Following Queen Azshara's order, Gurdak, Zul'Farrak, Zul'Gurub and the Holy Mountain of Zandalari became the last territories of the trolls.

In the eyes of the elves, this is a great kindness they have given to the trolls.

But in the eyes of the trolls, the total area of ​​these territories is less than one-third of what they were at their peak. How humiliating and sad this is!

Due to the obstruction of the Zandalar Holy Mountain, Queen Azshara did not continue to explore Pandaria in the south. Maybe in her opinion, nothing in this world can threaten her existence.

However, just as she was summoning demons and trampling on life wantonly, the Pandaren sent a special envoy to warn her.

Unfortunately, the extremely confident Queen Azshara did not take the pandaren's kind reminder to heart. She still walked on the road of seeking death, as if the whole world was under her control.

"Pandaren? Empire?" Jarod's voice was filled with incredible surprise, and the combination of this word set off a storm in his cognition.

Not any civilization can build an empire, and the establishment of an empire is not easy. It requires not only prosperity and strength, but also a highly developed civilization and wisdom.

Even if they are as powerful as the tauren, they only exist in the form of tribes and have never crossed the threshold of the empire.

The former troll empire is now gradually losing its former glory in the torrent of history, and is slipping towards the form of a tribe.

The hallmark of an empire is a highly developed civilization and excellent wisdom. Civilization and wisdom require sufficient time and population base to accumulate. A huge population requires vast and fertile land to support it.

Therefore, Levin's words mean that the pandaren of Pandaria established a civilization of the same level as the Dark Night Empire.

That's why they were surprised.

In fact, the night elves are not ignorant of the pandaren, but they have always thought that the pandaren are a tribal civilization similar to the tauren.

Now, Levin's words have broken this inherent concept and revealed a shocking fact: Pandaria's level of civilization is comparable to that of the night elves!

This news was like a bombshell, exploding in the hearts of everyone present. However, no one disputed Levin's words. His achievements, strength, and the support of Tyrande, Maiev, and others have already won him the trust and respect of everyone. Everyone believed in his character - he was a self-taught druid, a traveler who traveled the country and was knowledgeable.

Even the tauren chief Huon Highmountain treated him with great courtesy and regarded him as a guest.

Therefore, even though Levin's words really subverted all three views, they all chose to believe him.

"Mr. Levin, your words are really inspiring~!" Jarod sighed, "If we can get the approval of the Pandaren, then we will welcome reinforcements from Pandaria.

"Indeed," Levin nodded with a smile and continued, "In fact, being recognized by the Pandaren not only means that we will receive support from the powerful race of Pandaria, but also represents the other races in Pandaria. Such as hozens, jinyu people, buffalo people, etc... they will all lend a helping hand to us.

In fact, among the races in Pandaria, the Jinyu and Hozen are undoubtedly the most solid backing of the Pandaren. Their alliance is unbreakable and they jointly protect this land. However, the relationship between the yaungol and the pandaren appears to be quite subtle, far less intimate than the former two.

The history of the buffalo people can be traced back thousands of years. They were the masters of the central wilderness [occupying a place in the glorious era when the thunder god ruled the Mogu Empire.

The forest demigod Cenarius discovered this new race in an accidental encounter. He was deeply attracted by the tenacity and bravery of the buffalo people, and decided to stay in their camp and teach them his natural ways bit by bit.

Under the guidance of Cenarius, the buffalo people began to learn to coexist harmoniously with nature and absorb the wisdom and power of the forest.

However, the good times did not last long. As the threat of trolls approaches, the battle for living space between the buffalo people and them becomes increasingly fierce. Tired of the endless fighting and bloodshed, the buffalo people finally made a difficult decision - to leave the central wilderness and migrate south to Pandaria.

They hope to find their own home and peace in this new land.

But fate seems not to favor this poor ethnic group. As soon as they escaped from the shadow of the trolls, they encountered the cruel enslavement of the Mogu tribe. Under the repressive rule of the Mogu tribe, the buffalo people lost their freedom and dignity and were forced to work for slave masters. Those dark days became eternal pain and shame in their hearts.

It was not until the pandaren joined other races to overthrow the tyranny of the mogu that the buffalo were able to regain their freedom. However, the long-term slavery has caused them to lose too much of their own culture and history.

Serious differences of opinion arose among the tribes of the freed buffalo people, and they urgently needed to find new directions and goals to reunite the strength of the tribe.

The buffalo people group was divided due to differences of opinion and has now evolved into three tribes with their own characteristics.

Some of the buffalo people deeply loved peace and nature. With the dream of finding their lost glory and tradition, they resolutely left their homeland of Pandaria and embarked on a journey north to find their roots. During the long exploration, they unexpectedly met the ancient forest demigod Cenarius again. The joy and kindness of this reunion allowed them to re-establish a deep connection with Selius, and they settled down in Highmountain and became the Tauren of Highmountain.

The other tribe of buffalo men was also tired of the disputes and battles in the world. They chose to stay away from the world and head to the extremely cold Storm Cliffs in the north to find a peaceful home. There, they lived a simple and peaceful life in the company of wind and snow, and gradually changed their name to yak people.

However, there is still a tribe of buffalo men who adhere to the ancient fighting traditions. They inherited the ancient name and fighting spirit of the buffalo people, and chose to continue to live in the hot land of Pandaria.

However, due to their ideological differences with the peace lovers such as the pandaren and jinyu people, disputes and conflicts continued. Finally, they decided to leave the Vale of Eternal Blossoms area in the core of Pandaria and go west to live on the Mantis Plateau outside Panlong.

On this vast plateau, whenever the mantid invaded the Dragon Spine Wall, the yaungol were always the first to engage in fierce battles with them. Although the battles are fierce and frequent, this is consistent with their warlike nature.

Therefore, Levin is certain that even if they have differences of opinion with the pandaren, when they hear that they can fight for Azeroth, the yaungol will not hesitate to answer the call.

"Sure enough, I knew that Mr. Guowen's plans were always very effective."

Upon hearing Jarod's response, Levin's heart tightened slightly, but his face remained calm. He noticed that there seemed to be some deep meaning hidden behind the kind and friendly smile on Jarod's face, which made him feel a little uneasy.

Sure enough, Jarod's next words confirmed Levin's hunch. He said in a seemingly relaxed but serious tone: "|| Mr. Levin, since this proposal was made by you, I think it would be most appropriate for you to go to Pandaria in person and try to request the Pandaren to send reinforcements. candidate."

Jarod's words made Levin feel helpless.

He knew that the former guard captain had indeed become much thicker-skinned after becoming the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. In the past, Jarod would not have made such a request so directly.

"I knew..." Levin scratched his head gently, showing a tangled expression: "Commander Jarod, I can go to Pandaria to request reinforcements, but before setting off, I must complete another task. Important work."

"Oh? Another job?" Jarod raised his eyebrows slightly, with a curious look on his face, "What is more important than asking for help? If it is convenient, can you reveal the specific work content? Although the current situation is still It is considered stable, but we all know that this is only temporary. We need to obtain support from new forces as soon as possible to enhance our strength."


Levin turned his head slightly and glanced at Maiev's face secretly, hesitating in his heart. He knew that once Elune's instructions were made public, his identity as a member of the Moon Goddess would no longer be concealed and would become a well-known secret among the top brass of the resistance.

Maiev noticed Levin's hesitation, she closed her eyes gently (Wang Hao Zhao), seeming to weigh the pros and cons deep in her heart. After a moment, she opened her eyes and spoke for Levin in public: "Levin is right, he must complete Elune's oracle first. We can only put the diplomatic work of visiting Pandaria on hold for the time being."

She raised her head and cast soft eyes on her brother Jarod. Watching him grow from an immature boy to the current commander of the resistance army, Maiev's heart was filled with pride and joy.

However, considering the matter, at this critical moment, she must firmly support Levin's decision.

"If the situation really reaches the point where there is no need to delay, I suggest that we consider sending another person to visit Pandaria." Maiev added.

Jarod was stunned. He knew his sister's temper. She was not a person who liked to joke.

He and the high-ranking rebels in the tent all turned their attention to Levin, with surprise and curiosity written on their faces: "Oracle? Do you mean Elune's oracle?"

"Otherwise?" Levin shrugged slightly, showing a helpless smile: "Isn't there only one true god that the night elves believe in, Elune?"

Hearing Levin's answer, a look of realization flashed in Jarod's eyes.

He glanced at Maiev secretly, and seemed to understand something, and thought to himself: "So that's the case, no wonder Maiev is uncharacteristically, and thinks so highly of a member of the opposite sex."

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