Malfurion couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he saw Levin's appearance.

The current druids have not reached their peak development among the night elves. As the leader of the druids, Malfurion knows every one of the druids, but he has never seen a man with a long hair. A druid who looks like this. Levin's appearance was different from that of the druids he was familiar with, which confused him.

However, a purple-haired woman standing in front of Malfurion hesitated after seeing Levin's face.

She seems to know something about Levin and is trying to recall information about him at the moment.

"Are you that...Levin Cuiye?" The purple-haired woman finally spoke, with a hint of uncertainty in her tone, "Maev once mentioned you to me.

When Levin heard this, he felt a little surprised. He didn't expect that someone on this distant battlefield would actually know his name. He nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, I am Levin Cuiye. I didn't expect that there are also Maiev's acquaintances here."

At the same time, Levin was also observing this unique woman with bear claw gloves on her hands. Although he did not find any specific memory about her in his mind, he relied on his keen insight of "893". She is already somewhat certain about her identity as a female Druid.

Among night elves, women’s career choices are either mages or moon priests, or even hunters, but few choose to become druids. It would be 10,000 years before female druids appeared on a large scale. thing.

Therefore, among the top leaders of the Druid sect, there are very few female members, and the Koda Steelclaw, whose face is engraved with the traces of time and whose eyes are as firm as iron, is undoubtedly the most outstanding one among them. Not only is she a devout believer in Ursoc, the giant bear demigod, but she also has a close friendship with Maiev Shadowsong - Levin also heard this name from Maiev.

"It's a blessing to meet you. Are you Ms. Keda?" Levin nodded slightly to her to show respect.

Koda Steelclaw nodded, responding to his greeting.

Levin then turned his attention to the druids around him. He noticed their curious or complicated looks, but he didn't pay much attention to them. At this moment, he had more important news to convey.

After a brief exchange of greetings, he cleared his throat, and then said solemnly: "Everyone, I just rushed from the Pioneer Camp and brought urgent news. The messenger that Ms. Avina sent to the camp was encountered on the way. Unidentified enemies attacked and he died. Before I set off, Ms. Avina had decided to go to the camp in person and report to Commander Jarod for help. Reinforcements will definitely come to support us, but due to this unexpected situation, "I'm afraid their arrival time will be later than originally scheduled.

Upon hearing the news brought by Levin, Malfurion and several of his confidants breathed a sigh of relief.

Archdruid Malfurion spoke happily, with a hint of relief in his tone: "Your arrival is really timely, Levin. However, I am curious, why did you embark on the journey to the Vanguard Camp alone?"

Levin shook his head slightly, with a deep look in his eyes: "This matter is a long story, but now is not the time to talk about it in detail. Our top priority is to solve the immediate crisis, and we can discuss it later."

After saying that, he turned to look at the battlefield where Cenarius and Mannoroth were fighting fiercely. A trace of worry flashed across his face, and he said in a deep voice: "Although I don't want to say such words that may damage our morale, I We have to admit that Cenarius may not be a match for Mannoroth the Destroyer in terms of strength. We must try to buy time for him, at least until reinforcements arrive."

There was no contempt for Cenarius in Levin's words. He just objectively analyzed the combat ability of the forest demigod.

Compared with other powerful demigods, Cenarius does have a certain gap in absolute power. This can be seen from the field he holds.

The [Plant] field is not actually good at close combat, it is more inclined to control and summon the power; while the [Guardian] and [Revival] fields are more like auxiliary roles, providing protection and healing to comrades; as for the [Stars] field, what it is good at is ranged attacks and output.

In other words, the characteristics of these fields give Cenarius diverse treatment methods, powerful summoning abilities, and various control techniques, making him play an indispensable supporting role in battle. However, it is indeed a bit difficult to force him to assume the main offensive responsibility.

But unfortunately, Senelius himself does not seem to have a deep understanding of this.

Today's battle situation intuitively reflects the characteristics of Cenarius.

At this time, Cenarius was waving his arms, driving the tough vines to wrap around Mannoroth like a spiritual snake, trying to restrain the abyss lord's violent movements.

At the same time, he chanted ancient spells in his mouth, activated the nearby giant trees, and summoned ancient tree men. Under his command, these majestic giant tree warriors came out to fight alongside him.

Even in such a fierce battle, he could still find time to pay attention to other demigod allies on the battlefield and provide them with timely support and assistance.

But that’s about it.

However, despite Cenarius's best efforts, his attack fell on Mannoroth as if it were scratching an itch and was unable to cause substantial damage. Whether it is his enhanced version of Nature's Wrath, or [Star Fire], which is several times more powerful than [Moon Fire], or even [Stars Fall], which is the ultimate Druid balance spell, when these bright spells shine When it shines on Mannoroth's body, which is surging with a high concentration of evil energy, it can only stir up short ripples, but cannot pose a fatal threat to it.

The previous round of [Stars Falling] bombardment not only failed to make Mannoroth lose his combat effectiveness, but instead inspired him to fight even more fiercely in the severe pain.

He wielded a double-headed spear that was several meters long, and the tip of the spear shone with green light under the envelope of evil energy, and launched round after round of fierce attacks on Cenarius.

The iron and wood shield built by Cenarius was crumbling under these strikes. Once the edge of the spear was rubbed against the edge, it would immediately ignite with green flames, as if it was ignited by evil energy.

Seeing his own spells eclipsed by Mannoroth's impenetrable fel defenses and rough skin, Cenarius finally realized that he could no longer rely on ranged spells to gain an advantage.

Therefore, the forest demigod simply gave up the entanglement of spells, relied on his extremely strong demigod body, bravely faced Mannoroth, and launched a melee charge.

"Damn planet borer, your doom has come!" Mannoroth roared, his voice echoing over the battlefield like thunder. As he waved the evil double-headed spear, a violent force surged in his body. At this time, he had entered his best fighting rhythm, and his mood became excited. His thick hands swung around and struck Cenarius wildly.

"It's you filthy intruders who deserve to die!" Cenarius roared.

Facing this violent attack, he did not show the slightest fear. The fingers of his hands instantly turned into sharp branches, shining with an emerald green light that was similar to but completely different from the color of evil energy. This is a gift from the power of nature and the protection given to him by Mother Earth.

He waved the palms that turned into branches, hitting Mannoroth's body with an elegant gesture that was almost like dancing.

In terms of defense, Cenarius was completely handed over to the thorn shield that slowly rotated around his body. This shield is woven from countless tiny thorn branches, forming an airtight defensive network.

Although Mannoroth's attack was extremely ferocious, it was blocked by this shield of thorns and could never touch Cenarius' body. If the battle continues at this pace, Mannoroth may not be able to penetrate Cenarius's defense in a short time.

However, as the most trusted vanguard general under Archimonde, Mannoroth was the destroyer who destroyed countless worlds. He was by no means buried just by galloping through the battlefield with brute force.

Seeing that Cenarius was temporarily unable to be defeated, a hint of cunning and cruelty flashed in Mannoroth's eyes. 3.1 He endured the pain of being pierced by the force of nature, roared to the sky, and raised the double-headed spear held high above his head. In an instant, a massive amount of miserable green evil energy surged like a frenzy and gathered at the tip of the spear. The huge power even dyed the entire sky with an eerie green.

"Cenarius, now, let you witness the true power of Mannoroth the Destroyer!" He roared, and before he finished speaking, the double-headed spear in his hand suddenly stabbed Cenarius with thunderous force.


A deafening bang echoed over the battlefield. The ferocious evil energy stab came as quickly as lightning, hitting Cenarius head-on who was unable to dodge. At this critical moment, Cenarius gritted his teeth, poured all the natural power in his arms, crossed them on his chest, and tried to take Mannoroth's fatal blow.

Two powerful forces collided fiercely in the air, and the evil energy beams ejected and the natural barriers set up in a hurry bit and competed with each other. The huge impact made Cenarius seem to be severely repelled by an invisible giant wave. His four hooves rooted in the earth plowed several deep ravines on the ground, causing the soil to fly and smoke to fill the air. .

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