"Fool!" Neltharion, the guardian of the earth, sneered and muttered, his voice revealing a kind of twisted satisfaction and arrogance, but without any regrets, "I remind you over and over again! I am the supreme. !Everything belongs to me! All life depends on my one thought!"

Neltharion's gaze was like a cold blade, lightly cutting across Levin's body. His patience seemed to have been exhausted by Levin's endless harassment, and the eyes flashed with madness and determination.

As the dragon soul flashed again, a gust of wind suddenly sounded, carrying a chilling whistling sound, and rushed towards Levin like an angry giant beast. Levin only felt a powerful air flow, mixed with spatial turbulence, that instantly enveloped him tightly.

Levin immediately used [Dimensional Anchor] on himself to withstand the chaotic space, but he still couldn't get rid of the strong wind. The storm violently threw him out like trash.

With the blessing of the dragon soul, the power of the space-time storm expanded at an astonishing speed. Its power far exceeded Neltharion's expectations, as if even the heaven and earth were shaken by it. The other surrounding dragon clan members, whether strong or weak, were all involved in the whirlpool of this time and space storm without exception.

Although the red dragon queen Alexstrasza and the green dragon witch Ysera have great strength, they seem to be unable to do what they want at this moment. They struggled and roared, trying to stabilize their bodies, but the power of the hurricane was too overbearing, as if it was going to uproot them. In the end, they could only be like other dragons, helplessly swallowed by the time and space storm - their experience was even worse than Levin's.

Levin18 relied on his mastery of time and space magic to resist the turbulence of time and space, so he was only blown a few kilometers away by the physical storm. However, these dragons did not have this ability, which caused them to completely disappear from Levin's sight. , I don’t know which corner of the world I have been exiled to by the time and space storm.

At that moment, the entire sky seemed to have turned into Neltharion's stage. He stood in the center of the storm, watching all this indifferently. No dragon can escape the control of his magic. He is like a supreme ruler, controlling the fate of all living things. And the raging hurricane is the best testimony of his crazy will.

As Neltharion squandered his power, his once majestic body had now become horribly twisted, swollen, deformed, and riddled with fissures spewing fire. These cracks are symbols of his endless desires, constantly devouring his mind and body.

At this moment, the evil black dragon, which had solved the giant dragons, turned its attention to the frightened night elves and demons. His eyes flashed with cruelty and jest, as if he was enjoying a feast of despair.

"And you!" Neltharion roared, his voice full of rage and disdain, "You haven't learned your lesson yet! You're going to know! You're going to know soon!"

He let out a crazy laugh again, and the laughter was full of twisted pleasure...until his front paw inadvertently touched a crack on his body, and the severe pain seemed to make him temporarily forget about his surroundings. everything of.

This was the first time he really noticed the horrific changes in his body, and his expression instantly became horrified.

However, the panic did not last long. Neltharion quickly rediscovered his madness and arrogance. He glanced at the creatures trembling under his feet, and said with a sneer: "Let's see who is more suitable for my world! Continue your little fight... you fight to see who can survive to worship. I!"

Finally, Neltharion let out a deafening laugh, then turned around, fluttered his wings, and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Neltharion, the guardian of the earth, temporarily stopped his crazy path of destruction, which made Levin feel a little relieved. However, he knew that this was just the calm before the storm, because they all knew that Nesarishi would never let it go.

While Neltharion was happy with the changes the rune had brought to him, he finally realized that he had to deal with the power that was tearing his body apart.

There is no doubt that Neltharion did not find a permanent solution in the end, because in the historical records ten thousand years later, the black dragon was described as wrapping himself like a can with a huge and heavy source of armor to prevent himself from being Overflowing with strength.

However, Levin also understood that Neltharion was an extremely smart creature, and he could always find a way to cure the symptoms in a short time.

"He will be back soon." Levin thought silently in his heart, knowing that Neltharion would never give up his "world".

The smoke of this war has not yet dissipated. They have only temporarily found a chance to breathe in the continuous conflicts.

Just when the tired soldiers were about to relax their tense nerves and slightly loosen the string hanging in their hearts, Levin's ears caught a new round of body-like sounds.

The sound was like a needle piercing the silent night, sharp and harsh. Levin immediately recognized that it was the battle horn blowing again, the sound of the demons' iron hooves making a comeback.

They didn't really leave because of Neltharion's killing. Under the command of Archimonde, they were just waiting for a more suitable time to launch a fierce offensive again.

At this moment, another sound came to Levin's ears, which was the whistling in the wind and the rhythm of the hippogryph flying high.

He followed the sound and saw a figure approaching quickly in the sky. It was Tyrande. She was riding a mount, descending like a goddess on the battlefield, and closely behind her was Maiev. The two figures were in the distance. An elegant arc was drawn in the air.

They did not come empty-handed, they also brought an empty mount, which was obviously prepared for Levin.

Maintaining the phoenix form for a long time in the battle has already made Levin feel that he is unable to do what he wants. At this moment, seeing this empty mount, he can't help but feel warm in his heart. He knew that this was the concern and care of his comrades, and he could just transform back into a humanoid hippogryph and rush on the road.

Tyrande jumped off the Hippogryph's back lightly, walked straight towards Levin, and threw herself into Levin's arms, hugging him tightly with her arms, as if she wanted to integrate him into her body.

It seemed that she was too excited, even in front of Maiev, she didn't feel embarrassed at all.

"Thank you to the Moon Goddess for your protection!" She gasped softly, "I was really frightened when I saw you rushing towards the black dragon... The battle between you was so fierce, I was so worried that you would If you get hurt, you will leave me...

Levin hugged her back gently, looking at her with an extremely gentle look - it seemed that the battle just now was indeed not in vain, and the benefits were coming.

"I'm fine, Tyrande." Levin whispered, "The Phoenix has the ability to be reborn, and those minor injuries are nothing to me. As long as I can protect you and this land, I am willing to give anything."

Hearing what Levin said, Tyrande was even more moved, and her eyes turned red again.

However, this warm moment was broken by a cold snort.

Maiev stood aside, with an indifferent expression on her face, but the anger in her eyes betrayed her. Seeing the two of them fighting each other in front of her, Maiev felt that her heart became inexplicably irritable, as if a firecracker had been set off.

"Are you okay?" She raised her voice with a hint of impatience, "The demons have begun to launch new attacks and we still have a lot to do. Now is not the time to be sentimental."

Tyrande let go of Levin, and she turned around to face Maiev: "Levin has just experienced a life-and-death battle with the black dragon." She said loudly, "He challenged the Dragon King alone and prevented him from resisting." Army massacre. He is our hero, and what he needs now is rest and treatment, not continuing to fight. "

Levin listened to Tyrande's words, and a warm current surged in his heart.

"Thank you, Tyrande, but I can still fight." He stepped forward, patted the earth girl's shoulder gently, and comforted her softly, "The black dragon Neltharion is just one of the enemies, we still have There are more important tasks to be completed. The demons are getting ready, and we must stop them first.

He paused and reminded: "The dragon soul is still in the hands of Nesa 673 Leo. It is what we will eventually take back. But now, we need to find Lord Ravencase first and let him send a team to pick up the priest. and the Moon Guards. The Resistance needs the power of these spellcasters, they are a precious asset to us.'

No matter where they are, spellcasters like mages and priests are the most precious combat power.

Tyrande listened to Levin's words, nodded obediently, and reluctantly separated from Levin.

After everyone was firmly mounted on the hippogryph, their group began to return. In order to avoid becoming conspicuous targets on the battlefield, they let hippogryphs carry them quickly across the ground instead of flying high in the air.

Although they had not yet witnessed the tragic scenes of the bloody battle, the distant shouts of killing were already rolling in like thunder, shocking everyone's hearts. The balance of the war seemed to have completely tilted. Even Tyrande and Maiev, who had passed the battlefield before, couldn't help but feel shocked.

"We seem to have stepped directly into the most intense war zone!" Maiev frowned. The scene in front of her made her feel unprecedented pressure. The front line has completely collapsed!"

Tyrande nodded, turned to Levin and reminded: "We must find another road. This road is already crowded with people fleeing, and we cannot continue to move forward."

Levin felt a little strange. He could understand Tyrande talking to him like this. After all, Tyrande had become accustomed to listening to his opinions since the two of them traveled together, but what happened to Maiev?

What this female tyrannosaurus likes to do most is talk to herself and make her own decisions. She is rarely willing to listen to other people's opinions. Why is she so polite this time?

Levin didn't know that from the moment he transformed into a phoenix and fought fiercely with Neltharion, his status in Maiev's heart had undergone earth-shaking changes. That battle made Maiev deeply aware of Levin's great strength and fearless courage. In this world where strength is valued, Levin has won her respect and trust. .

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