done right away! Better to put it on now!"

The goblin foreman stepped back repeatedly, while comforting: "Of course, of course! I will do it as soon as possible, my master." He stood firm until he could meet Neltharion's fiery eyes, and then continued: "Please Allow me to check on the latest progress on the armor."

He glanced cautiously at Neltharion's clasped claws, the disk shining brightly in them.

The goblin foreman mustered up the courage to speak bluntly: "Master, please allow me to speak frankly. I have warned you that the power emanating from the disc will intensify your pain. Before we put on your new armor, you should probably Consider placing it in a safe place temporarily.”

Hearing this, Neltharion seemed to have been poked at a sensitive point, his eyes flashed with angry fire, and he flatly refused: "Impossible! I will never let this disk leave me even half a step!"

But Mekluo still stood there, unwavering, and insisted: "My master, if you don't put down the disk temporarily, I can't guarantee that you will be able to persist until the day when the new armor is completed. If you have If so, no matter who you are, they can easily take the disc from your remains that have been reduced to ashes.

These blunt words finally touched the black dragon.

Neltharion let out several violent roars, seeming to be struggling and resisting, but in the end he reluctantly admitted the goblin's point of view. He shouted: "What you said makes some sense, Mecro, but you must finish me as soon as possible. You want your armor, or I will hand you over to my children to eat you as snacks!"

Upon hearing this, Mekluo nodded hurriedly and responded: "Master, please rest assured that we will go all out to complete your armor as soon as possible."

The black dragon let out a rumbling roar, turned around clumsily, and slowly walked into the passage on the other side.

Seeing this scene, Levin's tense body finally relaxed. He whispered to Maiev: "Did you hear it? The black dragon is going to hide the disk. This is our chance. The dragon soul will soon be out of Neltharion's hands."

Maiev nodded silently: "Then let's follow quickly and take this opportunity to seize the dragon soul."

Levin and Maiev carefully avoided the sight of several goblins and quietly slipped into the dark passage.

In order to ensure that he would not be noticed, Levin always kept a certain distance from the black dragon and did not approach the other party rashly. Instead, he relied on his keen perception ability to lock the whereabouts of the black dragon.

During their tracking process, their most recent contact was just the huge shadow of the black dragon. However, even if he could not catch the black dragon in his sight, Levin firmly believed that he had not lost his goal.

As the black dragon walked back and forth in this maze-like tunnel, the long pursuit made Maiev feel a little impatient.

Suddenly, the dragon's footsteps stopped abruptly, and it seemed to have stopped.

Maiev and Levin immediately stopped instinctively, quickly hid deep in the stone wall, and waited with bated breath. After a period of silence, they cautiously poked their heads out to observe the situation ahead.

After discovering that there was nothing unusual, Levin immediately chased after him, trying to narrow the distance with the black dragon. However, just as they were about to approach their target, the Earth Guard suddenly turned into a narrow cave. The cave was just wide enough to accommodate Neltharion's huge body, and it inevitably made a slight friction sound with the cave wall as it moved forward.

"This is it..." Neltharion murmured in a low voice, obviously speaking to his masterpiece, "you will be safe and sound here."

He cautiously stretched out his hand and gently held a stone slightly exposed on the cave wall. The stone flashed a soft light under his touch, and followed his movements. Slowly moving away, a hidden passage gradually appeared. It was obviously dug manually, maybe it was the shelter dug by Black Dragon himself.

The Earth Guardian glanced at the dragon soul in his hand, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes. He took a deep breath, finally made up his mind, and gently placed the golden disk in the hole.

After everything was arranged, he carefully restored the hidden rock to its original position.

As another ray of light flashed, everything returned to the same state as before, as if nothing had happened.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Levin would never have imagined that that ordinary stone could hide such a sophisticated mechanism. The perfectly camouflaged stone blends in with the surrounding environment and is indeed difficult to detect.

What surprised Levin was that he couldn't feel the disk's breath at all now. The black dragon obviously did not hide the disk outside the material plane, which means

He must have found some great way to hide.

Neltharion stood there without moving for a long time, his eyes still fixed on the place where the dragon soul was stored. His claws slowly rose again, and the sharp fingertips were only a few inches away from the stone.

However, the black dragon finally let out a frustrated roar, obviously fighting against his own desires. He reluctantly put down his paws, slowly turned around and left the hidden cave.

In the following time, they could only wait patiently for Neltharion to leave.

Since Neltharion was really reluctant to part with the Dragon Soul, the black dragon hesitated and spent dozens of minutes before leaving.

For Levin and others, these dozens of minutes also seemed extremely long.

After confirming that the black dragon had gone away, Levin and Maiev smiled at each other, with a look of relief in their eyes. They looked around and once again confirmed that there was no one else in the cave, they then walked cautiously towards the hiding place of the dragon soul.

As Levin approached the mysterious stone step by step, he felt an unspeakable discomfort.

It felt like something was spying on him in the dark, which made him shudder.

5.6 In contrast, Maiev felt nothing. However, she also vaguely felt that things seemed to be going too smoothly, and this calmness made her feel a little uneasy.

"Hurry up, we have to take it away quickly and leave here immediately!" Maiev said.

Levin, however, hesitated to take action. He finally stretched out his hand, but stopped in mid-air. The instinctive warning made him full of hesitation and struggle.

At this moment, Xal'atath's voice suddenly sounded in Levin's heart: "Master, don't touch it!"

"What's going on?" Levin was shocked and asked hurriedly: "Why did you stop me from touching it?"

Speaking of this, Levin thought about the chill he felt when he was close to the Dragon Soul, "Is there really a trap that I can't see?"

"That's right." Xal'atath's voice was full of seriousness, "You should also be able to feel that power, right? That is a trap set by the ancient gods. Anyone who touches the dragon soul will be affected. … I can’t predict how you’re going to be affected, but it’s definitely not going to be a good thing.”

Xal'atath's words were like the last straw, dispelling Levin's intention of taking the Dragon Soul. He retracted his hand, feeling terrified in his heart. .

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