With Elune's oracle as an endorsement, the resistance's top brass placed more emphasis on Levin.

Jarod frowned slightly, his heart filled with curiosity and awe of the unknown. He knew the importance of the oracle and understood Levin's hesitation at this time.

However, he still tentatively asked: "Levin, can I ask about the specific content of the oracle? Of course, if it is not convenient to disclose it, then forget it."

Levin nodded lightly, "Actually, there is nothing in the Oracle that cannot be revealed. Ai hopes that I can help rescue Queen Tyrande Whisperwind, who is in trouble."

Speaking of this, Levin's expression became a little complicated, and he couldn't help but glance at Maiev. He knew that this information might not be easy for Maiev to accept.

Levin took a deep breath and finally decided to make this secret public. He believes that only in this way can everyone better understand the purpose and importance of his trip.

"Perhaps High Priest Dejana mentioned it before she passed out," Levin continued, "The High Priest of Whisperwind is the successor personally chosen by the moon god Elune. Her safety is not only related to our night elves. Faith is more related to the peace and stability of the entire continent of Azeroth."

Maiev: "...

High Priest Dejana has always enjoyed high prestige in the Sisterhood of Elune. She is known for her gentleness and love, and cares for everyone almost equally. This selfless dedication has won her the respect and love of many sisters. . However, just as there are shadows under the moonlight, Dejana also has her shortcomings - she is too indecisive, which leads to her often lacking the necessary decisiveness in Guanshi.

Although Maiev had already heard about the reputation of 273 Tyrande, a rapidly rising star, she had never associated this newly promoted priest with the position of future high priest until Dejana revealed the truth herself. .

In her mind, the members of the Sisterhood of Elune, including herself, all agreed that she would be Dejana's successor and shoulder the important task of leading the Sisterhood into the future.

However, Levin's sudden revelation was like a bomb, setting off a storm in Maiev's mind. For a moment, her thinking seemed to have come to a standstill, and her brain went blank. She couldn't believe that her years of hard work and dedication had become meaningless at this moment.

After the initial shock and confusion, a strong feeling of dissatisfaction and resistance surged deep in Maiev's heart.

She was unwilling to accept this cruel reality, let alone admit that her skills were inferior to others. But at the same time, she also clearly felt the powerlessness from her heart.

Over the years, High Priest Dijana has been carefully cultivating all aspects of Maiev's qualities. Except for her personality, which cannot be easily changed, she already has all the qualifications to succeed the High Priest. However, if everything Levin says is true, then all her efforts and efforts will be in vain. This huge psychological gap made Maiev feel unbearable pain and frustration.

"Is it appointed by Elune? Haha..." Maiev whispered this sentence softly, with a hint of indescribable complex emotions in her voice.

At this time, she is not the paranoid person who was swallowed up by hatred ten thousand years later. At this time, she managed her emotions quite well, and during the time when she and Tyrande were traveling together, their relationship was quite harmonious.

Although her mood was very complicated at this time, after taking a few deep breaths to adjust, she quickly recovered from the previous shock.

Smiling to herself, Maiev shook her head gently to get rid of those messy thoughts. She motioned for Levin to continue: "Let's talk about this topic in private [it's better to get down to business now."

Levin looked at Maiev and sighed deeply.

He knew that Maiev must be in a bad mood at this time. After all, the news was too sudden and unexpected for her. He followed Maiev's words and changed the subject again: "Okay, Maiev. Let's get back to the subject. I can't go against the oracle issued by the moon god. If I have to go to Pandaria as an envoy, then before I set off, I must First find a way to rescue Ms. Tyrande.”

Jarod, Fandral and other high-level resistance officials heard this and nodded in agreement.

There was a trace of helplessness on their faces, but more of it was respect for the oracle and trust in Levin.

"Since it was the Moon Goddess Elune who personally asked me to do this, I have no choice." Jarod sighed, his furrowed brows seeming to hide countless worries.

He raised his hand and gently rubbed his forehead: "It's just that, now that the Burning Legion is receiving constant reinforcements, the resistance is in an increasingly difficult situation and is in urgent need of foreign aid."

Fandral also echoed: "Yes, the pandaren in Pandaria have very little communication with us. Their culture, customs and even language are quite different from ours. Levin, you have had contact with them, and you have no idea about their With the deepest understanding, you are undoubtedly the most suitable person to go on the mission." His tone was full of worry: "If it were anyone else, I'm afraid it would be difficult to achieve our goals.

Levin rested his chin on his hand, lost in thought.

After a moment, he raised his head and said, "In fact, I am not required to serve as an envoy to the Pandaren. The Pandaren are a peace-loving race (jfj) who respect nature and respect life. I believe that facing this kind of world, In a serious crisis, they will definitely be willing to lend a helping hand. But..." He paused and seemed to be considering his words: "In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, we need to formulate a careful plan and prepare a plan that can impress them. sincerity.

The only problem is, Levin isn't sure what the state of Pandaria is today.

If his memory is correct, Pandaria at this point in time should be under the rule of Shaohao, the last emperor of the pandaren.

The legendary emperor, with his great achievements, turned himself into an endless mist, tightly covering the entire Pandaria. This fog is like a mysterious veil, isolating the mainland from the outside world and guarding Anchen of this land.

When the Catastrophic Cataclysm struck, the ancient continent of Kalimdor was torn apart and transformed into the future layout of the four continents of the Eastern Kingdom, Pandaria, Kalimdor, and Northrend.

It was the protection of this mist that allowed Pandaria to survive and maintain its intact form. However, because of the fog, Pandaria has since cut off all contact with the outside world and has become an isolated existence.

Levin tried hard to recall the details about Shaohao's incarnation in the mist. He vaguely remembered that this event occurred before the division of ancient Kalimda, but he did not know the time point of health.

It is impossible for Warcraft history to record all the details.

Although the wheel of history will always move forward according to the established trajectory, every choice and effort may bring subtle changes to this trajectory.

"Although according to the original historical development, we can also overcome the difficulties," Levin secretly thought, "but if there is a chance, I still want to take a gamble and try to cause more damage to the Burning Legion."

Although the demons of the Burning Legion can be resurrected in the Twisting Void after death, according to the law of conservation of energy, Levin knows that every resurrection cannot be without cost.

The simplest problem is time. This resource that cannot be ignored will become their biggest enemy. If they can deal a more painful blow to the Burning Legion in the War of the Ancients, then their resurrection time will be greatly extended.

This will win precious respite for the creatures on Azeroth, giving them the opportunity to recuperate and rebuild their homes. And more importantly, this may also be able to curb the scale of the Sartre Rebellion that will inevitably occur to some extent, because this land will bring more lasting peace and tranquility.

Pandaren are creatures that look cute and cute, but actually contain amazing combat power.

In the unique climate of Pandaria, the profession of warrior monk was born. Not only did they help the Pandaren Alliance get rid of the cruel enslavement of the Mogu tribe, but they also stood up at a disadvantage when the Zandalari trolls invaded.

And just when the Pandaren were facing life and death, they unexpectedly found a new ally - the Cloud Xianglong, who had been friends with the Pandaren for generations. These highly intelligent creatures joined the battle like radiant soldiers, and Riju reversed the disadvantage.

Not only that, Pandaria also hides a more powerful power.

The four wilderness demigods known as the Four Gods are the guardians of this land. They possess unparalleled power. Levin knew very well that if these four demigods could be persuaded to join the fight against the Burning Legion, then the balance of victory might tilt in their favor. Many demigods join forces to launch an attack, and even the commander-in-chief of the Burning Legion's vanguard, as powerful as Archimonde, will have nowhere to escape under their encirclement. .

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