Levin was surprised by Elise's determination.

He could not imagine that this upper-class elf girl who had lived a carefree aristocratic life not long ago could mature so quickly and show such a firm will when faced with the challenge of being separated from her family.

"Hey..." Levin sighed helplessly, "I don't object to you staying in the military camp, and I am willing to vouch for you, but I really hope you can think it through again.

He reached out his hand and gently rubbed Eliles' stubborn hair, his eyes filled with the care of the elders.

"Believe me," he said earnestly, "the war with the Burning Legion will not last long. Maybe everything will be settled before you actually step into the battlefield."

Seeing that Alice's lips were slightly parted, as if she wanted to give an answer immediately, Levin gently put his finger in front of her lips to signal her to calm down.

"Don't rush to give the answer. Impulsive decisions are often regrettable. I will give you half a month to think slowly, to experience the cruelty of the battlefield for yourself, and to understand the enemies you may face in the future. I hope that in the future In half a month, you can give me a clear answer after thinking calmly."

After saying "five-two-zero", he gently patted Elise's slightly unwilling head, with a gentle smile on her face.

"If you still insist on your original intention at that time," he promised, "As long as you are willing, I can ask Tyrande to personally guide you and help you grow. This can also be regarded as a little bit of feedback for our contribution to the Sunstrider family. ”

Alice didn't like Levin's comforting movements like treating a child. She quickly and decisively slapped Levin's hand away with a hint of displeasure on her face.

"Please don't do this to me, I have grown up." She pouted and said, "Besides, there is no need to trouble Ms. Tyrande. My parents have said that the Sun Chaser family voluntarily bears such risks, and we all Everything we do is for the future of the night elves."

After hearing this, Levin couldn't help laughing. He admired Elise's determination and maturity, so he said gently: "Of course I understand your sacrifice and dedication. But this matter is not something you can decide. I have my own discretion."

After saying that, he turned to look at Jarod who was aside, spread out his hands, and said in a relaxed and sincere manner: "So, Jarod, what do you think? I am willing to vouch for Ellyse, okay? Let her stay in our military camp temporarily?"

Jarod looked at Levin's serious eyes, then glanced at Ellyse standing aside, shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "You have already made up your mind, what else can I say? However, I I hope you can tell me more about Miss Sun Chaser later."

"no problem."

"Neltharion?" Levin suddenly mentioned this name after listening to Jarod's sharing of Assaline's internal intelligence.

As his emotions fluctuated, Nefarian's words became fewer and fewer, and his eyes gradually became hollow and confused.

After experiencing the drastic change in his father's temperament, the death of his mother, and the heavy pressure of research, the young black dragon master has shown a slight tendency to be autistic.

Levin listened quietly to Nefarian's complaints without interrupting his words, but his mind was not completely immersed in these trivial complaints.

He stared at Nefarian's face, and the face full of resentment and displeasure came into his eyes.

Levin stroked his chin thoughtfully and thought to himself: "This child seems to have not been completely corrupted. Although under the subtle influence of Neltharion, he may have some cunning little thoughts, but... Maybe there’s room for redemption?”

"Okay, let's stop for a moment." Levin interrupted Nefarian's muttering. He shrugged and said easily: "There are more and more repeated complaints in your words. That's about it. Vent. Now, do you feel better?"

"Hey..." Nefarian looked up at the sky depressedly and sighed longly: "What can be good? Although my father used to be very strict, at least we can get along with each other. Now he......"

He shook his head and did not continue. But Naifen understood the meaning of his unfinished words.

"Have you ever thought deeply about why the once kind and steady Black Dragon King transformed into what he is now?" Levin stared at Nefarian with a hint of exploration in his tone.

Nefarian curled his lips helplessly and responded: "Of course I have thought about this issue. There are rumors that there are some unknown secrets hidden deep in my father's lair. My mother and other tribesmen have warned me to try my best. Stay away from this weird place.”

Levin gently patted the earth beneath him that was baked by the underground magma, and said with deep eyes: "Do you really think that just staying away from this so-called source can solve all problems? Including you, the entire Black Dragon Clans, can you disobey Neltharion's orders?"

He paused and continued to ask: "If Neltharion forces you to continue this kind of cruel experiment that violates dragon ethics, are you confident that you can still maintain a clear mind after one thousand, three thousand, or even ten thousand years? , how about not being corrupted by his madness?"

Nefarian's brows were raised slightly, and the clouds that had originally enveloped his face seemed to be dispelled by some serious emotion, gradually revealing a rare solemnity.

"What exactly do you want to say?" he asked in a deep voice, with a hint of curiosity and vigilance in his tone.

"Actually, what I want to say is very simple." Levin smiled softly, with a mysterious light flashing in his eyes, "If you, and all the black dragons, want to get rid of Neltharion, or even the master who secretly controls him You must have a clear and firm plan for the future.”

Nefarian's eyes became sharp, and he seemed to have noticed the deep meaning in Levin's words.

"Should you choose to resist or surrender? This decision is crucial, because it will guide your future actions." Levin's tone became serious and firm, "I suggest you make a choice as soon as possible, after all... .The being who controls Neltharion will not give you much time. His ambition is far more than a powerful black dragon king. His goal is to enslave the entire black dragon clan."

After Levin's deception, Nefarian was finally moved by Levin's words.

The reason why Levin was able to successfully convince the black dragon who might become the overlord of the party in the future is not complicated...

First of all, Nefarian is still young and has great ambitions but is not deeply involved in the world. This makes his mind less solid and easy to be persuaded. Secondly, Levin's past glorious achievements are like a golden sign, which adds a lot of weight to his words. The most important thing is that Levin has won the respect of Nefarian with his strength. The combat effectiveness he showed in the contest deeply admires the black dragon who advocates strength. Therefore, in this situation, Nefarian is more easily swayed by words.

However, Nefarian still had doubts about Levin's words, and would squint at the human with his dragon eyes from time to time, trying to read more information from his expression. However, when he saw that there was no murderous intent in Levin's eyes, but instead revealed a kind of sincerity and trust, his guard gradually dropped.

So, Nefarian calmly picked up a pile of heavy slate books, which recorded various magical knowledge and were the collection of his father Neltharion, and then slowly left from the back door of the lair, which was A secret passage hidden behind a seemingly solid mountain wall.

"Ah, it turns out that the back door is so cleverly hidden." Levin then discovered that the seemingly indestructible mountain wall was just a phantom that confused the vision, and behind it was a huge cave. Even if Nefarian turned back into a dragon The shape also easily passed through this illusory barrier and disappeared on the other side of the mountain wall.

Levin stood there, watching Nefarian leave, then turned around, his eyes falling on the huge treasure left by Neltharion.

The gleaming golden treasure shone attractively under the firelight, and Levin's face showed unconcealable joy.

"Now," Levin said with satisfaction, "all these things are mine."

The black dragon tribe on the continent of Azeroth - no, it should be said that most of the dragons - are very different from their counterparts in other worlds, one of which is their attitude towards wow.

The dragons here are not keen on filling their lairs with shiny treasures. They value strength and wisdom more than simple 4.8 material wealth.

However, not paying attention to it does not mean that you will not collect it at all. [013504125 Feilu 231171481]

As one of the five most powerful guardian dragons in the world, Neltharion's treasure is naturally no small matter. Over the years, he carefully collected many rare treasures, the most precious of which

There is nothing better than those ancient Titan tablets that were taken away by Nefarian. These tablets are engraved with long-lost Titan magic and knowledge.

Of course, apart from those stone slabs, the value of other things cannot be underestimated. In this seemingly messy pile of treasures, gold, silver and jewelry are only a small part of it. What is really attractive are the weapons and equipment containing powerful magic, as well as some mysterious and mysterious objects that exude astonishing energy fluctuations.

Levin stood in front of the treasures, his eyes wandering over these treasures, but he was not interested in the metal armor.

Whether as a mage or a druid, he is not used to wearing armor. Wearing metal armor will greatly limit his spellcasting flexibility and spell effects in combat.

Despite this, Levin also knew the value of these equipment. Since Neltharion was the enemy anyway, he did not hesitate to put these treasures into his own space package. .

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