Harry witnessed all this. He looked at Umbridge's back angrily leaving, then turned to look at Trelawney's thin figure. He couldn't help but sigh: "Oh my God, this is the first time I know Professor Trelawney." So brave!”

These days, Umbridge has reviewed six professors, and Professor Trelawney is undoubtedly the toughest and most backbone of them all.

Harry's admiration for Trelawney welled up in his heart.

"I'm afraid it's not just bravery." Hermione's voice rang in Harry's ears, her expression was very serious, "Have you forgotten those prophecies made by the audio-visual teacher Te Danrong in the past few years? Many of them have already come true. Maybe this is also a real prediction!"

Although Hermione had always thought Trelawney was a useless old lunatic, that was only for her teaching.

Influenced by Levin, she really looked at Trelawney's prophecy seriously - it was not the kind of confusing words that were said casually as a joke at school, but the kind of sudden epileptic state, after a great dance, and then "Heaven" A true prophecy uttered when the Father possessed us.

Then she was surprised to find that the predictions she made in this state basically came true.

After Hermione's reminder, Harry also remembered the accurate predictions made by Professor Trelawney.

His mind moved. Could it be that Professor Trelawney saw some unknown future this time?

"Wouldn't that be better?" Ronald said gloatingly, "So Umbridge will be in bad luck soon!"

"So far, no Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has been able to stay safely for a year." Harry also nodded, feeling grateful for Voldemort's curse for the first time.

Professor Trelawney's amazing performance in the classroom quickly spread throughout Hogwarts, arousing widespread discussion among the students.

The almost cursed prophecy she made to Umbridge made her a hero in the eyes of everyone, and she was named the most thoughtful teacher at Hogwarts.

Before 717, many students were skeptical of Professor Trelawney, thinking that she was just a liar who liked to make mysteries.

However, the moment Umbridge, the senior investigator, stepped into Hogwarts, the students' views on Trelawney began to change subtly.

Umbridge's harsh and rigid style and oppression of students quickly made her the number one public enemy in the hearts of the students.

The lesser of two evils, students began to turn to Professor Trelawney's side and cheer her on.

If her prophecy is false, then they would rather believe it to be true;

If her prediction is true, then they hope it will be fulfilled immediately!

Of course, students don't support Trelawney blindly.

They were aware of Umbridge's power as senior investigator and knew she had the power to fire any professor.

Therefore, they are also worried about Trelawney's situation, fearing that she will be fired directly.

Then again, there have been rumors circulating in Hogwarts: Trelawney is Dumbledore's illegitimate daughter.

This rumor seems to have given Trelawney a lot of confidence, and also made students have a strong interest in her backstage.

It is said that the divination class was almost canceled back then, but in the end it was preserved because of Trelawney's existence.

If this rumor is true, then Trelawney's backstage is really not that tough.

Maybe in a few days, Umbridge will be kicked out by Dumbledore.

However, Umbridge was not swayed by the rumors. She had already known through investigation what strong backstage support Terry had.

The professors who were harassed before were actually just investigating and harassing, and they were just spreading suspicion.

The professors who were harassed before were actually just her means to spread suspicion.

Starting from Trelawney, she was really ready to leave the country.

The reason why she chose to attack Trelawney first was also after careful consideration.

Persimmons should be picked and pinched softly, so as to better establish one's prestige.

She believed that as long as she succeeded in driving Trelawney out of Hogwarts, the other professors would obey her management.

Unfortunately, God is not as good as God, and Umbridge did not expect that this step was only half successful before he was forced to stop. Trelawney's damning prophecy directly blocked her back.

Umbridge is not planning to act rashly until all of this is understood.

The first step was to pinch the soft persimmon and find a half-hard product. Umbridge began to implement the second step of her plan: to bare her fangs and confront the most authoritative figure in Hogwarts head-on.

Aside from Dumbledore, who else could have the say at Hogwarts?

The answer is none other than Professor McGonagall.

As Dumbledore's right-hand man, Professor McGonagall can always maintain order in the school when the principal is absent.

More importantly, she holds the high position of vice principal.

Umbridge knew that if she could expose some of Professor McGonagall's inappropriate behavior, she could expel the senior professor from Hogwarts.

Umbridge himself is the vice-chancellor, and at that time, Professor McGonagall's position as vice-chancellor will naturally fall into his hands.

Further imagining, if she can expel another vice principal and collect the "medals" of three vice principal positions, she may be promoted to a two-star vice president... Wait, there seems to be something wrong with this logic.

However, Umbridge did fantasize about getting a chance to challenge Dumbledore's position as headmaster in this way.

However, Professor McGonagall was by no means an idle person, and she was completely dismissive of Umbridge's provocation and arrogance.

Decades of education career have already honed her impeccable business abilities, making it difficult for Umbridge to start.

Umbridge tried to find trouble in class, just like she did in the Divination class, and kept making coughing noises, hoping to attract Professor McGonagall's attention and interrupt the lecture.

However, Professor McGonagall did not tolerate her and scolded her directly: "If you feel uncomfortable in your throat, go to the campus hospital. If you have a brain problem, I suggest you go to Xin Ge."

Umbridge was speechless, and the corner of his mouth turned aside in embarrassment.

It wasn't until the bell rang that she found the opportunity to inquire about Professor McGonagall from the students.

However, she lost it.

The students did not dare to speak ill of Professor McGonagall (cbdj), and they all praised her and described her excellence and greatness in eloquent words.

During Umbridge's inquiry, everyone was also surprised to discover a fact: Professor McGonagall has quietly dedicated his life to this school for thirty-nine years!

This news shocked everyone.

There is actually a deputy headmaster of Hogwarts who has been in the world for nearly 40 years?

It seems that Dumbledore's long standby time has also prevented Professor McGonagall, the vice-principal, from taking any further steps.

After being frustrated by Professor McGonagall, Umbridge felt as if a poisonous thorn had been stabbed in his heart, and he gritted his teeth with hatred.

However, she also knew that without conclusive evidence, she could not act rashly against the senior vice president.

Both of them are vice-principals, with equal power and status. She does not have enough advantages to defeat the other easily.

Umbridge originally planned to scare other professors and establish his own authority, but unexpectedly he hit a soft nail with Trelawney and a hard nail with Professor McGonagall.

She fell into deep thought. Do she really want to find a random professor to perform surgery without a good reason?

Just when she was hesitating, the spy under her gave her the latest news, which made her excited again.

Yes, Umbridge also has his own intelligence network at Hogwarts.

When her attempts to win over the prefects failed, and she was frequently teased by little wizards, Umbridge also realized that she had to plant some spies among the students to collect intelligence for herself.

These spies have two main tasks: one is to find out who is behind the prank on her, so that she can have the opportunity to retaliate:

The second is to monitor potential threat groups that may exist among students, such as searching for organizations that oppose the Ministry of Magic and support Dumbledore, or monitor Levin Green's Erudite Society.

The last incident with Ginny made Umbridge a little wary of Levin.

Although Levin made it clear that the incident had nothing to do with him, Umbridge still suspected that he was behind the scenes and tried to unite with Dumbledore to overthrow Fudge's regime and put Jaina in power.

She believed that if conclusive evidence could be found to prove all this, Fudge would definitely praise her greatly, and might even improve her status in the Ministry of Magic.

However, arranging an undercover agent is not a simple matter and requires careful planning and consideration.

Umbridge is quite good at this kind of thing.

She knew very well that if she wanted to arrange undercover agents, in addition to having brave men with heavy rewards, she also had to firmly grasp the weaknesses of these brave men.

Otherwise, if the undercover betrays her, she will lose face.

No one looks down on someone who needs to plant an undercover agent among a group of kids.

Her most common method of exploiting weaknesses is to use other people's family members as hostages. Anyone who cares about their family members will not dare to betray them casually after hearing the news.

So, can Umbridge capture the hostages?

of course.

There are many potential "hostages" scattered throughout the Ministry of Magic alone.

Yes, she was referring to those Ministry of Magic employees who had children attending Hogwarts.

Nominally, the highest appointment and dismissal power of Ministry of Magic employees rests with the Minister of Magic.

Therefore, as long as there are parents of young wizards working in the Ministry of Magic, it is equivalent to their lifeblood being tightly held by Umbridge. Only

As long as you disobey, your... parents will be expelled.

Of course, Umbridge does not have this power, and even without reason, Fudge cannot make such a decision easily.

But this does not prevent her from using this method to scare those little wizards who are not experienced in the world.

After all, not every little wizard is as mature as Levin, who understands the dangers of political struggle at a young age.

With this method, Umbridge successfully won over a group of small spies.

Coupled with some young wizards from Slytherin Academy who took the initiative to get closer, she finally established her own intelligence organization.

Now, her most valued "ace spy" - Marietta Acmo, codenamed "Pangolin" - brought her information about Levin Green's secret base.

This made her excited, because if she could enter Levin's secret base and discover his secret plan against Minister Fudge, then her goal would be achieved, and she might be able to further expose Levin's conspiracy and consolidate her position in the Ministry of Magic. status.

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