The dragons didn't know that the reinforcements they were longing for, the dragon guards who were supposed to come for reinforcements, had already been killed by Levin in advance when he sneaked into this place.

That’s the beauty of Assassin’s Creed-style stealth.

"Don't waste your efforts, no one will respond to you." Levin said in a joking tone, "Since you miss them so much, I will reunite you soon.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to the two dragon men, as if making an invitation gesture.

However, this is not a friendly gesture, but a prelude to a spell.

Suddenly, the earth trembled, and thick vines burst out from the ground like an awakened giant beast, tightly restraining the two dragon captains who were charging and retreating. These vines are covered with sharp barbs, like natural chains, locking them tightly.

In the previous verbal confrontation, not only Nefarian was secretly gathering dragon breath, but Guowen was also quietly preparing his spell.

Nefarian didn't understand natural magic, so Levin actually catalyzed several poisonous blood vines under the opponent's nose and hid them underground in the cavity he had just dug. This is why even though he is in a bare cave, which is the most unsuitable environment for a druid to fight, Levin can summon plants for fighting.

At first, the two dragon captains could rely on their enchanted armor to resist the barbs on the vines. Those silver armors were worthy of their gorgeous appearance and temporarily withstood the damage.

But Levin was not in a hurry. He continued to cast spells and added the effect of [Rusted Claws] to the vines. This spell can quickly make metal rust and lose its original luster and strength. It is a trump card used by druids to deal with heavily armed enemies.

Under the influence of [Rusted Claw], the armor on the two dragon captains began to change. The originally shiny silver armor gradually became stained with mottled rust, as if it was aging at a rate hundreds or thousands of times.

As the traces of rust became more dense, the strong armor began to make a subtle "click" sound under the tight grip of the blood vine, as if it might break at any time.

"Shameless intruder, you will never succeed!" Nefarian also realized that something was wrong. If Levin's spell was allowed to destroy the armor, the two dragonmen would be directly harmed by the blood vine.

Whether it's poison or physical squeeze, the dragon's mortal body cannot stop such a thick blood vine.

And once the dragon man loses his resistance, he alone cannot defeat the druid in front of him.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the prince of the Black Dragon Legion immediately adjusted his strategy. He took the initiative to lower his flight altitude, took a deep breath, and sprayed out high-temperature flames from his mouth again.

However, this time his target was not Levin, but the vines that bound the dragon captain.

Nefarian accurately controlled the landing point of the flames, making them fall accurately on the vines, trying not to let them affect the two draconians.

The vines burned by the flames seemed to feel severe pain. They twisted and spasmed violently, but even so, they still tightly bound the two dragon captains who were gradually losing their resistance.

The corner of Levin's mouth curled up with a hint of contempt, and he said sarcastically: "Do you only rely on dragon's breath?"

In fact, Levin himself knows very well that dragons are born with powerful spellcasting abilities, but they rarely use destructive spells, often preferring to use their own dragon breath because it is both direct and extremely destructive.

For them, their dragon's breath is more useful than any other spell.

But in front of Levin, Nefarian's dragon breath did not work well. I saw him snap his fingers lightly. In an instant, the druid's spell was suddenly launched in the cave, and a violent air current formed instantly, which turned into a raging storm.

The tornado soared into the sky with devastating power, ravaging everything in the cave crazily. Nefarian was forced to retreat temporarily by the sudden storm. He was still underage and his body was not strong enough. If he was caught in the strong wind, his wings would probably be broken.

As he dodged, the dragon's breath that had been continuously sprayed out was suddenly interrupted. The flames covering the vines were quickly blown away by the strong wind and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that the enchanted armor on the two dragon captains had been completely corroded, Levin's eyes narrowed and he clenched his right hand tightly. At the same time, those thick vines seemed to have received an order and suddenly exerted force.

"Crack, click, click!" With a harsh crisp sound, the remaining armor was easily broken into rusty pieces like opened potato chips.

The thick blood vines tightly wrapped around the two dragon captains like pythons, binding them tightly.

Without the structural support of the armor, the dragon people's strength was still a little weak under the constraints of the blood vine. To make matters worse, the spikes on the blood vine easily penetrated their hard scales, injecting deadly poison into their strong muscles.

Soon, the two dragonmen felt a strong sense of powerlessness - the toxins were rapidly eroding their strength, making them extremely weak.

Their once powerful strength was gone now.

They were unable to resist.

Levin looked at all this coldly, clenched his fists, and then pressed them down suddenly.

After receiving the master's order, the vines exerted force again, pulling the two dragon captains into the soil without mercy. Along with their unwilling screams, soon no more sounds were heard in the cave.

Meanwhile, Levin is distracted by another raging storm. Nefarian rushed left and right in the strong wind, trying to find a breakthrough, but was mercilessly pushed back by the strong wind every time.

Seeing Nefarian's embarrassed appearance, Levin's face gradually showed a kind smile.

"Now, can we sit down and have a nice chat?"

"Damn it, are actually the legendary Levin Cuiye!" Nefarian's eyes widened and he stared at the druid in front of him in disbelief.

Nefarian, who was forced into the form of a night elf, had aggrieved face written all over him. This little black dragon prince who is used to being domineering has never encountered such a powerful human opponent.

When he first heard Levin's name, he didn't react. However, after a fierce battle with Levin and being tortured to pieces, he suddenly realized that this Dede was the one who transformed into a phoenix in front of the dragons and once single-handedly resisted Neltharion who was holding the dragon soul. A warrior.

"So you didn't brag before." Nefarian muttered to himself with a wry smile.

How could he be able to deal with such a guy who was strong enough to stand up to his father?

…………Please give me flowers……

However, in Levin's eyes, this is just a naughty child who has not yet reached adulthood. His strength is still far behind the standard adult dragon, let alone comparable to his old rival Neltharion.

Recalling the previous fierce battle with Neltharion, Levin was almost always in a state of being unilaterally suppressed. But for him, this battle is not just a shame, "Dongshi is a rare honor.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to fight against a powerful demigod armed with an artifact and still stand tall after the battle is over.

"Why, are you scared now?" Levin smiled and mocked, "If you are willing to beg for mercy now, I might consider letting you go.'

Nefarian's eyes widened, and he clenched his fist tightly, but then loosened it weakly. He knew very well that he was no match for Levin at this moment. But Black Dragon's pride and dignity [how could he allow him to easily buy at a low price?

"Hmph, don't be complacent." Nefarian gritted his teeth and said, "One day, I will make you pay the price!"

Levin did not continue to make things difficult for Nefarian, but instead focused on the real purpose of his trip—the items he planned to steal. He opened a book casually and frowned slightly.

He seems to be quite interested in the contents of the book.

"So," Levin looked up at the Black Dragon Prince in front of him, with a playful smile on his lips, "You took such a big risk and sneaked into Neltharion's lair just to steal these precious books from his treasure pile. ?”

At Levin's request, Nefarian has now transformed into the form of a night elf, with long black hair as smooth as a waterfall and bright orange eyes.

He lowered his eyes slightly, seeming a little embarrassed to admit Cai Wen's guess.

"Yes," he whispered, "I am interested in both knowledge and technology. My father always thinks that my research is a waste of time, but I think physical growth is limited. Only by continuous exploration and learning can we become Stronger.”

Levin listened to Nefarian's words and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He had long known that Nefarian was a research madman with a fanatical pursuit of knowledge and technology, but he did not expect that this persistent spirit had been deeply rooted in his heart ten years ago.

"But recently, everything has changed." At this point, Nefarian sighed deeply, frowning, and the depression in his heart was difficult to resolve. "Just recently, he suddenly brought back many four-color dragons. Corpse, ordered me to study how to combine their advantages to create a new dragon clan."

Nefarian seemed to have been holding some things in his heart for a long time. Perhaps because of his record, Levin, who had fought against Neltharion, was regarded by Nefarian as a warrior who was not afraid of Deathwing and a confidant who was willing to listen to his voice. So, the young Black Dragon Prince dumped out all the emotional garbage.

"My father didn't understand the true meaning of research at all. He just urged me to speed up the progress but ignored that this kind of research that goes beyond common sense requires time and patience. How could it be possible to achieve significant results in just a few years?"

He continued to talk about his inner struggle, "What's more, I have no enmity with these dragon compatriots, but every time I play with their corpses, I always feel an indescribable feeling of guilt. In addition, my mother He chose to leave because he couldn't bear his father's torture."

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