When Levin hurriedly arrived at the frontline camp and began to understand the current war situation in depth, suddenly, a billowing dust rose on the distant horizon.

This dust was like a huge yellow dragon, rising up with the violent shaking of the earth. A thrilling battle was obviously taking place more than a hundred kilometers west of the camp.

On the dusty battlefield, several demigods as tall as mountains took the lead. They led a large group of "wild animal" warriors, made deafening howls, and launched a tide-like charge towards the demon front in front. Although these warriors have different shapes, their eyes are shining with the same hatred and hatred, and they vow to completely eradicate the demons that pollute the forest.

The leader is a male creature with a humanoid upper body and a majestic deer body on the lower body.

"You defilers of the forest," he held his head high, opened his hands vigorously, and shouted loudly, "filthy demons! Now, let you feel the endless anger from nature!"

As his shouts fell, a green light full of life slowly rose from his hands. This light was as dazzling as the rising sun, as if it covered the surrounding world with a layer of vibrant green.

The surrounding forest seemed to have heard his order and began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

I saw those towering ancient trees pulling up their thick roots from the ground one after another. With the rustling sound caused by the friction of leaves, they gradually deformed and stood up, transforming into a group of super-enhanced ancient tree people.

These tree men were towering and tall, like giants guarding the forest. They waved their newly formed wooden arms and smashed into the demon group from top to bottom with thunderous momentum.

These super-enhanced versions of the ancient tree men waved their newly formed wooden arms and hit the demon ministers heavily from top to bottom.

"Boom!" A deafening loud noise sounded immediately, as if even the heaven and earth were shaking. In the face of this powerful force, the once arrogant demons fell to the ground wailing like small insects hit by a giant hammer.

This powerful force not only killed many demons, but also made the ground tremble at that moment, successfully attracting the attention of the Burning Legion and disrupting their position.

At this moment, a deafening hum suddenly came from the rear of the mailbox.

With this roar, a giant wild boar with purple runes and thorn vines all over its body suddenly rushed out. Its huge body was like a moving hill, and the two sharp fangs protruding from the corners of its mouth shone with cold light, as if it could tear apart any enemy that stood in its way.

The giant wild boar rushed towards the Burning Legion's position at an alarming speed, like a heavy tank rampaging on the battlefield. Its powerful impact pushed the large groups of demons along the way into the air, and then its thick trotters mercilessly trampled them into pulp. For a moment, the screams of the devil and the sound of pig's trotters trampling on the ground were intertwined, forming a sad symphony.

Under the command of several eredar wizards, the Burning Legion quickly adjusted their tactics and focused their firepower on this desperate wild boar.

However, their attacks were as ineffective as a mud cow entering the sea. Whenever a demon attacks at close range, they will be injured by the thorns entangled on the wild boar, forcing them to keep a certain distance to attack.

This is his signature talent, the power of [Thorns Halo].

Despite this, the Burning Legion did not give up. They constantly adjusted their attack rhythm and methods, trying to find a way to break through the giant wild boar's defense. The giant wild boar did not show any weakness. It relied on its strong defense and impact to run rampant in the Burning Legion's position.

"Agamaggan, good job~"!"

Following this exciting cry, the two giant bears followed up with steady and powerful steps. They rushed into the enemy's formation like two sharp knives along the gap opened by the wild boar demigod Agamaggan. With their iron-tough fur and razor-sharp claws, they tore apart the Burning Legion's formation with force.

The front line of the Burning Legion seemed to be in a panic under this sudden onslaught. However, Archimonde, who was watching the battle from the Well of Eternity, still maintained his Shiran posture, with his hands folded in front of his chest, as if he had everything under control.

He snorted softly, and a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Humph~ These so-called demigods are indeed here."

Archimonde turned to look at the tall and ferocious demon beside him, and immediately issued an order: "Manoroth, now is the time for you to show your strength. I appoint you as the vanguard general to lead Maczhar, Ka Zroga, Haka, Kazak and other senior generals, let me kill them hard!"

After speaking, he stretched out his blue fingers and slowly scratched the whiskers on his chin, with a sinister and cunning smile on his face: "As long as these so-called strongest demigods in Azeroth are killed, The remaining mortals are just lambs to be slaughtered."

This was a huge four-legged demon that was as big as Agamag. He hammered his chest heavily, with a look of pride and complacency on his ferocious and ugly face. He growled: "Lord Archimonde, please trust me with this task! I will completely destroy those demigods!"

Archimonde nodded slightly, applauding his confidence.

"Please feel free to leave it to me, Archimonde!"

At the same time, although the demigod army rushed into the enemy's formation like a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves, Malfurion, who was commanding from the rear, felt an indescribable irritation.

The Archdruid, with green beard and hair, has now transformed into a purple storm crow. He flaps his wings and looks at the battle ahead in the air.

Malfurion's brows furrowed, and his eyes flashed with doubt. He said to himself: "Something is wrong. The resistance of the Burning Legion is too weak. They seem to be deliberately luring us deep into the battlefield. There must be someone among them."

Thinking of this, Malfurion began to regret leaving Avina in the frontline camp to support the main army. Nowadays, the demigods are leading their families deep into the enemy's formation, and the connection between them is becoming weaker and weaker. He knew very well that this was the biggest drawback when demigods fought together. Every demigod is proud and confident. They would rather fight alone than lower themselves and cooperate with other demigods.

When Jarod was commanding on the front line before, he could also rely on the demigod messenger Avina to convey further orders to the demigods charging into the battle. For the sake of being demigods, the demigods can still carry out the orders conveyed by Avina.

However, at this moment, Malfurion did not have this condition. He felt as if he was isolated from this chaotic battlefield, unable to effectively command and coordinate the actions of the demigods.

This sense of inadequacy and frustration made his irritability more intense.

"々.Has the worry about Tyrande really clouded my calmness and reason?"

The Storm Crow transformed by Malfurion asked himself angrily in his heart. He flapped his wings violently, and the sound of breaking through the air sounded, as if to shake off the irritable mood.

Finally, he decided to fly to the front line in person to deliver the message, and his first target was his respected mentor Cenarius.

In the mortal legion of the Vanguard Army, Brox and Luo Ning, two battle-experienced warriors, looked at each other, and they could see deep worry in each other's eyes.

The old orc warrior Brox hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: "Luo Ning, have we fallen into the trap of the Burning Legion?"

The human mage Luo Ning gave a helpless smile, spread his hands and said: "Although I don't want to admit it, I'm afraid it is true. Brox, you have to be mentally prepared. This battle may be more difficult than we imagined. Much more."


When Brooks heard this, his face revealed a ferocious fighting spirit. He put the oak battle ax flowing with the power of nature on his shoulders and said excitedly: "This is exactly what I want! Maybe today is the opportunity for glory that I have been looking for for a long time."

However, Luo Ning shook his head and said in a deep voice: "No, Brox, I don't think this battle will be a decisive battle. You should save some strength. The real test may be yet to come."

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