My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 758 The Troops Are Divided Into Two Groups

After following the traces all the way to this place, the traces left by the goblins have been broken. Levin can only move forward cautiously, his eyes carefully searching for every possible clue in the surroundings.

However, many searches failed to find any valuable traces, and he began to doubt whether Neltharion would really reveal his whereabouts so easily.

Perhaps this black dragon knew much more about this land than they thought. It may have already hidden itself in this vast mountain range without leaving any traces.

"Look at this!" Maiev's cry broke the silence around her.

Her eyes were tightly attracted by a tiny mark, which looked extremely mysterious under the light. It has some inexplicable similarities with the baby dragon's footprints, but this similarity seems so out of place in this situation.

Levin was also attracted by this trace. He squatted down and observed carefully.

"This seems to be the mark left by the dragon's wings when they scratched the ground." Levin frowned, but the corners of his mouth curled up, "This is a good sign, just like what our intelligence said, Neltharion There are other black dragons "Three Nine Three" guarding around, but most of the black dragons have chosen to leave Nesario, which means that there is only one dragon nest nearby, which is Nesari Minoru's dragon kiln. "

However, Maiev knew that Levin had not actually finished his sentence.

Finding the whereabouts of the Black Dragon is difficult, but getting close to him without attracting his attention is another even more difficult challenge. With the Dragon Soul in his possession, Neltharion would think that anyone he saw was coming to snatch his treasure, which made him extremely alert to any disturbance from the outside world. If they were not careful, they might expose themselves. 's whereabouts.

Therefore, they cannot be careless and lax like Silas.

They followed the mysterious trail cautiously. The scenery ahead became more and more shocking, and the outlines of mountains and rivers gradually became blurred in the field of vision.

Recalling the unparalleled power of Deathwing in the past, Levin unconsciously slowed down his progress.

After all, Levin had fought head-on with Neltharion before, and he could feel that the black dragon was hiding somewhere nearby.

At the moment when the outline of the mountains and rivers became increasingly blurred, Levin suddenly felt Neltharion's aura. At the same time, he also noticed another darker force that was older and more evil, which seemed to permeate the entire air, making people shudder.

"There's something wrong with this place." Maiev frowned and looked around.

Although she had never faced off against Neltharion, nor did she have Levin's powerful perception, her keen intuition as a warrior still sounded the alarm in her heart.

"Shh!" Levin put his finger to his lips, signaling Maiev to stay quiet. She immediately understood, and she and Levin silently tensed up their bodies at the same time, and held the weapon in their hands tighter.

The surrounding air seemed to have solidified, and even the wind held its breath, daring not to break the solemnity.

However, this silence did not last long.

Soon, a rumbling sound came from deep in the tunnel. The sound was like the snoring of an ancient giant beast in its sleep, heavy and regular.

"That's where the sound came from." Levin whispered, pointing deeper into the tunnel. The two looked at each other and quickly and tacitly determined their goals.

They walked carefully through the tunnel and finally came to the source of the sound.

A huge cave appeared in front of them, and the scene was like a scene from a nightmare. There are several huge pits scattered on the ground, and lava flows slowly in them, as if the fire of hell is burning. Bubbles emerged from the deep pit from time to time, and then puffs of orange-red smoke spewed out. The thick smoke intertwined in the air to form a frightening picture. The lava was boiling hot, spewing out from time to time, splashing on the burnt stones, making a hissing sound.

"Wait, listen, it seems there is more than just that rumbling sound!" Maiev frowned, trying to capture more information.

When they reached the entrance of the cave, they stopped at the same time.

Levin nodded, confirming Maiev's observation. In addition to the gurgling of lava bubbles and the hissing of lava splashing, another sound could be faintly heard from the depths of the cave. That was the sound of a hammer hitting the anvil rhythmically.

Maiev closed her eyes and listened attentively. She found that the sound did not come from one hammer, but from multiple hammers working at the same time. Moreover, among these knocking sounds, there were other sounds. It was the sound of people talking, noisy and enthusiastic, as if they were discussing something important.

The knocking sound of the hammer continued, strong and powerful, as if there was really a huge blacksmith living in the mountain, working hard.

Levin looked at Maiev, and a hint of inquiry flashed in his eyes: "Do you want to go in?"

Maiev did not answer directly with words, but her action of holding the moon blade tightly and preparing to respond to emergencies at any time had silently shown her determination.

Levin led the way, and Maiev followed closely behind. They didn't walk far before they figured out who was knocking and hammering - goblins again, but this time it was a large group, and the cave was full of skinny and strong guys.

Some goblins shuttled between the huge barrels and the furnace. They nervously and orderly poured the steaming metal liquid into the huge rectangular iron mold. The liquid churned in the mold, making a hissing sound. Other goblins were holding worn-out hammers, hitting the red-hot iron plate heavily. The iron plate was heated to an unimaginable high temperature, as if it could ignite the surrounding air at any time.

There were also a dozen goblins gathered together, hitting huge bolts with hammers, and each hit made a deafening sound that echoed throughout the cave.

In the busy intervals, the goblins muttered to themselves, as if they were chanting some mysterious spell. Their faces were covered with sweat [but the work in their hands never stopped.

The voice of a goblin foreman was the most piercing in the noisy environment.

"Hurry up! Everyone, work harder!" he roared, "Before the dragon wakes up, we must complete this order and run away!"

"That dragon?" Levin and Maiev looked at each other. They had already got the exact information from Gongmai's words...

This is undoubtedly Neltharion's lair.

Levin and Maiev finally found their destination. This discovery made Levin's mind flash, and he immediately had a plan.

"Maiev, do you know?" he whispered, "This lair hides a sacred artifact known as the Pillar of Creation||The Hammer of Khaz'goroth."

"Pillar of Creation? What is that?" Maiev raised her eyebrows and looked at Levin with interest.

She liked to listen to Levin talk about the secrets of this world, and it was these that made her believe Levin's fabricated past.

"The Pillars of Creation, as the name suggests, are artifacts left behind by the Titans who are known as the Creators." Levin talked freely, "Each of them contains the power and wisdom they used to shape the world. The Hammer of Khaz'goroth is one of the most powerful. It was created by the Titan Khaz'goroth himself to shape the earth. When Neltharion was chosen as the Guardian of the Earth, this holy hammer was given to him as an aid in his protection of the earth."

Afraid that the other party would not believe it, Levin continued: "In fact, there is another Pillar of Creation that you may have heard of, that is the inherited holy relic of the High Priestess of the Sisterhood of Elune - the Tears of Elune. There is a saying that Elune is also one of the Titans of Creation.

"So, what you mean is." Maiev heard this and looked at Levin worriedly.

Levin looked at Maiev firmly: "Considering the danger of Neltharion, I decided to go deep into the nest first to find and try to unlock the Hammer of Khaz'goroth. I believe that if we can successfully unlock and use it, we may be able to force Neltharion back and stop his crazy plan. "After listening to Levin's words, Maiev answered without hesitation: "Okay, I'll go with you." However, Levin shook his head slightly and said solemnly: "Although it is not difficult to enter Neltharion's Lair 2.4, it is a very challenging task to accurately find the seal location of the Hammer of Khaz'goroth in this maze-like cave. More importantly, we must be careful in the process, because Neltharion may appear in front of us at any time. " "You stay here and monitor the goblins, and keep a close eye on Neltharion's movements. This is your mission and our safety guarantee. " Levin rejected her request and immediately gave Maiev a task.

Although Maiev wanted to go deeper into the cave with Levin, she also understood the importance of staying behind to keep watch. So she nodded and silently accepted Levin's arrangement.

So next, they split into two groups, Maiev stayed to keep watch, and Levin went deep into the cave.

Before leaving, Levin took out a badge with a faint glow from his arms and handed it to Maiev: "This is a badge for telepathy. If you have any discoveries, such as Neltharion's appearance, or encounter danger, use it to report the news.

Maiev took the badge, held it tightly in her hand, and watched Levin disappear into the depths of the cave. .

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