Ever since Umbridge stepped into Hogwarts as senior investigator and Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, she has been working hard to solidify her position. Her greatest pride was in successfully exposing Lupin, and using the incident to incite fear among Hogwarts students and parents, ultimately forcing Headmaster Dumbledore to compromise.

However, Lupine's unexpected return disgraced her.

He just went back to the academy to pick up some personal belongings, but he was greeted by all the little wizards in the classroom.

In short, this is just like a boyfriend and girlfriend. The more your partner misses his ex, the more bored he becomes with his current one.

This made Umbridge angry and humiliated.

Worse still, as Pansy Parkinson said, the law doesn’t hold the law accountable.

If only one or two young wizards expressed support for Lupine, she might be able to establish her authority through confinement, corporal punishment, etc. But now, almost the entire class is on Lupin's side, which makes her feel helpless.

In order to restore his prestige, Umbridge decided to find ground with other professors.

So, in the next few days, she made full use of the authority given to her by the education order, frequently entering and exiting classrooms of various subjects, giving instructions on the teaching of professors in various subjects, trying to demonstrate her authority in this way.

A small group of students were happy to hear about Umbridge's move.

They had long been tired of those rigid and dogmatic professors, and were looking forward to Umbridge being able to reveal their true colors and drive them out of Hogwarts.

Everyone is looking forward to Umbridge being able to kick out several professors.

Such as Cuthbert Binns, such as the unnamed potions teacher, and a certain fortune-telling professor who is always talking about it...

For the professors, they were as nervous and uneasy as teachers who suddenly learned that leaders from the Ministry of Education were coming to attend open classes.

Anyone who is unqualified will be fired.

Experienced teachers will make preparations in advance to let students understand the course content, and even give a class in advance to deal with possible emergencies.

Those who are inexperienced can only deal with it in a panic.

Professor Trelawney is undoubtedly a typical representative of the latter.

She is usually mysterious and enigmatic, but in fact she has no real talent.

Umbridge's actions this time made her feel unprecedented pressure.

What about the promised career bonus, state-owned enterprise benefits, never layoffs, and guaranteed income during droughts and floods?

Why did he suddenly start to have a mid-life crisis and face the risk of being fired?

On Friday afternoon, in the divination class, Professor Trelawney held a "Dream Interpretation Guide" and explained to the young wizards three methods of dream interpretation in her unique tone of voice that seemed to be communicating with another world. method.

The atmosphere in the classroom was a bit dull.

The students either held their chins or had their eyes blurred, apparently made drowsy by Professor Trelaw's lengthy explanation.

Even Hermione, who was usually passionate about academics, couldn't help but sigh slightly at this moment.

Hermione had privately studied many prophecy spells with Levin, and she felt that she had considerable talent in this area.

However, the strange thing is that whenever she tries to perform divination according to Professor Trelawney's method, she always ends in failure.

She couldn't help but begin to wonder: Was Professor Trelawney's course too weak, or was she really not talented in this area?

Just as Hermione was deep in thought, Professor Trelawney finally closed the thick "Dream Interpretation Guide" and used her ethereal voice to assign today's class assignment: "Now

Please divide into pairs and use the "Dream Interpretation Guide" as a reference to explain to each other what the other person has seen in their dreams recently..."

However, before Professor Trelawney could finish his words, he was interrupted by a sudden and harsh sound of opening the door.

The students turned their heads to look, and saw Professor Umbridge emerging from the trap door on the floor, with a sweet smile on his face.

"Good afternoon, Professor Trelawney." Umbridge said in her characteristic high-pitched voice as she closed the trap door, "I believe you must have received my notice, right? It clearly says I'm coming to check the time and date of your class.

Professor Trelawney's face immediately darkened, and he nodded with a stern face, appearing very unhappy. Then, without looking at her, he continued to explain the specific steps of dream interpretation to the students, as if Umbridge did not exist at all.

Umbridge didn't seem to care about Trelawny's cold attitude. She walked straight to the chair closest to her, grabbed it and pulled it aside to sit down. She looked around in the classroom and kept waving the pen on the writing board. , showing a critical look from time to time.

Trelawny finally finished her lengthy explanation and sat down to rest with a dry mouth. At this time, Umbridge, who had remained silent, suddenly spoke:

"Professor Trelawney, how long have you been in this position?"

Trelawney looked a little unhappy, but still replied: "Almost sixteen years."

"Sixteen years? It's not a short time..." Umbridge repeated softly, while jotting down a few strokes on the writing board, "So," Umbridge raised his head slightly and looked directly at Trelawney with his shrewd eyes, provoking He said, "You must have a lot of experience in divination, right?"

When Professor Trelawney heard this, he immediately glared at her fiercely, crossed his arms, and shrugged his shoulders, as if the other party was extremely rude to say so.

"I have worked diligently in this school for sixteen years. If I didn't have real talents and knowledge, would Professor Dumbledore let me continue to hold this profession?"

Trelawney's voice was full of confidence,

"Go and inquire about my divination ability. Even the principal doesn't dare to question it. Professor McGonagall will occasionally bow to me to ask for advice [When will Fujian Gryffindor Quidditch win the championship?"

Professor Flitwick will also ask me to help with marriage matters.

Judging from Trelawney's tone, it seemed as if she was a core figure in the Hogwarts professor team and everyone was her fan.

How much fake wine did she have to drink before she dared to say that.

But perhaps it was this confident temperament that allowed her to deceive and abduct her for so many years without being exposed.

Umbridge was shocked by Trelawney's momentum. She jotted down a few words on the writing board to hide her uneasiness.

After coming here for a while, she asked again: "So, Professor Dumbledore appointed you?"

"That's right." Trelawney answered simply and neatly, with a hint of pride in his tone. "He asked me to come out many times!"

Umbridge drew a few strokes on the writing board again, then slowly raised her head and said in her unique high-pitched voice: "As far as I know, you are the mysterious person of the famous prophet Cassandra Trelawney. Granddaughter, right?"

"Yes." Trelawny raised his head, as proudly as an old hen that had just laid eggs.

However, Umbridge didn't stop there,

"But I remember that none of Cassandra Trelawney's descendants seem to have inherited her prophetic talent..." She continued to look at Trelawney with questioning eyes: "So, do you think you will? Is that the only exception?"

Professor Trelawney felt a little guilty, but she quickly calmed down and explained: "This kind of talent is usually inherited from one generation to the next, um...I mean three generations from time to time."

Seeing Trelawny's somewhat embarrassed look, Umbridge's smile grew wider.

She closed the writing board in her hand with a snap, and then said in an unquestionable tone: ... Next, I hope you can make a prophecy for me. This is not only an assessment of your teaching ability, but will also be directly related to your teacher rating. "

The little wizards in the classroom were originally immersed in their books, but the tense atmosphere between Professor Trelawney and Umbridge made them unable to concentrate anymore.

They all put down the books in their hands and looked at the two professors curiously, wondering what had happened.

Professor Trelawney glared at Umbridge angrily, the anger in her eyes seeming to engulf him.

After a while, she said angrily: "I can't give you a prophecy, the third eye will not be ordered to see!"

"Okay, I think I roughly understand what you mean!" Umbridge was very disappointed with Trelawney's reaction. She shook her head, picked up the writing board and prepared to leave.

However, the moment she turned around, Trelawny's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"If I were you I would leave this school immediately!"

Umbridge stopped moving forward and turned his head in surprise.

At this time, Trelawney's appearance had changed, her voice was gloomy and strange, she was lying low on the chair, her body was twitching slightly, as if she was suffering some great pain, she whispered in a low voice:

"I see dark scars and pain in you...you are in trouble, Umbridge!"

Her words made Um (Li Zhaozhao) Rich feel a chill, and she turned her head in surprise and looked at Trelawny.

Trelawny's eyes widened with a sad light. Suddenly he opened his mouth and screamed, "This is a curse... This is a curse!"

The sharp sound echoed in the classroom, and the little wizards nearby couldn't help but cover their ears.

Umbridge was startled by Trelawney's scream, and she took two steps back unconsciously [then her whole face turned red. She shouted angrily: "Trelawney? Did you just curse me?"

Trelawny's face was as pale as paper, and he looked like he had exhausted his energy. He was gasping for air, as if he had just experienced a huge torture.

At this time, she looked at Umbridge with a bit more fear, but she still said with certainty: "That's the prophecy... the prophecy you want!"

"Prophecy? But I have heard many students mention that you like to scare the new students at the beginning of the semester, saying that they will die violently this year, right?" Umbridge stared at Trelawney with her sharp eyes, her tone of voice Obvious doubt.

Professor Trelawney did not flinch, and replied in a firm tone: "What I saw is what I predicted. I can't change it, and I won't lie."

Umbridge was so angry at Trelawney's stubbornness that she threw her sleeves angrily, turned around and strode away, her high heels making a loud rhythm on the floor. .

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