Levin's luck was unexpectedly good. He just went a little deeper into the cave and found unexpected gains.

When he stepped into a relatively spacious cave, he immediately attracted the attention of several stupid-looking creatures with skin like stone. The creatures turned their eyes awkwardly toward him, eyeing the strange visitor curiously.


Unintelligible language emanated from the mouths of these ugly creatures, and Levin guessed that these ferocious-looking guys might be the enslaved Drogbar.

Levin felt a little relieved, because he knew that Drogbar hated the enslavement of the black dragon, and they were always looking for opportunities to overthrow the tyranny of the black dragon. These enslaved creatures are natural allies to any force seeking to oppose Neltharion.

He scratched his head gently, looked around at the harmless Drogbar, and asked tentatively: "Do any of you understand the Kaldorei language?"

Although Levin has a strong learning ability and has tried to learn a lot of local languages ​​since he came to this world, he is not exaggerated enough to know all the less popular languages.

At least he wouldn't say Drogbal's words.

"I know something." A relatively short Drogbar walked out of the group. He tried to express himself in jerky Kaldorei, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

In the era when the Dark Night Empire ruled ancient Kalimdor, Kaldorei was the world's language and has become a widely used communication tool. This language is actually derived from Titan language. Therefore, as a Titan creation, it is not surprising that some Drogbar who have had contact with the outside world can master the basic Kaldorei language.

"Very well, it's you." Levin asked the 25-year-old Drogbar, who knew the Kaldorei language, in the kindest manner possible. "It is said that there is a very sacred hammer in this lair called the Khaz'goroth." Hammer. Do you, or any of your companions, know where it might be hidden?"

The Drogbar showed a confused expression. He scratched his head and tried to remember: "Kazgoroth...I have heard of it. What is that hammer?"

He immediately asked his companions around him in Drogbal language, but unfortunately, all the Drogbals shook their heads to express ignorance. Their faces were full of confusion [obviously they knew nothing about this legendary holy hammer.

"Really don't know?" There was a hint of disappointment in Levin's tone, but it was not beyond his expectation.

That's right, if the secret of the Pillars of Creation can be learned so easily from an ordinary Drogbar, then it would be an underestimation of Neltharion's ability to control his subordinates.

He shook his head, adjusted his expectations, and then said gently to the group of Drogbar: "Okay, if anyone in your tribe knows the answer to this question, or if anyone is eager to get rid of the enslavement of the black dragon, please send someone Go to the tauren's Henan Village and inform me, I will wait for your news there."

Although the Drogbars look ferocious and give people a terrifying feeling, upon contact with them, Levin finds that their temperaments are actually quite gentle.

At least under the current circumstances, they did not show any hostility or aggression toward Levin, the sudden intruder. This also reflects from the side that Levin's information is correct. Drogbar is not very loyal to the Black Dragon Legion. They may also long for freedom and liberation in their hearts.

After asking and learning the route to Neltharion's true lair, Levin transformed into an eagle under the curious and expectant eyes of a group of drogbal, fluttering his wings and exploring the depths of the cave.

His figure gradually disappeared into the dark cave, leaving only an echo of the beating of wings.

"What are you doing here?"

Less than ten minutes after Levin left, a Drogbar team rode lizards covered with blue-gray scales and slowly approached the group of stunned compatriots.

The leader was a burly warrior carrying two axes on his back. He looked at the surrounding situation with confusion.

"Chief, a suspicious night elf broke in just now." A Drogbal explained, "He asked us about the path to the master's lair."

"Night Elf?" The leader, known as Igrul, frowned. What was his purpose for coming here? What else did he ask?"

The short Drogbar who had been talking to Levin hurriedly stepped forward and reported the situation in detail: "He also mentioned Kaz'goroth's hammer, saying that if anyone knew about it and wanted to get rid of Nessa, If Leo is a slave, he will send someone to Hezong Village to inform him.”

"Oh?" A trace of surprise flashed across Igrul's face, "How could a foreign night elf know the secret of the Hammer of Khaz'goroth?"

At this time, an elderly Drogbal holding a stone staff noticed the subtle changes in the leader's face. He walked to Igrul and earnestly advised him in the tone of an elder: "Igrul, please don't act too hastily. The time is not yet ripe, we need more information and preparations. The appearance of this night elf may be An opportunity [or maybe a trap]. We have to be careful."

"So, when is the right time?!" Igrul's voice was full of anger and unwillingness.

As soon as this topic was mentioned, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and the hands holding the two axes trembled slightly.

"The last Gray King was turned into a stone statue by Neltharion. He didn't even give us the chance to elect a new king." Igrul's voice became more and more passionate. What are we going to do with this crazy monster? How long will the Black Dragon’s men endure the servitude!”

The old man looked at the angry leader and moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a helpless sigh.

He himself also knew that the Drogbar clan had been oppressed for too long, and their hearts were already filled with the desire for freedom.

"Igrul, I just hope you can think more about the consequences." The old man's voice was full of worry, "We Drogbar can no longer afford to lose our leader again. Before taking action, we must at least ensure that the other party is An ally worthy of our trust.”

After listening to the old man's words, Igrul gasped angrily, trying to calm down his excitement.

He understood the old man's worries, and also knew that he shouldered the hope of the entire ethnic group and must be responsible for the entire ethnic group. Gradually, his mood began to calm down and his eyes became firm.

He pulled the reins of the sitting lizard, turned the direction, and said decisively: "I know what to do. I'm going to test the night elf's background to see if he is our true ally. You continue to do your best. Be prepared and wait for my news. I hope to gain the support of all the tribesmen on the day when I launch the uprising."

-Drogbar dividing line-

Levin once worried that the Drogbars would deliberately guide him in the wrong direction and lead him astray. However, it turned out that his worries were unnecessary.

Those stone trolls who looked ferocious but were actually honest did not deceive him. The route they provided was accurate.

As he continued to penetrate deeper into the core area of ​​the lair, he found that the number of Drogbal was gradually decreasing. Finally, after he turned a corner, he saw the black dragon man in the lair for the first time.

These dragon people are completely different from giant dragons and dragon beasts. They have a strange appearance, with four legs and two hands on their upper bodies. They are quite similar to centaurs, but their heads are still the heads of dragons.

They are not native dragons, but transformed from mortals. These mortals once had great admiration for the dragon army, and voluntarily were transformed into this strange half-human, half-dragon existence, and have served beside the dragon ever since.

Although these dragon beasts that walk upright have a strange appearance, they undoubtedly have the blood of giant dragons. The dragon is also willing to hand over many important tasks to them, trusting their ability and loyalty.

When Levin suddenly appeared in the sight of this draconian of the black dragonflight, the latter was concentrating on taking care of the precious dragon eggs that Neltharion left in the lair.

The moment he saw Levin, he was suddenly stunned [Obviously this guy didn't expect to see the ten-song raptor in the black dragon's nest.

However, this dragon man was not an idle person. He quickly recovered from his shock, quickly picked up the long-handled weapon next to him, shouted loudly, stepped forward with his four legs, and rushed towards Levin menacingly.

"Alarm! There is an enemy invasion, everyone is on alert immediately!" The dragon man's cry echoed in the cave, breaking the original silence.

Levin realized that after being discovered in the closed cave, "he could not fly straight to the core of the nest unimpeded. Who knew if he would encounter dragons who mastered magic if he continued flying? He did not want to be attacked in the air. come down.

What's more, it would be bad if he really spread the message and alerted Neltharion.

So, he decisively lowered his height and quickly changed his form in mid-air. When he landed, he had transformed into a huge and majestic chimera, whose body was even larger than that of a dragon.

"Roar!" Chimera roared loudly.

The Chimera's ability came into play, and the lion's roar instantly shocked the dragon man.

At the moment when the dragon man had not yet recovered from his mental confusion, Chimera launched a charge as fast as a bolt of lightning.

It instantly shortened the distance between it and the dragon man at an almost uncaptured speed. The sharp eagle claws drew a sharp arc in the air, and with an unstoppable force, struck hard on the left side of the dragon man's body.

Levin's blow was extremely vicious. His eagle claws were like sharp blades, instantly leaving several deep cracks on the dragon man's armor. At the same time, the impact like a blunt hammer dented the armor and deformed it. The force penetrated the armor's protection and directly severely damaged the Dragon Man's internal organs.

"Ouch!" A scream echoed in the cave. The dragon man was staggered under the huge impact and could hardly stand still. However, despite being seriously injured, he did not give up resistance. He clenched the long-handled sword in his hand and struck at the Chimera with overwhelming force.

Levin was not afraid of this sharp blow. His hind legs kicked off the ground nimbly, and at the same time he flapped his wings vigorously. At this moment, his huge body showed agility that was completely inconsistent with his size. He moved sideways to the left lightly, skillfully dodging the dragon man's sword. There was only a loud "dang" sound, and the broadsword hit the empty space on the ground heavily. Echoes of knocks echoed in the closed cave.

After standing firm, the Chimera took advantage of its huge tonnage and suddenly collided with the dragon man who had not yet withdrawn his sword.

The impact of this giant beast caused the upper body of the dragon man, who was also quite heavy, to lean back, and the fragile skin of his unarmored neck was directly displayed in Levin's sight.

"Ouch!" At this critical moment, Chimera pounced on me without hesitation, opened its big mouth, and bit my neck fiercely.

The sharp lion's teeth easily penetrated the dragon man's scale protection, and a stream of fishy blood immediately poured into Levin's mouth. At this critical moment, the dragon man raised his head and screamed

But he was unable to resist.

Levin became ferocious, and he shook his head violently. There was a "click" sound, and half of the dragon's neck had been bitten off by him. This fatal blow left the Dragon Man with no power to fight back.

After the attack was successful, Chimera did not stop. He pursued the victory, stood up, put his palms together, and used brutal force to completely break the dragon man's neck that was spraying blood. With a muffled sound, the dragon man's body fell heavily to the ground.


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