Although Levin felt a little overwhelmed by Maiev and Tyrande's sudden respect, Levin quickly adjusted his mentality and accepted their suggestions as a commander.

Levin's eyes swept between the two priestesses, Tyrande and Maiev, and after thinking for a moment, he said solemnly: "You are more familiar with the terrain and roads nearby than I am, so please lead the way. Choose what you think is the best The safe and fastest route, we need to get to the Chinese army where the rebel commander is as soon as possible."

So they galloped forward along a winding path.

On the way, they unexpectedly met two priestesses. These two priestesses were originally affiliated with Suramar's temple, but after Suramar was ravaged by demons, they followed Tyrande and became her loyal followers. They were full of respect and gratitude to Tyrande, and Tyrande also showed the ten sides of his majesty as a leader in front of them.

After learning the purpose of Levin and others, one of the priestesses immediately said: "Mistress, I know there is a road that can lead to the Chinese army. Although that road is short, it is relatively dangerous because we need Enter the combat zone."

Levin noticed what they called Tyrande and couldn't help but admire it secretly. It seems that Tyrande's status in the hearts of these people is indeed extraordinary, and they really respect Tyrande.

Soon, they came to the road the priestess had mentioned. The path was exactly as she described, the only drawback was that it would bring them closer to the front lines of the battlefield.

However, after weighing the pros and cons, Levin and others decided to choose this path. After all, time is very precious to them, and they cannot waste time following Ravencrest's army.

Moreover, they also believe in their own strength and wisdom, and can deal with various emergencies even if they are closer to the front line of the battlefield.

Levin urged the hippogryph to gallop while nervously observing the nearby battlefield.

On the battlefield, the demons and the night elves' armies intertwined, and the battle was extremely fierce. Although the demons also suffered heavy losses under Neltharion's crazy attack, they did not seem to give up and still fought tenaciously for their master in an attempt to conquer the world.

Levin has no way of knowing what the demon commander Archimonde is thinking in his heart. But Levin knew that Archimonde must be eagerly looking forward to their master's assistance, hoping to use his master's power to defeat the black dragon. For the demon commander, no action will come as a surprise. After Nozdormu chose to plunge these time travelers into this era, the future has become unpredictable and anything can happen.

"Go from here. ||." The priestess who led the way suddenly shouted. She guided the hippogryph on a downhill road, and then quickly ran to the edge of the mountain they had been walking around.

Others follow, realizing that every second counts and they must get to their destination as quickly as possible.

When they finally reached the mountain, Levin, the most perceptive, suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

It turned out that the war seemed to fall from the sky. A demon army suddenly appeared in their sight and directly inserted into the already very weak battle line of the night elves. The desperate soldiers were forced to retreat continuously, and almost collided with Caiwen and his party.

To make matters worse, as the battle line collapsed, Levin and his team came face to face with the enemy.

They were involved in this sudden battle and had to face these ferocious demons in front of them. Levin's heart tightened, he knew this would be a life and death battle, but they had no choice but to move forward bravely.

This demonic attack was obviously not a whim. Those demon guards who suddenly appeared were equipped with trace-hiding spells, allowing them to launch attacks quietly under the eyes of the night elves army. Even Caiwen and the others felt a little surprised.

Although Levin had noticed something was wrong in advance, when he really saw the demon guards clearly, it was already too late.

The priestess who led the way, because she walked too far forward, put some distance between herself and the large army. This made it so that when she was targeted by the devil, no one around her could lend a helping hand in time.

A trace of panic flashed in her eyes as she tried to avoid the deadly blade. However, her movements were slightly sluggish, and the demon's sword cut through the air like lightning, slashing from her shoulder to her neck.

She fell down stiffly in an instant, and the light of life quickly disappeared from her eyes. Her mount felt its master's fall and angrily charged at the demon, but to no avail.

"Eliles!" the remaining priestess shouted heartbreakingly, her voice filled with endless grief.

Then, she bravely rushed towards a demon guard and reminded: "Mistress, please retreat quickly!"

She tried to lure him away from Tyrande, but the demon was so powerful that she could only deal with it.

Tyrande witnessed all this, with burning anger in his eyes. She did not choose to flee the battlefield, but rushed towards the enemy without hesitation. She waved the moon blade in her hand and slashed at the weak spot under the demon's armor.

At the same time, she also shouted loudly, asking others to quickly organize a defense line.

Maiev followed closely behind. She held a ring blade and nimbly avoided the demon's attack while looking for opportunities to launch a fatal counterattack. ,

Levin stood aside. He did not choose to transform into the wilderness form, but chose to summon the power of nature.

His hands touch the ground, connecting with nature, calling for the help of plants, and controlling the spreading roots and vines to fight. Under Levin's guidance, these vibrant plants seemed to come alive, entangling, piercing, and tripping up the demons, causing them all kinds of trouble.

With the addition of two high-level professionals, Levin and Maiev, the Demon Guard's army was quickly defeated.

They scattered like sand and stones blown away by the strong wind, while the elven defenders took the opportunity to reposition their lines and stabilize their defenses.

After the battle, Tyrande slowly walked to the sacrificed priestess.

She knelt down, gently touched the cold face of the priestess, and prayed silently for her, praying that her soul could rest in peace.

"Let's go, we need to find Ravencrest!" After the prayer, Levin walked to Tyrande and reminded, "There are still people waiting for us."

Tyrande nodded. She also knew that now was not the time to be immersed in grief. They had more important tasks to complete.

If the demons really launched a full-scale offensive, then the companions who were teleported from Lasalraza with them, the moon guards and moon priests, might also become targets of the demons.

Levin knew in his heart that this team was purely composed of spellcasters. Although spellcasters were the most precious among all professionals, it was too dangerous for a group of spellcasters to be attacked at close range by a group of demons without protection. They have to stop this from happening.

".||Yes, we must find them as soon as possible." Tyrande stood up, her worry for the sisters overriding her inner sorrow, and she climbed onto the hippogryph again, "We cannot let them fall into danger. "

However, at the critical moment when they were preparing to evacuate, the demons launched a fierce attack again.

This time, the demon guards were followed by a large number of eredar wizards. The power of these wizards should not be underestimated, making the battle tense again.

Seeing that the group was about to be held back again, Levin took a deep breath and quickly gathered the power of nature. He clasped his hands together and muttered something, and then a group of tree men appeared out of thin air. They roared and rushed to the front line, fighting to the death with the demons.

The night elves did not show any weakness when they saw this. They raised their weapons and fought side by side with the tree people, surrounding the demons. Under this powerful offensive

Many demons were killed on the spot, and the battlefield was littered with demon corpses.

Immediately afterwards, Levin saw the right moment, waved his arm, and set off a violent dust storm.

This storm was like a barrier, completely covering the Burning Legion so that they could not see anything. The demons who originally planned to launch a long-range attack suddenly fell into chaos.

There was no way to hit the target, they collided and trampled on each other [killing each other.

The night elf soldiers took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack and easily killed the demons in the chaos.

Levin was so focused on dealing with the approaching intruder that he barely noticed the changes in the sky.

Not just him, but others as well. After all, Neltharion had been wreaking havoc in the sky before, and they had long been accustomed to not paying attention to what was going on above their heads.

However, just as he was concentrating on fighting, a scream suddenly came. Levin's heart tightened as he noticed more and more shadows around him. Finally, he raised his head and was horrified to find a series of green meteorites falling from the sky.

"It's hellfire!" someone exclaimed.

Levin instantly understood that those eredar wizards were not idle, they had been planning this terrible attack.

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