As a member of a prominent upper elf family, and for her great contributions to the resistance, Elleisse, as the representative of the Sunstriders, was warmly welcomed by the lord's widow, Mrs. Ravencase. .

After the welcome party, she received a special permission. She was allowed to choose a vacant mansion in the city as the residence of the Sunstrider family.

Levin accompanied the girl to the residential area. He waited patiently, watching Eleleith carefully carve the arcane mark of the Sunstrider family in front of a mansion that she liked quite a lot.

"It's done." Elleisse breathed a sigh of relief, with a satisfied smile on her face, "When the housekeeper leads the family to Black Crow Castle, they will be able to easily find our new home through this mark. "

After all, Elleith is a descendant of a famous upper elf family and has received elite education since she was a child.

Although she was a little nervous when performing such a practical operation for the first time, she quickly found her own rhythm with Levin's encouragement and company.

She first contacted the Ravencase clan who stayed at Black Crow Castle and showed them Mrs. Ravencase's permission letter. This permission letter is like the best stepping stone

Allowing her to navigate this strange city unimpeded.

Afterwards, she stepped into the solemn Temple of Elune in the city and met with the members of the Sisterhood of Elune stationed here. This time, she handed over a letter of introduction written by Tyrande.

With the guarantee of the new high priest, Elureth quickly won the recognition and respect of the Sisters of Elune.

It is worth mentioning that Black Crow Castle is a city dominated by the Resistance Army after all. As the heartland of the Resistance Army, Elune's sister Jin here is completely different from Elune's choice of separation.

In Aissalin, the influence of the Sisterhood is gradually declining; however, here, they almost play the role of a second government - in fact, after the war, the night elves gradually formed a theocratic social system. The Sisterhood of Time eventually took over all functions of government.

Therefore, with the recognition of the Ravencrest clan and the Sisters of Elune, Alireese has been able to move freely in Black Crow Castle, even though she is a new arrival, and can even be said to be prosperous.

Afterwards, Alice hurried to the big market opposite Xiang.

She stood on the high platform of the market and announced to the passing crowd in a loud voice: "I need some laborers to help me clean an idle mansion. If you are interested, please come and sign up."

Soon, dozens of able-bodied workers responded to her call.

In this war era, as long as there is a mouth of food to eat, there is a lot of labor force.

With the help of laborers, the long-dormant mansion was thoroughly cleaned and made brand new, exuding a fresh atmosphere from the inside out.

While the workers were still busy cleaning up the mansion, Alice couldn't wait to come to the bustling market. She shuttled among the dazzling array of stalls and carefully selected some simple and practical furniture according to her own preferences. Every piece of furniture has been carefully considered by her, not only to fit the style of the mansion, but also to meet the actual needs of life.

As for more, just leave it to the housekeeper.

The mansion Eleles chose originally belonged to another high elf. However, after Black Crow Castle raised the flag of resistance, in order to avoid the war, the original owner and his family hurriedly moved to the distant city of Suramar. Before leaving, they moved almost all the valuable furniture in the house, leaving only this empty mansion.

After careful cleaning and decoration, the mansion has restored its former vitality and warmth. On the same day, Levin and Ellyse moved into this brand-new mansion and started their new life in Black Crow Castle.

On the evening of the second day, the moonlight filtered through the gaps in the curtains and sprinkled the room mottledly.

Leticia had already gone out to visit nearby neighbors, while Levin set off on his way to the city alone. His destination is a staff store called "Renee".

In Black Crow Castle, due to the rapid increase in population, all kinds of shops are crowded with people shopping. Only shops related to arcana - such as enchantment shops, alchemy product shops, robes

-Still deserted.

There are few pedestrians in front of these shops, which is in sharp contrast with the prosperity around them.

In the Dark Night Empire, arcane arts have always been regarded as the exclusive skills of the upper elves and are strictly controlled and monopolized. The upper elves only accounted for a very small part of the huge population of the entire empire.

Levin walked through the busy market and finally came to the "Renee" staff store. Opening the door, the scene inside the store comes into view. The female boss was sitting behind the counter, watching boredly as the arcane broom in the store automatically cleaned.

"Dingling bell~"

As Levin pushed open the door, the bell hanging on the door made a series of crisp sounds. This sound broke the tranquility of the store and lifted the spirit of the female shop owner.

She stood up, with a business smile on her face, and greeted warmly: "Welcome, I am Renee Starwhisper, the owner of our store. Are you here to buy a staff?"

Her voice was full of expectation, and it was obvious that no customers had come for a long time.

Levin looked around leisurely, sizing up this old staff shop. The furnishings in the store are simple and simple, giving off a sense of history. The fact that it has been open to this day undoubtedly proves its extraordinary quality and reputation.

He walked to the counter, smiled and said to the shopkeeper Renee: "Hello, shopkeeper Renee. I didn't come here today to buy a ready-made staff."

As he spoke, he gently untied the vital Garnier twig from his back and carefully placed it on the counter. Then he made a show gesture to Renee and said gently: "I hope you can help me." Craft this raw material into a staff. "

Renee looked at the extraordinary wood in front of her, a trace of curiosity flashed in her eyes, and then responded enthusiastically: "Of course, our shop also provides the service of bringing your own materials to make the staff. However, before making it, please allow me to first Carefully identify the characteristics of this material.”

"Please." Levin nodded in agreement, showing great trust and patience.

Renee took a deep breath, and the light blue arcane spirit began to flash on her hand.

She stroked the Gar twig gently and cautiously, as if having some mysterious communication with it. With her touch, disbelief gradually appeared on her face.


She looked up at Levin, her tone full of respect and curiosity: "Dear guest, this material of yours is extraordinary. The energy affinity it shows is simply rare in my life. Please forgive me for asking. , what kind of precious wood is it?”

"Hmm..." Levin pondered for a moment, frowning slightly, looking a little distressed: "Do I have to answer this question?"

"Oh, no." Renee noticed his hesitation, then smiled and waved her hand: "This is just my personal curiosity, and it will not have much impact on the production process of the staff. However, learn more Information helps us meet your needs more accurately."

She further explained: "Based on the source of the material and your specific needs, we will use corresponding processing techniques to make the staff. So, at least please tell us which attribute you want this staff to be more biased towards. Affinity—is it arcane, natural, or divine?"

"Well..." After listening to Renee's explanation, Levin scratched his cheek with his index finger in embarrassment. After thinking for a moment, he replied: "I want a magic weapon that can take into account both arcane magic and natural power." Staff... Can you make such a staff?"

Upon hearing this unexpected request [Renee's eyes flashed with a look of surprise.

She pondered for a while, and then said seriously: "Although few people have ordered such a dual-attribute staff before, our store has the ability to make it. But... you definitely need a dual-attribute staff. A staff? If you focus on a single attribute, the bonus of this staff to your spellcasting ability will be even higher. After all, such a precious material cannot be changed once it is made."

After listening to Renee's reminder, Levin breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "As long as you can do it. Then please ask Renee's shop owner, please help me make a staff with both arcane and natural properties. "

With a gentle smile, Renee nodded slightly and said, "Okay, let's customize it according to your wishes. In addition, do you have any special requirements or preferences for the appearance of the staff?"

"Of course, this is the sketch of the appearance I designed for the staff. See if you can make it based on this." Without hesitation, Levin took out a carefully drawn design sketch from his arms and handed it to Renee.

As the design drawing unfolded, Renee's eyes flashed with wonder. She didn't expect that this customer was so professional.

Levin added: "In addition, I have also prepared some special materials that may be helpful during the production process." As he spoke, he took out a small pile of materials that shone with a mysterious luster from the package.

After all, Levin is a master of alchemy in the world of Harry Potter, but he has only made wands, and he is still a novice in making wands. In addition, he had limited time, so he chose to leave this work to the local "master stick maker" with superb skills.

However, this does not mean that he does not have his own vision for the future staff.

Seeing Levin's professional and meticulous preparation, the owner Renee's expression became solemn. Facing such an expert customer, she knew that she could not take it lightly and must do her best to ensure that she created a staff that satisfied the other party. .

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