Dath'Remar and his companions carefully led Tyrande out of the dark prison and into the dark corridor. There, the third masked night elf waited silently.

Tyrande was a little hesitant at first, but when she realized that she had stepped out of the prison cell, she felt an inexplicable excitement in her heart. Dath'Rema noticed her hesitation, glanced at her dissatisfiedly, and urged her to move on.

Under the guidance of Dath'Rema's companions, the four of them quickly crossed the corridor and embarked on a long and steep staircase.

Along the way, they found no trace of any guards, which made Tyrande realize that the chaos caused by Levin was far more intense than she imagined, so much so that many guards in the palace were gone, which was not usually the case. Impossible to happen.

At the end of the stairs, a heavy iron door came into view. Azshara's angelic face is carved in the center of the door, and her eyes seem to be staring at everyone who passes by.

When Tyrande saw this face, his body trembled involuntarily. This reaction aroused the sympathy of the two upper elves.

"Going through this door is the hall," Dath'Rema explained promptly. "Going through the hall, we can directly reach the stables. Others should have prepared their mounts and are just waiting for us. When the palace door opens, When the time comes, as long as no one stops you, we can take you out."

When the palace gate opens, as long as no one blocks it, we can take you out. "

Dath'Rema straightened her back proudly, with a confident light in her eyes: "Don't forget, we are the upper elves! We are the most outstanding mages in the world! The power we possess is enough to defeat any obstacle. !”

"I feel that the road ahead is still clear," the third night elf mage suddenly interjected, with an arrogant smile on his face, "Vashj's group of trash are still under our control of the sensory control system. "

"But I'm worried that the control of magic may not last long." Dath'Rema said softly, while cautiously pushing open the heavy door. The hall behind the door was empty, and no figure of the ferocious-looking warrior appeared as expected.

The night elf mage's confidence gradually grew: "The stables are close at hand," he declared proudly, "Look, Dath'Remar! You don't need to be afraid of these incompetent people."

However, before he could say the second half of the sentence, his words stopped abruptly. A sharp arrow suddenly penetrated his neck, and blood poured out, staining the clothes of Tyrande and Dath'Remar. The mage fell heavily to the ground, and the light of life quickly dimmed.

Several guards appeared at the end of the corridor. Their eyes were cold and wolf-like, looking in Tyrande's direction.

"Don't move! Everyone stand still!" A junior officer wearing a dark purple helmet ordered sharply.

A trace of anger flashed in Dath'Rema's eyes, and he waved his hand violently, aiming his palm at the sheep guard.

"[Magic Explosion Technique]!" He shouted.

In an instant, with Dath'Rema as the center, a powerful invisible force field energy suddenly burst out, violently impacting the guards. They were like leaves blown up by the strong wind, and were thrown against the wall helplessly. The sound of the impact echoed in the hall, dull and loud.

"This is the fate of those who dare to attack the upper elf elites!" he said sternly.

Tyrande frowned and reminded with the sharp intuition of the priestess: "Such a noise may attract unnecessary attention."

Only then did Dath'Rema realize that his attack might have been too violent. He frowned slightly and turned to signal to the female companion beside him. The two of them moved left and right in tacit agreement, pulling Tyrande forward quickly.

They walked through the corridor and quickly arrived at the stables. There, two or three upper-class elves were waiting quietly. They all covered their faces with silk scarves [Song revealed a pair of alert eyes.

"Why haven't you seen me?" A woman was about to ask about the situation, but when she saw Dathrema's tense face and the sadness that she couldn't hide in time, she immediately closed her eyes and knew in her heart that the companion who had not returned might have died. Had a misfortune.

"We just heard the sound of fighting and the fluctuation of magic above." Another man broke the silence and said in a deep voice: "Even we felt that someone was using magic, and the guards of the palace must have noticed something abnormal."

"There was an attack at that time, and we had no choice." Dath'Rema nodded. He looked around and made a quick decision. "We can only act as quickly as possible. Jarrod [Where is the mount you prepared for this priestess?" ?"

"It's ready," a voice came from the shadows, "I picked the fastest night saber for her."

"Okay," the mage took a deep breath, turned to Tyrande, and said sincerely, "Ms. Tyrande, now you have seen with your own eyes that the Sunstrider family is not the only highborne elves who pursue justice. When you return to the Rebel Army , we hope you can say some fair words for us. We know that they may have misunderstandings and hostility towards us——"

"We want them to obey our orders and obey our arrangements," an enthusiastic highborne woman shouted loudly, her eyes flashing with excitement.

"We have the power [the ability and the responsibility to do three things]"

"If you think that way, then we are doomed," Dath'Rema suddenly shouted at the woman. "If the rebels know that you have such an attitude, then all of us will be in danger!"

Dathrema's words made her shrink her head and shut her mouth obediently.

Then, Dath'Remar quickly turned to Tyrande, with a hint of apology in his eyes, are you willing to take on this important task for us?"

"No problem! I will never look back!" Tyrande replied without hesitation: "I swear in the name of the moon goddess Elune, I will do my best to do it!"

If Tyrande had reservations about the other highborne elves gathered here, then she was very satisfied with Dath'Remar.

She thought to herself that Levin chose the Sun Chaser family as his first partner, which was a really smart move. Even if these upper-class elves decide to join the resistance camp, their arrogance is indelible. Among so many people, only Dath'Rema could maintain a rare humility. He knew very well who was seeking Hui's help in this cooperation.

However, Tyrande decided to put aside her prejudices against these arrogant Highborne elves. After all, they risked their lives to rescue themselves, and this friendship cannot be ignored. What's more, at critical moments, Dath'Rema's decision-making power can make everyone obey his command with sincerity. As long as this kind of leadership is maintained, working with them may not be a feasible option.

".~That's great! With your promise from the High Priest, I feel deeply reassured!" Dath'Rema said excitedly, and then he quickly pointed to the vigorous Nightsaber in the stable, "Quick, we have to Hurry up and get on your mounts! Every minute counts!"

A mage brought a female leopard with silky smooth hair and a light body, and handed the reins to Tyrande.

There was a heavy long sword hanging on the side of this night saber, which was obviously a trophy obtained from Vashj's soldiers. Tyrande nodded to this carefully prepared gift, expressing his gratitude, and then lightly mounted his mount, waiting for the order to set off.

Dath'Rema looked around and made sure everyone was ready, then he pointed to the two huge wooden doors leading to freedom and said in a sonorous and powerful voice:

"We must unite as one and break through this door together! No one must be left behind. We have no time to take care of those who are alone. Although most demons have been transferred to the front line, the road ahead is still full of unknown dangers." He straightened his chest, his voice full of faith and determination, "But please remember, we are the upper elves, the top mages in the world! We carry the endless energy given by the Well of Eternity. Today, we are going to use this With our own strength, we will open up a road to the outside of the city. Anyone who dares to block our progress will suffer the most terrible destruction!"

Tyrande had no expression on her face, but her heart was slightly moved (Nono's). She quietly prayed to the moon goddess Elune, asking for the goddess's guidance to help her better stand side by side with these new companions. Combat.

Although these highborne had participated in the conspiracy to introduce the Burning Legion to Kalimdor, they now fought hard to atone for their sins; Tyrande was determined to do her best to win the understanding and acceptance of others for them.

Dath'Rema pointed his finger directly at the closed door in front of him, and ordered in a voice: "Open the door!"

Following his order, a fireball flew out. The next moment, the two palace doors exploded with a bang, and a deafening loud noise echoed in the empty courtyard.

"Go forward bravely and charge!" Dath'Rema waved his arms and led the team to charge forward.

Tyrande followed closely behind. She spurred the Night Saber on her crotch and galloped away after her.

The upper elves in front of the team rode powerful night sabers, passing through the broken gate like an arrow. Their mounts lightly jumped over the remains of the gate and landed steadily on the road ahead.

"The queen and the remaining demons should still be gathered near the Well of Eternity," Dath'Rema shouted loudly, providing information to the team, "and most of the guards in the palace have been transferred to the noble area. This is how we broke through the siege. , the key to success!”.

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