In order to avoid the front lines heavily guarded by demons, Levin set out from the vanguard camp and embarked on a tortuous detour. He spread his wings and soared, without stopping for three consecutive days and nights, until he reached the border between the northern territory of Zandalari and Nazmir, and then he adjusted his direction and resolutely advanced northward.

Although this journey was full of hardships, he also successfully bypassed the iron-clad defense line set up by the Burning Legion east of Zin Azalin.

Compared to the war-torn main battlefield to the east, the south and west directions of Zin Aissalin appear relatively calm. Although there are also defenders stationed there, they are mainly the Moon Guard troops deployed by the upper elf themselves, and traces of demons are almost impossible to find.

Most of these moon guards gathered around the city gate, and Levin flew all the way until he arrived at the outskirts of the city of Zin Aissalin without encountering any form of obstruction or questioning.

Then, he landed steadily on the branch of a majestic ancient tree, maintaining the graceful posture of a flying eagle, and when he looked over the city with his sharp eyes, he discovered a thorny problem.

Only a layer of vague lavender light curtain was seen, covering the entire city of Xin-Assaly like a veil. This is obviously a defensive barrier, and its existence makes Levin's next actions extremely difficult.

"This is going to be a bit troublesome." Levin thought to himself, frowning slightly, "How can I sneak into the city without knowing the result of Zin Aissalin's defense?"

In the Dark Night Empire, where the arcane civilization flourishes, the ancient and primitive manpower guarding the city gates 04, and the way of distinguishing the identity of those who enter the city with the naked eye has long been eliminated by the times.

Instead, the upper elves led by Xavius ​​used the endless energy of the Well of Eternity to carefully construct a huge magical barrier.

According to the rules of the Dungeons and Dragons world that Levin had heard about, the real scientific name of this kind of enchantment is [Mysterious Lock Factory.

[Mystery Locks] themselves have simple consciousness, and are given the task of protecting cities or holy places by their creators--their lifespans can last for hundreds or even thousands of years.

The literal meaning of barrier is protective cover, but the function of [Mystery Lock] is more than that. The design purposes of [Mystery Lock] include but are not limited to protecting certain creatures within its range, expelling certain creatures, detecting creatures within its range, etc. Its operating principle is to infuse and infuse a huge field into In addition to a constant series of spells, each [Mysterious Lock] also has some unique abilities that cannot be directly described by spells.

And Aissalin's [Mystery Lock] function includes detecting every creature that attempts to enter the city. Whenever an unqualified person rashly approaches the edge of the barrier, its built-in early warning mechanism will be activated instantly, and the piercing siren will echo over the entire city, announcing the arrival of the intruder.

It is worth mentioning that the detection capabilities of this magic system are not limited to humans. It can even see through the camouflage of druids changing into animal forms, thereby completely eliminating the possibility of them trying to fish in troubled waters and enter the city quietly.

Regarding this crucial information, Levin had already learned from Malfurion and Jarod before setting off. Their detailed descriptions gave him a deeper understanding of the city's defense system and allowed him to formulate countermeasures in advance.

However, although the existence of the magic barrier makes the city's defense seem impeccable, a certain number of elite ugly soldiers are still stationed at the city gate.

After all, although the barrier is powerful and has simple intelligence, it is still a dead thing and lacks the unique flexibility of humans. The existence of these soldiers is to deal with possible emergencies and to ensure the absolute safety of the entire city.

At this moment, in front of the gate of Aissalin City, there was a bleak and desolate scene.

Years of war and turmoil have made this once prosperous city deserted, and people have stayed away from it, unwilling to get involved easily.

Occasionally, a few merchants came, and they hurriedly shuttled between the city gates, looking nervous and solemn. Levin noticed that the moment they stepped into the barrier, a subtle white light would flash across their bodies, as if the barrier had performed some mysterious verification of their identities.

Levin observed all this quietly, thoughts racing in his mind.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind, and a meaningful smile appeared on his lips.

He thought of a person, an "internal agent" in Aissalin City.

This traitor was none other than the other of the two victims of his ntr, Malfurion's younger brother, Illidan.

After Levin left the military camp to look for reinforcements, Illidan soon mysteriously disappeared and was mistakenly thought to be dead. However, Levin knew that Illidan did not disappear, but chose another path.

In the previous protracted war, Illidan deeply realized one thing, that is, mages have limits, so he made an astonishing decision - he stopped being a mage!

In pursuit of unparalleled power, Illidan made an astonishing choice - he decided to "throw himself into" the arms of the Burning Legion.

To this end, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his own eyes in exchange for absorbing the power of evil energy from the Dark Titan Sargeras. In this way, he became the world's first demon hunter, a lonely war king walking on the edge of darkness and light.

However, from the title "Demon Hunter", Levin can get a glimpse of Illidan's true inner thoughts. His betrayal was not out of sincere surrender, but because he wanted to go deep behind enemy lines, gain insight into all the secrets of the Burning Legion, and find a way to completely destroy this evil force.

In other words, he is an undercover agent, a mole lurking in the heart of the enemy.

After all, as a licking dog, Illidan always cares about his goddess Tyrande in his heart. As long as Tyrande continues to resist and fight against Queen Azshara, there is no way Illidan can truly betray his fellow night elves.

Of course, the Burning Legion is not that easy to fool. They would not easily believe in Illidan's surrender, nor would they allow him to rise to the top and directly join the core ranks.

Even if he is favored by Sargeras himself, Illidan must prove his loyalty and worth by completing a series of arduous "field tasks" as a certificate of surrender to the Burning Legion.

And that's exactly the opportunity Levin wants to take advantage of.

He is well aware of Illidan's situation and thoughts, and also understands that the demon hunter has a unique position within the Burning Legion, which he can take advantage of.

In the lonely night, Levin quietly activated the prophecy spell——[Advanced Detection].

At this moment, he no longer needed to hide the fact that he knew magic. All his attention was focused on finding that important person.

[Advanced Detection] is not a simple spell. To be accurate enough, it requires the caster not only to have excellent spell-casting skills, but also to have an in-depth understanding of the detection target.

The better the caster knows about the detection target, the better the effect will be. At the same time, the closer the causal relationship between the spellcaster and the detection target will be, the stronger the effect will be.

In order to further enhance the effect of the spell, Levin also specially prepared items that Illidan had used. These items contain Illidan's breath and can be used as important props for casting spells.

During the complicated ritual, Levin felt the power of the spell gradually condense. Finally, from a perspective that only he could see, an invisible beam penetrated the layers of fog and shot into the distance, accurately locking Illidan's position. .

Over the next two days, Levin did not act rashly. He patiently monitored Illidan's every move and gradually figured out the pattern of his activities.

He discovered that Illidan would always choose to set off from a certain city gate in Aissalin at a fixed time to carry out his "field missions."

So Levin decided to take action. He spread his wings and flew high, hurriedly and slowly, crossing the vast 900 territory of Aissalin and headed straight for the south gate. That's where Illidan has been frequenting recently.

Aissalin is so big. If Illidan has to go out to work, he can't run in all directions. For convenience, he will always choose a fixed direction.

Soon, Caiwen arrived at his destination. 【013504104 Feilu 221071011】

A recent detection showed that Illidan had another "field mission" and was on his way back to Aissalin.

Levin immediately decided to stay in a forest at the gate of the city and block Illidan on his only way.

In order to ensure that his actions were foolproof, he successively cast the two spells [Control Animals] and [Control Plants], supplemented by the ability of [Ask Nature], and instantly mobilized the animals and plants within a few miles around, making them Become your own spy and spy on what's going on around you.

And he himself jumped lightly onto the top of an ancient tree a little far away from the city gate, and quietly looked down at the activities below with the attitude of a flying eagle.

Druid's spells do have unique advantages in investigation. These spells can use the power of nature to let Levin know the surrounding environment well.

However, he also knew in his heart that although these spells were powerful, they could not compare with the accuracy of magical alchemical products such as the Mystical Eye.

Although animals and plants can provide him with certain information, their intelligence is limited and they are not capable of overly complex investigation tasks. In contrast, the Secret Eye is like a drone with a high-definition camera, which can transmit clear images in real time and provide more intuitive and comprehensive intelligence.

pity. The Azeroth he is in now is far away from the world of Harry Potter, and he cannot summon the demon pet Aiwu or the artificial maid in that world to assist him.

If he were in that world, he might be able to deal with the situation in front of him more easily. But even so, he still has to make full use of the resources at hand. .

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