Entering the city of Zin Issalyn, Levin no longer has to rush, and there are usually no raptors in this city.

In order to avoid arousing unnecessary attention and suspicion, he used his transformation ability, changing from the conspicuous flying eagle form into an ordinary crow that can be seen everywhere - this is a unique secondary to his Storm Crow transformation ability. product.

Levin stood on the roof, overlooking the entire city, silently observing what was going on around him.

He soon discovered an important detail: Queen Azshara did not fully trust the Legion. This can be clearly seen from the distribution of demons and highborne in the palace.

Although the queen allocated the side hall near the Well of Eternity to the demons, Azshara's royal guards still guarded the road leading to the core area of ​​the palace and refused to give in. The demons headed by Archimonde also had a tacit understanding and did not try to break into this forbidden area.

This phenomenon made Levin realize that the Burning Legion now still needs the support of Queen Azshara, until it uses the endless energy of the Well of Eternity to build a passage sufficient for Sargeras to descend.

At the same time, the queen's own strength is also quite terrifying. With the blessing of the magic power of the Well of Eternity, even the ten-dimensionally arrogant Archimonde is unwilling to have a head-on conflict with her.

The distinct layout of forces in the palace made Levin fall into deep contemplation. He began to outline a preliminary plan in his mind, thinking about how to sneak into this heavily defended palace.

However, as the most heavily defended mortal building in Azeroth, it is not easy to sneak into it without anyone noticing. Levin knew that he still needed to polish his plan more carefully.

"No matter what, I have to find a suitable place to stay first." Levin thought to himself, "Flying in the sky in the form of a crow is not a long-term solution after all. I can't really imitate the crow's living habits and rely on eating Have you said anything about the insect? -"

Thinking of this, Levin fluttered his wings and took off again, overlooking Zin Aissalin's layout from the air.

The city is distributed in a circle, with the royal palace centered on the Well of Eternity located in the innermost circle, like stars looming over the moon. The palace is surrounded by a large number of gorgeous and majestic single-family buildings. Levin can even see many private gardens surrounded by high walls, which must be the residences of the noble upper elves.

Further outside is the area where the canal flows. There are various shops lined up along the river, with all kinds of signboards hanging.

This should have been a bustling commercial street, but it seemed a little deserted at this time. Only a few Highborne were shopping arrogantly along the way, and their noses seemed to be turning up to the sky.

In the center of the commercial streets surrounding the canal, a magnificent public square was built. In the center of the square stands the silver statue of Queen Azshara. Her beautiful face shines in the sun. Both civilians and nobles can admire the queen's grace here.

Outside the business district is the outermost civilian area of ​​the city, which is exactly where Caiwen is at the moment.

Although the buildings here are not as tall and magnificent as those in the inner circle, they are also unique. The unique architectural style of the night elves makes these buildings, even if they are built by civilians, exude a different kind of beauty. Even those low-rise houses look particularly exquisite.

Levin walked carefully through this area, making up his mind to try to avoid places frequented by highborne elves. After all, their detection magic is so diverse and difficult to guard against. If one of them sees through his disguise, all his efforts will be wasted.

Compared with the prosperous aristocratic area and commercial area, the outer civilian area seems a bit deserted and lonely. Occasionally, civilians working outside hurried past, most of them lowered their heads and looked solemn. Everyone looked around nervously, fearing that a ruthless demon would suddenly appear and kill themselves with a knife.

Such worries are commonplace in Zin Aissalin today. Although the demons cannot enter the core area of ​​the noble area and the royal palace, they enjoy great authority under the protection of Queen Azshara by virtue of their status as "god envoys".

Except for a few confidential places, the city has almost opened its doors to them.

The upper elves turn a blind eye to the suffering of the common people, and turn a blind eye to the random killing of civilians by demons. This is why the class conflict between them and the common people will become increasingly deepened.

Outside the royal palace and aristocratic area where people are singing and dancing, the prosperous Zin Aissalin has shown signs of decline.

Although the commercial street is still bustling, the sparse shops and hurried passers-by all indicate that the city's former glory is quietly passing away. The desolation and desolation of the civilian areas have added to the decline of the city.

Levin searched in the civilian area and quickly located a small and quiet Elune Temple.

He slowly lowered his flight altitude and prepared to land there, intending to reveal his identity to the local Sisters of Elune and seek their help.

The members of the Sisterhood of Elune are devout guardians of Elune's faith. Levin firmly believes that once they know his purpose and understand his identity as a favored one, they will definitely lend a helping hand and provide him with valuable information and help. .

Just as Levin spread his wings and flew towards the Temple of Elune, the Well of Eternity in the distance suddenly shot out a green beam of light, pointing directly at Levin.

The light beam was as sudden as a ghost, catching people off guard. The moment he was locked by the beam, Levin immediately felt an unprecedented crisis, and all the feathers in his body became tense.

He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the Well of Eternity. There, he saw a pair of cold and ruthless green eyes staring at him, and the other person's fingers still retained the faint light after releasing the spell.

"Sure enough... even such a disguise cannot hide it from Archimonde's eyes." Levin sighed inwardly, but he did not show the slightest panic.

Despite being locked by such powerful magic, and despite all the sensations in his body reminding him of the dangerous attacks he faced, Levin still remained calm and calm.


He just continued to fly forward, as if he was really just an ordinary crow, soaring leisurely in the sky without noticing the fatal light beam.

"Bah!" A sharp sound broke through the air, and that terrible blow hit the little crow head-on.

It didn't even have the slightest chance to struggle, and lost its life on the spot. Its body was seen spinning in the air, falling feebly, and finally fell to the ground with a "pop" and turned into a shriveled corpse.

The evil energy beam that cut through the sky was so powerful that it even penetrated a huge hole in the clouds in the sky. The full moon, which was originally obscured by clouds, revealed half of its true appearance, and the bright moonlight fell on the earth.

However, the sudden appearance of the moonlight caused a large number of civilians in the city of Zin Azalin to panic. They looked up and saw the destructive power contained in the evil energy beam lingering in the air for a long time, which was terrifying. Many civilians could not wait to turn around and hide at home immediately, close their doors and windows tightly, and never go out again.


The pale green evil energy is a symbol of demonic power. For the night elf civilians who have suffered massacres by demons, they are extremely sensitive to this power.

At this moment, their hearts were filled with fear and uneasiness, fearing that the devil would cause trouble again and bring disaster to them. As a result, the whole city fell into panic again, and the streets with few people in them became even more deserted. The shriveled crow corpse and the long-lasting evil beam below remind people that the threat of demons still exists.

At the same time, at the center of the dispute at the city gate, Illidan's expression suddenly changed as he was making a fuss.

"Alas... Sure enough, he was still discovered by Archimonde." He murmured to himself, staring at the green afterglow in the distance that had not completely dissipated.

At this moment, he had completely suppressed the Moon Guards and took control of the situation. The Moon Guards were retreating steadily in front of his power. More than half of the Moon Guards have fallen at his feet, including Bretander, who has always been displeasing to him.

Illidan raised his head slightly, glanced at the aftermath of the [Finger of Death] again, and couldn't help but sigh, feeling extremely complicated.

"It's such a pity," he lamented in a low voice, "that this druid with so much potential ended up like this..."

Thinking of this, he recalled the identity of Levin's love rival.

"What would Malfurion's reaction be if he found out?"

Thinking of this, he shook his head again to get rid of these distracting thoughts, and his eyes gradually became firm.

"It seems that the task of saving Tyrande can only be completed by myself." He said to himself, "After I go back, I have to find a way to find out where Tyrande is being held."

After saying that, he knocked down the last enemy with one blow and turned to look at the palace pill shrouded in the dim light of the Well of Eternity. .

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