"It's too late..." Malfurion's face was as pale as paper. His eyes stared at the tragedy that was unfolding in front of him. He watched countless lives disappear in front of his eyes, but he was powerless and felt guilty in his heart. And regret gnawed at his soul like a beast.

"Never give up hope!" Cenarius's voice exploded in Malfurion's ears like spring thunder, awakening him from his emotions.

Seeing that the situation was in danger, the forest demigod immediately activated his power and mobilized the power of nature in a large area. The activated natural energy was like warm sunshine, slowly covering the entire battlefield.

"Nature will heal our wounds and give us the power of rebirth! [The Rainmaker of Serenity!"

As Cenarius sang loudly, with him as the center, bursts of rain fell within a radius of several miles, and the raindrops fell on every soldier. Then these rebels discovered that the wounds on their bodies began to recover quickly. , the fatigue caused by the fierce battle was also quickly dispelled, and the flame of fighting spirit was rekindled in their eyes, and the more they fought, the braver they became.

This is the power of demigods.

The difference between gods and humans lies in their control over the laws. Mortals will gradually understand the laws after entering the legend - or in other words, the power of the domain, while the demigods can directly control a certain person through Sasahara's administrator. The laws of the field.

The fields that Cenarius masters are [Plants], [Protection], [Revival], [Stars], and even touched the field of [Nature].

But [naturally] the scope of this field is too broad, and even he only got a glimpse of it and did not go deep into it.

After all, nature is not just about plants.

With the field of [Resuscitation], he is very good at recovery spells.

Relying on the recovery power brought by the healing spell, many soldiers immediately began to exchange injuries with the demon. With everyone's efforts, the defense line was temporarily stable.

"Hahaha!" However, at this moment, Mannoroth's arrogant laughter sounded. He raised his hand and smashed a poor dryad into meat pie, and pointed his double-headed spear directly at Cenarius, "Only the weak will place their hope in the power of healing. The real strong will only pursue destruction, destruction, and destruction again." !You weak demigods [let me teach you what it means to be truly powerful!"

"What a shame!" Cenarius snorted coldly.

He could hear that this was an invitation to fight against him, and he was not afraid of Mannoroth's provocation. He held his left hand, and thorns and vines jumped out like spiritual snakes, killing all the tied demons. Drag them all into the earth and bury them alive. This is the natural outcome of your provocation.

After clearing away the miscellaneous soldiers in front of him, Nei Liuqi pointed his finger at Mannoroth.

"I want to see how you filthy defilers can defeat the will of the forest and nature!" Cenarius's voice gradually became louder, "Atone for your evil deeds now! [Stars Fall]!"

According to legend, Cenarius is the descendant of the moon god Elune - although this is just a legend, what lies behind the legend is Cenarius' attainments in the field of [Stars].

As he finished speaking, countless stars-like rays of light fell from the sky. Each ray of light contained destructive power and struck those Mo Zhang's demons fiercely.

Several kilometers away, Levin's eyes passed through the layers of forest and were attracted by the meteors appearing in groups in the distant sky. Under the subtle control of the caster, these meteors gather together neatly like guided missiles, and then smash down crazily towards the designated area.

"Could this be the effect of the spell [Falling Stars]?"

Levin murmured to himself, his eyes sparkling with excitement and curiosity. He noticed that although the visual effects of this spell were quite similar to the [Stars Falling] summoned by the Moon God Priest, the nature of the power used by the two was vastly different.

As the ultimate killer move of Druid balance spells, [Stars Fall] is top-notch in terms of power and difficulty. For ordinary druids with mediocre talents, it will take at least several years of in-depth study and unremitting efforts to initially master this spell.

However, even if they successfully master [Stars Fall], the effect they exert is often as insignificant as the brilliance of a grain of rice. Compared with the radiance of the bright moon that Levin sees in front of him at this moment, the effect is simply a cloud and mud. .


Just as Levin was immersed in this shocking spell, an angry howl of pain suddenly came from the area where the meteor fell. The sound was like the cry of a wild animal, full of pain and unwillingness. Immediately afterwards, a stream of evil flames soared into the sky and erupted from that area, destroying most of the meteors in the endless sea of ​​fire.

At the same time, near Levin, the demonic aerial legion pressed down on the city like black clouds, frantically besieging the raptor warriors led by the eagle demigod Onhara.

In the raging war, Levin shuttled gracefully around the edge of the battlefield. However, his arrival did not escape the sharp gaze of the devil. The three doomsday guards smelled the new prey, changed their direction with a grin, and rushed toward him with their swords waving.

Levin knew that he shouldered the important task of delivering the message, and this was not the time for a fight, so he flapped his wings and nimbly turned in the air, avoiding the fatal slashes of the Doom Guard, and then cut his body like a meteor. Sky, once again accelerated towards the depths of the battlefield.

However, even so, Levin was not able to avoid getting involved in disputes.

This is not because his dodge is not superb, on the contrary, it is because his dodge skills are so superb that they are completely unlike the operations that ordinary flying eagles can do. Therefore, they have attracted more and more attention from the demons. Ounhara, who was at the center of the fierce battle, couldn't help but cast a concerned glance, trying to see the true identity of this uninvited guest.

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked by demons, Levin sighed and made a decisive choice: since there is no way to avoid fighting, let's fight quickly.

The next moment, the eagle he transformed into suddenly folded its wings in mid-air and slid rapidly towards the ground in a swooping attitude. The demons behind him immediately followed suit.

At the moment when the evil bats and doomsday guards were approaching, he suddenly opened his wings, and a rising air current instantly supported his body, and his fall suddenly slowed down. At the same time, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if there were two cold rays of light shining at the enemy.

"Do you think it's great that you can fly? I'll let you fly as much as you can!"

With an angry roar, the power of the soul suddenly erupted with Levin as the center, spreading quickly like ripples. The demons affected by this power suddenly screamed and screamed. They seemed to feel the pain of being ruthlessly torn deep in their souls. The pain penetrated deep into their bones and made them unable to extricate themselves.

"[Group Mind Explosion]! Enjoy this feast of souls."

Under the impact of this force, a large number of demons felt as if they were hit hard by a giant hammer, and they could not bear the pain as if their brains were exploding. Their hearts fell into a blank that lasted for dozens of seconds, as if they were swallowed by endless darkness, and all thoughts and actions came to a standstill at this moment.


What's worse is that a second ago, these demons were concentrating on chasing the swooping Levin, but they did not expect the sudden change.

In this brief absence, they even forgot—or, in other words, did not have the consciousness at all—to control themselves to flap their wings. The result was wind orifices that were like broken wires, falling much faster than normal. Falling from the sky at a speed.

For a moment, the battlefield was filled with the sound of continuous collisions and fractures. These once arrogant and domineering demons were left in a miserable state with broken bones and muscles.

Levin, who had escaped the pursuit, finally had a chance to breathe for a moment. He looked up at the center of the battlefield, where the fighting was extremely fierce.

Like an unyielding warrior, Cenarius alone resisted the fierce attack of a fat and bulky four-legged demon. The movement caused by the battle between the two people was shocking, as if even the heaven and earth were about to burst.

As the centerpiece of the demon's attack, Cenarius stood up to a fat and bulky four-legged demon, and the sound caused by the battle between the two was very conspicuous.


The ordinary soldiers of the resistance army evacuated the center of the battle in an orderly manner under the command of Malfurion. At this moment, they were watching this earth-shattering battle nervously and anxiously. Everyone's face was full of worry and expectation. .

This is the sorrow of ordinary people and low-level professionals in the world of high magic.

No matter how hard they try, the real key to the battlefield still lies in the top masters. The outcome of this battle between leaders will be directly related to their life and death.

Levin recognized the fat demon at a glance: "Abyss Lord Mannoroth?" He murmured to himself, with a trace of solemnity flashing in his eyes, "So..."

His eagle eyes suddenly turned in the direction of Assaline. Although he could not see Archimonde, he could clearly feel the powerful aura hidden in the dark.

Levin knew that as one of the leaders of the Burning Legion, Archimonde must also be secretly watching the situation on the battlefield at this moment, ready to give the enemy a fatal blow at any time. This battle is no longer just a contest between Cenarius and Mannoroth, but also a desperate struggle between Azeroth and the Burning Legion.

"Shua~~" Levin deftly turned around in the air with a true kite, and used the [Psychic Explosion] to accurately hit several demonic air forces surrounding Ounhara.

They seemed to be choked by invisible hands, instantly losing their fighting power and falling from the sky.

This series of actions went smoothly, and Levin easily got rid of the entanglement in the air, and finally landed steadily in the area where Malfurion was.

Upon seeing this, several senior leaders of the Druid sect immediately stood in front of Malfurion, raised their weapons, and stared warily at this strange bird that they had never seen before. Their eyes were full of wariness and doubt, and someone asked: "Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?"

"Hey! Everyone, don't be so nervous, right?" After Levin landed, he immediately changed back to his human form, raised his hands helplessly and said, "Do I really look like an enemy?"

It’s a new month again, please send me monthly votes, flowers, and evaluation votes. Thank you, everyone.

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