About half an hour later, Illidan and his team slowly walked to the city gate.

Levin looked from a distance and saw Illidan taking the initiative to walk towards the Moon Guards guarding the city and starting to negotiate with them. At the beginning, the conversation between the two parties was relatively peaceful, but suddenly, the atmosphere suddenly changed. Illidan's voice raised a few decibels and he issued a stern question to the Moon Guard.

"Get out of the way for me!" Illidan's voice was full of unquestionable majesty.

He tried to push away the Moon Guard in front of him, his face full of anger: "Blackund! Don't you recognize me? I am Illidan Stormrage!"

The Moon Guard general guarding the city, Bretander, sneered and replied: "How could I not know you, a member of the Stormrage family and the younger brother of the Archdruid Malfurion.

"But even you, Illidan, cannot bring prisoners into Aesaleen at will. According to the rules, you must hand over the prisoners to us." Breitand's tone was firm and unyielding.

Veins popped up on Illidan's forehead, his body was tense, and his muscles stood out like knotted tree roots. He stared angrily at Britand and shouted: "Don't compare me to my brother who advocates Druid teachings! I have no interest in those pediatric teachings. Please open your eyes and see clearly. , I am Illidan Stormrage, not Malfari!"

"Papa!" Illidan slapped his strong chest heavily, making a dull sound.

His whole body was covered in green evil patterns, like an awakened beast, full of power and wildness.

He glared at Bretander and said in a louder voice: "I have received the gift from Lord Sargeras and am now your 157 superior. I have the authority to bring my loot into the city and let it go immediately!"

"I'm sorry, Illidan Stormrage," Breitand said with a sinister look on his face, shaking his head, "The palace has strict orders, everyone else can bring loot into the city, except you. Please forgive me. I can't obey."

"You!" Illidan's eyes widened and he was furious. There is even an urge to pretend to be real.

In fact, in the past few days, Illidan has not captured prisoners.

But all along, facing the dual pressure of Queen Azshara and the Burning Legion, Illidan, who had a bad temper and used any means to achieve his goals, chose to compromise and hand over the prisoners.

Even if he knew that those prisoners who were handed over would have the only ending of "death".

However, Illidan is still Illidan. In his heart, Tyrande's safety was more important than anything else. This time, he could no longer choose to compromise.

So, this time, he had to resist and fight for Tyrande and for the persistence and love in his heart.

Seeing that the negotiations were at an impasse, the evil patterns on Demon Hunter Illidan's body began to shine with a dazzling light, indicating the coming storm.

"If you don't cherish the opportunity given to you, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!" Illidan's voice revealed a strong threat.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body was surrounded by evil flames, like a burning green fireball. The moon guards standing in front of him were ignited by the flames amid the screams, and instantly turned into ashes.

Illidan (aedg), who was freed, took the opportunity to draw out two scimitars shaped like moon blades from his back. The blades were turned into a miserable green color by the power of evil energy, exuding a chilling light.

Although his eyes were covered with black cloth, they lit up with a clear green light at this moment, like two burning will-o'-the-wisps.

Illidan suppressed his inner anger and warned in a low and threatening voice: "If Queen Azshara asks, I will explain it to her personally. Now I say it one last time, get out of the way, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless." !”

"Don't even think about it!"

However, Breitand did not flinch. He took a few steps back with an ugly face and hid in the protective circle of the Moon Guard. Then he raised his arms and ordered loudly: "Prepare to attack! Illidan wants to disobey Her Majesty the Queen's order and take Let him be sent to the palace. If the target resists, life or death will happen!"

As Breitand's order was issued, the Moon Guards quickly assumed a fighting stance and prepared to launch a siege against Illidan.

Illidan's patience was finally completely exhausted. He grinned, revealing his white teeth, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face. He shouted lowly: "You... are seeking your own death!

Before he finished speaking, he rushed towards the Moon Guard camp like a bolt of lightning. The scimitar in his hand flashed with a cold green light and cut through the air with a sharp explosion.

Under Levin's close watch, Illidan bravely faced the siege of dozens of Moon Guards and launched a thrilling battle.

The power of arcane magic and evil energy collided fiercely at the city gate, erupting with a deafening roar. The aftermath shook the city's defense barrier, triggering a series of continuous sirens, and the entire city seemed to be trembling in this battle.

"That's it now." Levin murmured to himself, flapping his wings and flying in the direction of Aissalin.

When passing the city gate, Levin looked at the furious Illidan with complicated eyes.

It should be said that his purpose of taking refuge in Sargeras was indeed achieved.

As an old acquaintance, Levin can deeply feel that Illidan is no longer the same person as before. As a demon hunter, he is more powerful than when he was a mage, and he is still able to face the attacks of dozens of moon guards with ease. His figure shuttled quickly across the battlefield, like a ghost, making it elusive.

Although Illidan was temporarily unable to break through the strong defense of the Moon Guard and enter the city, he did not show any signs of defeat.

He wielded the twin blades of Azzinoth with such smooth movements that the Moon Guards cowered and did not dare to engage in close combat with him. At the same time, he can skillfully use various evil spells to skillfully block and suppress the enemy's long-range spell attacks.

Also from the Moon Guard, Illidan knew these former colleagues well and had a clear understanding of their combat methods. He launched a series of rapid and violent attacks, forcing Brettand, who was commanding from the center, to scramble and be overwhelmed.

It should be that, in this fierce battle, Illidan fully demonstrated the extraordinary strength and excellent tactical wisdom of the future savior appointed by Zera, the Mother of Light.

Taking advantage of the raging battle at the city gate, Levin calmly flew into the city.

When he crossed the barrier, he inevitably triggered the alarm, but in this chaotic moment, no one could accurately identify the ten alarms he triggered among the dense alarms.

Zin Aissalin, this city was originally named Eludis, and was specially renamed to Aissalin by the people of the Dark Night Empire in order to pay tribute to their Queen Azshara.

As the capital of the Dark Night Empire, it is not only the center of politics and economy, but also a holy place for culture and arcane research. It is known as the "Glory of Azshara." Its prosperity far exceeds the city of Salazar that Levin has seen before.

Levin overlooked the city from the air. Magnificent buildings with high-class characteristics were scattered everywhere, and a wide canal flowed slowly around the city like a ribbon. Due to the undulating terrain of the city, a large number of water canals of varying heights are cleverly integrated into the urban design. Some canal sections even form a spectacular sight of artificial waterfalls, with water pouring down and splashing like pearls falling on a jade plate.

And in the very center of the city, lies the well of eternity, the treasure of the town that supports the prosperity and development of the night elves.

The water in this well always exudes a charming magical light, as if it is an eternal pearl. The majestic palace is built around it, and the two complement each other, forming the most dazzling landmark of Zin Aissalin.

Levin was flying in the air, looking far away [and was immediately attracted by the vast Well of Eternity in the distance.

Although he had glanced at this "well" once during his soul journey, at this moment, staring at this magnificent scene with his naked eyes and feeling the surging arcane energy like a tide with his physical body, Levin's heart Still excited.

"This doesn't look like a well, it's more like a small lake." Levin couldn't help but mutter to himself.

However, it is a pity that this small lake, known as the Pearl of the Dark Night Empire, is now almost completely controlled by demons.

When Levin flew over Zin-Azsaleen, he could clearly see that in the evil energy portal next to the Well of Eternity, a steady stream of demons were pouring into the continent of Azeroth through the Twisting Nether.

A large number of upper elf mages are surrounding the Well of Eternity, concentrating on casting spells and trying to expand the size of the portal in order to put in more and more powerful demons.

Their ultimate goal is to allow the fallen titan Sargeras to pass through this portal.

Due to their frantic extraction of energy from the Well of Eternity, the originally calm lake surface was now turbulent, and the blue-purple lake water was gradually dyed green under the erosion of evil energy.

Not far from the upper elf mage, a blue-skinned eredar sat leisurely on a gorgeous chair. He watched the portal slowly expand with satisfaction, a proud smile on his face.

"Is that... Archimonde?"

Levin stared at the eredar who was the same size as an ordinary night elf, and felt an inexplicable nervousness in his heart. After all, he was a demigod whose strength far surpassed that of Voldemort.

He subconsciously slowed down his progress, and finally landed slowly on the domed roof of a high-rise building. .

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