"You don't need to tell me about rescuing Tyrande, I will work hard." Levin nodded solemnly, and then explained, "However, I do not intend to lead others with me when I infiltrate Aesalyn this time."

Seeing Malfurion's surprised expression, Levin further explained: "You may already know that I have many unique druid spells. These spells can play a huge role in infiltration operations, but other Druids are not proficient in these skills. If I take them with me, not only will they not be able to provide much assistance to my actions, but they may become a burden to me and hinder my actions at certain critical moments."

This was a sound statement, and Malfurion could not refute it.

In fact, there is another reason in Levin's mind that he has not spoken out, that is, he hopes to enjoy the process of saving the beauty by himself, and does not want to be disturbed by others.

One advantage of coming from modern society is that he understands certain emotional routines better than natives like Malfurion.

For example, he knew that there is a "suspension bridge effect" in psychology, which describes that when people are in a stressful, exciting or dangerous environment (such as crossing a suspension bridge), they will involuntarily have physiological reactions such as accelerated heartbeats. If you happen to meet another "743" person at this time, the individual may mistakenly interpret this physiological reaction caused by the environment as a heartbeat or liking for the other person, thus creating a feeling of love.

Therefore, he did not want to have a lot of "light bulbs" getting in the way at the critical moment when his relationship with Tyrande was heating up. He looked forward to spending an unforgettable time with Tyrande in the process of rescuing her, and deepening their relationship.

"But..." Malfurion frowned, with a tangled and worried look on his face, "Have you really decided to go alone? This is not a child's play. If the devil finds out, your The situation may be very dangerous."

After hearing this, Levin smiled calmly, his face filled with confidence and determination: "Don't worry, just leave this task to me. I firmly believe that Elune will not give me a task that has no chance of winning. She We must have seen some key factors that we cannot yet understand.”

"For example... the attitude of Dath'Remar Sunstrider." Levin thought to himself.

Although Levin was unable to reveal too much information to Malfurion due to his identity as a time traveler and related confidentiality principles, according to his speculation: The reason why Malfurion in the original book was able to plan for you to sneak into Aissalin and then And the key to escaping from it may be closely related to the upper elf named Dath'Rema Sunstrider.

This speculation is not groundless, but has been verified in the history he is familiar with.

Speaking of the name Dath'Remar Sunstrider, it is particularly unique and prominent in the night elves, a society where the moon is a sacred symbol.

Not only because of the surname "Sun Chaser" that looks a bit unusual under the protection of the moonlight, but also because of the dignity and glory behind this surname - the identity of the upper-class Jinglu clan.

For a traveler from another time and space like Levin, the surname "Sun Chaser" is a resounding sign that no one can ignore. Because this surname, in the years to come, will be closely connected with Quel'Thalas, a glorious kingdom of high elves, and become the royal symbol of that kingdom.

Of course, Quel'Thalas at this moment is just an ungerminated seed in the dust of history, waiting to be watered and cultivated by its founder, Dath'Remar Sunstrider. And this future king is still just an upper elf rising to prominence in night elf society. Every choice and action he makes may affect the fate of Aissalin and even the entire night elf community.

Although Malfurion has always been deeply worried about Levin's decision to set off alone, in the face of Levin's iron-clad attitude and seemingly impeccable explanation, Malfurion, who has a gentle personality and is not good at arguing with others, I found it difficult to find a strong rebuttal.

After some inner struggle, he finally chose to compromise and reluctantly agreed to Cai Wen's request.

However, before leaving, he specially prepared an extremely precious gift for Levin to express his deep care and expectations for the young druid - when there was also hope that the other party could successfully rescue Tyrande. look forward to.

You know, Malfurion is not a time traveler. He doesn't know that Tyrande is protected by the moon god and is in good condition.

In his eyes, Tyrande was in danger, and every second he saved her every night would greatly increase her chances of being in danger.

Malfurion stretched out his hand and handed a seemingly ordinary branch into Levin's hand.

Levin was a little confused when he first saw this scene. However, the moment his fingers touched the branches, he immediately felt the powerful force of nature contained in them. This power poured into his body like a trickle, allowing his ability to cast natural spells to a new level.

"This...Malfurion, is this root...

Levin raised his head in shock, staring at Malfurion, his lips slightly opened, as if he wanted to say something.

Malfurion smiled and nodded, and said softly: "Yes, this is the twig of Garnier, the mother tree. Yesterday I specially prayed to Aviana, and when she learned that it was to be given to you At that time, she spread her wings without hesitation and flew to Mount Hyjal. Early this morning, she returned with this freshly picked twig."

Garnier, the Mother Tree, is a giant tree growing on the top of Mount Hyjal. Its branches and leaves not only stretch out in the material world, but also have a part of the projection in the Emerald Dream, like a bridge spanning reality and dreams. Druids often pass through this bridge and use the power of the Mother Tree to enter the psychedelic and profound Emerald Dream.

Legend has it that all plants on the continent of Azeroth originated from this towering mother tree. And the one who coexists with it is Avina, the demigod of birds. There is a unique connection between her and the Garnier tree, making her the only person besides the Titan Guardian Freya who is qualified to pluck branches and leaves from this sacred tree.

When Malfurion handed this twig full of vitality to Levin's hands, the heavy friendship made Levin feel indescribably moved.

He knew very well that even with Avina's lightning speed, it was not easy to travel between Mount Hyjal and Aissalin in one day, and it would require Avina's strength. What's more, during this long journey, there is always the danger of being intercepted by demons.

However, the demigod Aviana still worked tirelessly to complete the mission, which is undoubtedly the best representation of Levin's outstanding courage and outstanding performance in the face of crises in the past.


This precious gift is not just a branch, it represents the trust of the druids and the favor of the demigods.

In fact, Avina's help to Levin goes far beyond that. Even earlier, Levin had received their blessings from this demigod and from another great demigod, Cenarius.

These blessings gave him two additional powerful wild transformations - Storm Crow and Tree of Life.

The transformation of Storm Crow allows Levin to transform into a raptor with both speed and combat power, soaring in the sky, as fast as the wind, and unstoppable.

The transformation of the Tree of Life allows him to increase the healing spells and plant druid spells he can cast after the transformation, significantly improving the effects of these spells and making him like a moving source of life.

Levin's previous strategy of "everything and every tree is a soldier" has indeed been of great help to the demigods. His wisdom and courage won their respect and recognition.

Otherwise, even if other mortals pray with all their strength, it will be difficult to obtain such generous help from Aviana.

"Thank you, Archdruid." At this moment, Levin held the rough staff prototype in his hand tightly, nodded solemnly to Malfurion, and said, "Please express my most profound feelings to Ms. Aviana on my behalf. My deepest gratitude. I will do my best to rescue Queen Tyrande from danger.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, just keep a peaceful mind." Malfurion smiled and patted Levin's arm, comforting: "As you said before, I believe that the goddess Elune will not A mission with no chance of winning is handed over to you. As long as you can find the key to solving the dilemma, the rescue operation will be more effective. In the following days, we will try to launch feint attacks against the devil many times and try our best To attract their attention. You must be extremely careful when sneaking into Aissalin alone."

Levin's original weapon was the fairy silver wand he made himself, which was his former right-hand man.

However, on the continent of Azeroth, such weapons are obviously no longer useful. The spellcasters here, whether mages or druids, are accustomed to using staff 47 as their medium to shape and control nature.

But Levin didn't just follow the crowd. He didn't choose to simply follow the Romans.

After all, for people like him, an ordinary staff is better than nothing. Although it can produce a certain increase in natural magic, for him, that kind of improvement is really insignificant and can almost be ignored. Especially compared to the twig of Garnier in my hand.

Although this twig is still uncarved and retains its most original appearance, Levin deeply felt the power contained in it the moment he touched it.

Just by carrying it with him, Levin can feel that his natural affinity has been increased, the casting speed of druid spells has been significantly improved, the power of the spell has become more powerful, and the consumption has been greatly reduced. . This kind of increase is far beyond what ordinary staffs can match.

When Levin transformed into a storm crow, flew high into the air, and gradually disappeared into the sky, becoming a small black dot on the distant horizon, Malfurion slowly withdrew his following gaze.

He prayed silently in his heart: "Levin, the important task of rescuing Tyrande is entrusted to you. May Elune's protection be with you and guide you to victory.

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