Just as the continuous explosions came to an end, Aissalin changed again.

Tyrande suddenly realized that the protection of the moon god that had surrounded her for a long time suddenly disappeared.

This sudden change made Tyrande, who was accustomed to the guardianship of the moon god, feel a sense of discomfort and emptiness.

According to the law of energy balance in the universe, the divine power flowing from Tyrande will inevitably appear somewhere.

She looked up and saw that the moon in the sky seemed brighter and brighter, as if a new power had been injected into it. Immediately afterwards, she noticed a layer of white fog quietly filling the air around her. Soon, the entire city was surrounded by a hazy and unknown fog.

"This is Levin's method!" Tyrande immediately realized the reason for the situation. "In Aissalin, apart from me, he is the only one who has the ability to mobilize such a huge power of the moon god.

As Elune herself said, she cannot stay in the material world for a long time [the divine power she left on Tyrande as a protection was the last ripple in ten moves.

Now, the sudden disappearance of this protection is actually because Levin is actively calling Elune, praying for her divine power to come.

Of course, Levin is not looking for personal asylum. His goal is more ambitious - he wants to use the power of the moon god to temporarily disable even part of the function of this huge mystery that covers the entire Assaline. It is enough to change the entire situation of the battle.

Elune's divine power is undoubtedly extraordinary and powerful.

The mythical locks in Aissalin City are so strong that even demons are helpless when they encounter them. But even this barrier, illuminated by the bright moonlight, actually showed traces of flaws, and its control over the city also quietly weakened.

The powerful Mystical Lock, which even the devil could not stop, showed its flaws under the moonlight and lost part of its control over the city.

It is this subtle flaw that provides Levin with a glimmer of opportunity. He cleverly used this gap to create ten thick fogs that filled half of the city.

However, this fog did not become an obstacle to Tyrande and his party. Instead, it unexpectedly became their ally, providing them with a secret cover to help them escape from danger.

The priestess concentrated on following these warriors who rescued her, galloping all the way without daring to slack off at all.

But the wheel of fate will not always be in their favor.

Soon, they encountered an obstacle, and a group of ferocious hell beasts appeared in front of them. These creatures were the hounds of the Burning Legion - they were like large hyenas, and the tentacles on their backs had the strange ability to absorb magic. For spellcasters, they are undoubtedly deadly nemesis.

Faced with this sudden threat, a female mage reacted quickly. She lightly threw an object, which at first seemed to be an inconspicuous short wooden stick.

However, when the wooden stick was about to touch the target, it instantly stretched and lengthened, turning into a sharp spear and piercing the hell beast's chest.

The rest of the hell beasts were not spared. They all suffered similar fatal blows and fell down wailing.

There were still a few hell beasts running away in fear, but how could Dath'Rema let them go so easily? He quickly sent out a fireball, accurately hitting two of the beah hell beasts that were fleeing for their lives. In the deafening explosion, the bodies of the two hell beasts were blown to pieces, and the fragments rained down on the fleeing upper elves like a rainstorm.

Despite this, a cunning hellbeast escaped their pursuit.

"Hurry, before we are discovered!" Dath'Rema roared, "Let's speed up!"

Just at this time, a low and solemn horn sounded in the distance, and under the silvery light of the moon, several gloomy black figures swayed faintly in front of the team.

"Sarasnagak!" Dath'Remar roared, "Noir Tyson! Come to me quickly!"

The two moved upon hearing the sound, and arrived at Sreema's side almost instantly. The three clenched their fists and began to recite incantations in a low voice, arousing the power of arcane magic.

In the blink of an eye, a dazzling red energy beam burst out from in front of the three of them. The light was sharp and hot, as if it could cut through any obstacle. Even Tyrande, the priest, could feel the powerful energy drawn from the Well of Eternity. .

Then, in the misty mist, a row of majestic moon guards loomed, like ghost warriors, attacking the fugitives with dense pursuit.

Each of these Moon Guards are elite battle mages who have undergone rigorous training. They hold staffs and wear silver armor. They are well-trained. In the past battles between the Dark Night Empire and surrounding races, this kind of spellcaster troops were often able to crush them. Pressure effect.

However, in the eyes of high-level mages, their power seems so insignificant, and their spells are like children's toys, eclipsed by the real powerhouses.

When the moon guards in front touched the seemingly weak red energy barrier, their bodies were suddenly enveloped in blazing flames. Like ignited gasoline, the flames licked their bodies crazily, swallowing them up in the blazing fire.

Wails came one after another, and the moon guards who were burned by the flames struggled painfully, but to no avail. After a while, their bodies were reduced to ashes in the high temperature, leaving only a few pieces of armor that were burned and distorted, as if to tell the tragedy of this battle.

However, the following Moon Guards did not flinch because of this, and they still charged forward regardless of their own safety.

At the same time, the surrounding demons began to move. They smelled the smell of blood and gathered one after another to surround the escapees.

The war was about to break out, and the two sides fell into a fierce confrontation. Spells and sword light intertwined together to create a thrilling scene.

In this chaotic battle, a burly demon cunningly attempted to sneak attack Dath'Rema from behind while he was not paying attention.

However, all this was captured by Tyrande's keen eyes. Undaunted, she calmly pulled out the sword beside her and prayed to the moon god Elune, asking for the power to kill with ten strikes.

The sword shone brightly in Tyrande's hand, shining with the silver light representing the moon goddess. Tyrande grasped the hilt of the sword tightly and swung it towards the demon with an almost incredible speed and force.

The demon guard only had time to let out a muffled groan, and his body turned stiffly in the direction of Tyrande under the influence of inertia. However, before he could completely turn around, the upper half of his body fell down weakly.

With the blessing of divine power, Tyrande's sword was so clean that her enemy did not even realize that she was dead.

Dath'Rema had not yet noticed that the enemy was approaching from behind, so he hurriedly called out to his two comrades.

Tyrande stood aside. Although she didn't know the specific content of their exchange, she witnessed them quickly building a bright magic shield.

The shield not only expanded rapidly, covering a wider area, but also glowed with a more dazzling blue light than before.

Suddenly, there was a crackling sound in the air, and a demon took the lead in rushing towards the newly formed shield.

Then, he was suddenly pushed back by an invisible force, as if he was being thrown by a catapult. The demon fell heavily among his companions, and his body instantly shattered into powder and dissipated in the air.

This scene proves that compared to traditional fire spells, range of force field spells are more deadly when fighting demons.

Soon, the enemies in this wave of attacks were defeated and suffered heavy casualties.

Dathrema looked around, a trace of cruelty flashing in his eyes.

"Don't leave anyone alive." He turned to his companions and whispered: "Although we are masked, we still have to be cautious. We cannot let any enemy have the opportunity to reveal our secrets."

After silencing all witnesses, they continued to move forward cautiously. After going through untold hardships, when they stepped onto the edge of the civilian area, sudden changes broke the short-term peace again.

Suddenly, a heartbreaking scream came from Tyrande's ears.

She turned around and saw an upper-class female elf who was younger than her, straightening up in pain on her mount, and then disappeared into the thin air like a ghost.

When everyone was shocked, the screams suddenly stopped, and then, a lifeless corpse fell from the escaping team of elves and fell on the cold stone road.

The night elves began to look around in panic, their wary eyes wandering in the air and around them. Tyrande quickly turned around and saw a pair of sharp claws trying to capture a male elf. However, the male elf was agile enough to dodge the fatal blow by a hair's breadth.

"It's the Doom Guard!" Tyrande reminded her companions loudly, so be careful! The Doom Guard is lurking in the Minister of Garden Qi!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a pair of claws suddenly stretched out from beside her, trying to drag her into the darkness.

Tyrande reacted quickly, clenched the sword in his hand, and swung it with all his strength.

The long sword enchanted by the power of the Moon God sliced ​​this arm easily like a hot knife cutting through butter.

As a scream rang out, the doomsday guard obviously did not expect that she would fight back so decisively. In a hurry, only a severed arm was left, and the body quickly disappeared into the thick fog.

Priestess Tyrande turned her gaze to Dath'Remar, but failed to find any clear instructions or assistance.

Dath'Rema and the other upper elves are now trapped in the quagmire [difficult to move. . 【013504114 Feilu201571071】

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