Saying goodbye to Maiev and Fandral, Levin embarked on the journey to the front line.

He understood the importance of this trip very well. Both the phoenix form and the feathered serpent form were too eye-catching, so he chose a more secret transformation form - he finally transformed into the Chimera's eagle form, spread his wings and flew high. Flying towards the war-torn front line.

Looking down from the air, you can have a panoramic view of the scene on the earth. In the capital Aissalin, or the area centered on the Well of Eternity, the corruption of evil energy is like the tentacles of darkness, eroding this once prosperous land step by step. The Well of Eternity, which was originally surrounded by green trees, is now deserted, and the trees have disappeared without a trace.

In the center of the well water, demons are still constantly spewing out. The soil that was once full of vitality has now become dry and barren, and even the last trace of life and vitality has been taken away.

This scene made Levin feel heavy in his heart.

In the air, a large number of evil bats and doomsday guards were patrolling. Their existence makes the Burning Legion's defense as impregnable as an iron wall. As a result, it is almost impossible for him to break through such a defense line from the air.

In contrast, not far outside the east gate of Aissalin, over a dense forest, many colorful birds were soaring alertly.

They either shuttle lightly among the treetops, or hover proudly in mid-air, like an army guarding nature.

Occasionally, several large two-headed Chimera will also join them. Their majestic posture and unique two-headed shape undoubtedly add a bit of mystery and power to this team.

Speaking of chimeras, although the chimeras in Azeroth have the same name as the chimeras in the Harry Potter world, they have completely different appearances and characteristics.

The Chimera here is not the kind of "stitched monster" made up of different biological parts, but an elegant and majestic two-headed dragon. They are covered with gorgeous feathers and have two heads standing proudly. They are the guardians of nature.

Like elven dragons and dryads, chimeras are also known as nature's allies. Under the call of Cenarius, these powerful creatures gathered from all corners of Kalimdor, providing huge help to the night elves' front advancement.

Their addition greatly enhanced the night elves' aerial power.

In the center of this piece of birds, a figure is particularly eye-catching.

It was a half-human, half-bird creature covered in snow-white feathers. She flapped her wings gently, floating gracefully in mid-air. Her face is beautiful and mysterious, with the delicate facial features of a female night elf, and most of her body also shows similar characteristics to that of a night elf.

However, her hands have a pair of sharp claws, which seem to be able to easily tear apart any enemy. A pair of snow-white wings extended from her upper arms, allowing her to fly freely in the air. And her legs, from the calf down, gradually changed into the shape of bird claws, giving her greater strength and flexibility.

Judging from the way she is surrounded by birds, this strange creature is undoubtedly the leader of this team of birds.

In the blue sky, a majestic large raptor was approaching the lively gathering place of birds at an alarming speed.

The stature of this big bird is eye-catching, with a body length of about one meter, showing its majestic physique. And when it flies, its fully extended wings are even more spectacular, with a wingspan of more than two meters.

However, the most attractive thing is the distinctive feathers on the back of its neck. They are lanceolate and distinct from other feathers. Under the sunlight, these feathers shimmer with brilliant golden light, shining like gems inlaid on the body of a raptor.

This unexpected and unfamiliar raptor naturally attracted the attention of the flock of birds. They all looked sideways and looked at this uninvited guest curiously. Even the strange half-man, half-bird creature couldn't help but cast its gaze over, its smart eyes shining with curiosity and vigilance.

"Oh? Look who is here?" The half-human, half-bird creature whispered to itself, with an inexplicable excitement in its voice. Druid? This form is really rare and interesting. "

She glanced at the raptor lightly, and those glowing eyes seemed to be able to penetrate all appearances. Under her gaze, the true identity of this raptor was revealed—it was not a real bird, but a flying form transformed by a druid.

However, most ordinary druids choose to change into common birds such as owls or crows.

Like this raptor, only raptor druids specialize in the forms of raptors such as eagles and eagles [It is indeed very common. It's no wonder that the half-human, half-bird creature is so interested in this.

In fact, the eagle soaring among the blue sky and white clouds is Levin's transformation. He waved his powerful wings, and in a majestic and elegant manner, he slowly approached the group of birds that seemed a little restless due to the strange visitors.

In mid-air at a moderate distance, Levin stopped flapping his wings and hovered steadily. His sharp eagle eyes stared deeply at the half-human, half-bird woman.

"A harpy? No, there is no ferocious and cruel look in her eyes like a harpy." Levin frowned slightly, thinking to himself, could it be that..."

Although her appearance is somewhat similar to that of a harpy, the aura of peace, tranquility and sacredness that radiates from the inside out is completely different from that of a harpy. Levin can clearly feel these qualities emanating from her through his psychic powers. They are like warm sunshine, gently falling on his heart.

What surprised Levin even more was that he found that the eagle he transformed into had an instinctive urge to get closer to her, as if he was attracted by some mysterious power emanating from her.

Based on this alone, he could easily determine the identity of the other party.

Under her curious and friendly eyes, Levin felt as if he had been seen through. He took a deep breath and nodded to her in a solemn and yet polite manner.

"Dear Lady Aviana, the Mother of Birds and Messenger of Elune," Levin's voice echoed in the air, "Druid Levin Cuiye pays my respects to you."

Avina, known as the Mother of Birds, is one of the demigods who lives in the wilderness of Hyjal. The Garnier tree where she lives is known as the mother tree of the world of Azeroth. Its top towers into the clouds, as if it can touch the edge of the sky.

Rumor has it that Aviana is the messenger sent to the material world by the moon goddess Elune.

During the ancient war, she relied on her unrivaled flying speed to shuttle between demigods and mortal armies, delivering important messages. Her appearance is often accompanied by hope and a turning point, causing earth-shaking changes in the war situation.

Levin didn't know if this legend was true, and Elune never mentioned these past events to him. But in this world full of mystery and unknown, he would rather believe in these legends. After all, at least calling him by another title won't offend anyone, not to mention that the person in front of him is a demigod.

Avina slowly flapped her snow-white wings, as if to show her friendliness and goodwill to Levin. She felt Levin's respectful attitude, and a pleased smile appeared on her face. She nodded and said, "Hello, Levin. Looking at your dusty appearance, are you reinforcements from the rear camp? But why are you alone?"

Levin, who was about to ask about Malfurion's whereabouts, was stunned. He couldn't understand Avina's meaning for a while.

Levin was about to ask about Malfurion's whereabouts, but was stopped by Avina's question. He was stunned for a moment, unable to understand what Avina meant.

He originally thought Avina would know Malfurion's whereabouts, but he didn't expect that she would ask him instead. However, he quickly reacted and quickly replied: "Ah, yes, I came from the rear camp. I am the only one because I received a special mission and need to act alone."

After hearing Levin's words, Avina's originally gentle face gradually turned serious.

"Didn't you receive the warning from the children I sent?" There was a hint of imperceptible urgency in her voice.

Levin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Warning? We have not received any relevant news."

At the moment of answering, he seemed to feel something, and his eyes couldn't help but cast his eyes to the frontline camp below.

In his imagination, this pioneer camp, which gathered many demigods and their families, should have been vibrant and bustling, like a wild zoo. However, the dense jungle was unusually quiet at this moment, so quiet that it almost made people feel an oppressive silence.

"Please forgive me for being rude." He apologized hastily to Avina, and in a flash, he fell into the woods like a meteor.

Avina followed closely behind, pursed her lips, obviously her heart was also full of doubts and worries.

When Levin landed and immediately changed from the flying form back to the prototype of the night elf, his eyes scanned the surroundings solemnly. In the vanguard camp, only a sparse supply of night elves and wounded soldiers remained, but none of the powerful demigods, Malfurion and other high-end combat forces could be seen.

Combined with the information Avina revealed before, Levin couldn't help but have an unpleasant premonition in his heart.

At this moment, Avina's voice sounded from behind: "What exactly happened? Did the camp really not receive any relevant warning?"

Levin listened to her narration, and his uneasiness became stronger and stronger. He immediately interrupted Avina: "Ms. Avina, please allow me to speak frankly. I suspect that the Burning Legion has set a trap for the Vanguard Army. We must immediately Take action just in case."

I finally came back from my trip and resumed the third update.

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