As Dejana fell into coma again, steady and deep breathing came from the hospital bed.

Tyrande held the Tears of Elune tightly, feeling an inexplicable emotion well up in her heart. She silently stared at the sleeping high priest, as if she wanted to engrav this moment deeply in her heart.

"High Priest, don't worry. Tyrande said softly, her tone full of firm determination, "I will not let you and Elune down [I will lead the sisterhood to a brighter future. "

After saying that, she carefully hung the Tears of Elune around her neck. The cold touch made her more clearly aware of the heavy responsibility she shouldered.

She silently bowed to the sleeping Dejana, then turned around and quietly exited the tent.


Just as he walked out of the tent, a familiar voice suddenly came from the side: "It seems that our new high priest has accepted the important task!"

Tyrande turned around and saw Levin folding his arms and leaning leisurely against a short tree to greet her. And another noble girl whom she met not long ago was also bowing to her to congratulate her.

"It seems that you already know." Tyrande smiled reluctantly, but felt a little confused in her heart, "High Priest Dejana has entrusted the future to me, but I am still a little at a loss now.

Levin came over and patted her shoulder gently, "Don't worry, I believe you are qualified for this important task. What are your plans next?" He looked at the mountains sandwiched between the majestic peaks of Tyrande. Pendant, a glimmer of understanding flashed in Levin's eyes.

Tyrande's head was lowered, and he fell into silence for a while, his heart seemed to be full of chaos.

Finally, she raised her head with a trembling voice and looked at Levin, her eyes showing a desire for support, "I...I need some time now to be alone and sort out my thoughts. You...can you stay with me for more than ten years?"

Levin felt the fluctuations in her emotions. He turned his head and looked at Elise, who had been paying attention not far away, and whistled to her to attract her attention.

"Alice, did you hear everything?" Levin said, "Your future mentor needs some private space now. I want to stay and comfort her, so you..."

"I can stay with Teacher Tyrande." Elleisse raised her hand eagerly, fearing that she would be left out.

Levin gave her a helpless look, then tapped her forehead unceremoniously.

"Do you have to let me put it so clearly?" Levin gave the little girl a fierce look for the first time, "I mean, no! Go! Stay! Stay! Come! (cbc(b) Dang! Telephone !Light bulb!!!"

Elise covered her forehead, turned away dissatisfied, and muttered: "Just leave, why are you so fierce.

With that said, the little girl pouted and left angrily.

Before leaving, Levin could still vaguely hear her complaining: "Really, Xiaohei, you are not cute at all after you change back to human form..."

Looking at Ellyse's retreating back, Levin shook his head with a wry smile, then turned to Tyrande and said: "Now that she's gone, you can have some peace and quiet. I'll be here with you until you Be prepared to face everything again.”

Under Jarod's careful planning, Levin, who had just successfully completed a major mission, was not immediately thrown into the cruel main battlefield like a meat grinder, but was given a precious three days of rest.

Levin understood that these three days away from the front line were precious, and he did not want to waste his time, so he decided to fulfill his promise to Dath'Rema first. Therefore, he took Elileth with him and prepared to use the upper elf's teleportation spell to conduct a teleportation directly to the rear base established by the resistance forces in Black Crow Castle.


As soon as he arrived at his destination, Levin heard a crow calling.

There are two layers of meaning behind the name Black Crow Castle.

On the one hand, there are countless black-feathered crows living around the fort, which echo the name of Black Crow Castle.

On the other hand, legend has it that the name also comes from the Lord Ravencrest family who have guarded this place for generations. In the upper elf language, "Ravencrest" means "crow's crown", and this family is famous for its deep affection for crows and ravens.

When the rebels rose up, the former Lord Ravencrest, in the name of King Qin, led a heroic army to advance towards the capital city of Zin-Azsaleen.

Although he failed to achieve his ultimate goal as the first commander-in-chief of the resistance, his sacrifice and efforts won valuable support and time for the resistance. Today, Black Crow Fort has become an important base for the resistance. With the joint efforts of a steady stream of supporters, the fortress has gradually developed into the size of a city and has become a strong backing for the resistance.

Black Crow Castle stands on the western border of the Val'sharah region. It is not only a strategic location, but also a transportation hub.

Starting from here, embarking on a journey south, you will reach Azsuna, which has a strong academic atmosphere. Going further, you will reach the shining pearl of the night elves—the city of Suramar—of course the only pearl in the world. .

If you explore the highlands to the northeast, you will find the residence of the tauren tribe - High Mountain. To the west and north it is directly adjacent to the huge Zin Aissalin capital circle.

When Levin and Ellyse walked out of the ancient teleportation tower of Black Crow Castle, they were shocked by the prosperity and vitality of the fortress city in front of them.

The rebels' sophisticated weapons and equipment and key logistical supplies are all allocated from here. An endless stream of caravans brought all kinds of goods from various villages in Val'sharah and traded them in the market of Black Crow Castle. This made the temporarily designated commercial street in the center of the city look very lively. .

In the Artisan Street inside the castle, the sound of "clinking" of forging iron can be heard all the time. The freshly made weapons and armor shone sharply in the firelight, and were then skillfully bundled and loaded into vehicles, waiting to be transported to the frontline military camps to assist the soldiers who were fighting bloody battles.

It seems that no leisurely figure can be found in this solid fortress city. Every resident is like a wind-up toy, busy with the work at hand in an energetic, efficient and orderly manner, and together they maintain the operation and prosperity of the city.

Ellelace grew up in the leisurely-paced aristocratic area of ​​Zin Assaline. The Black Crow Castle in front of her was completely different from the environment she was familiar with in the past. It was the first time she saw this urban scene that was different from her own past. This busy and interesting city The sight of the preface amazed her.

"It's so shocking, are they so busy every day?" she asked curiously, with a keen interest in the city in her eyes.

Levin also walked to the railing of the tower, overlooking the busy street scene below. After a moment of reflection, he replied: "Although I can't be 100% sure, generally speaking, the vitality and busyness here should be day after day."

"Okay, little girl, don't be in a daze." He gently patted Elise's little head, with a hint of pampering and helplessness in his tone, "We still have business to do, and we have to find a suitable place quickly. Settle down. Mr. Dasrema is still waiting for news from us."

"Oh...Okay." Elleis reluctantly looked away from the bustling street scene and nodded obediently, "Then let's set off."

After that, she lightly climbed onto the broad back of the chimera that Levin transformed into, and slid down from the top of the towering mage tower.

In the process of circling downward, Elleisse took the opportunity to roughly observe the overall layout of Black Crow Castle.

The city was transformed from a fortified fortress, "and there was not much space for living within the city walls.

Except for the upper elves who were grandly entertained by the Ravencrest clan, most of the refugees who came from all over the world were placed in temporary residential areas outside the city walls.

Although the conditions there are simple, they are also full of life and hope. .

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