The prefect's box is still spacious and comfortable, and the soft velvet cushions on the seats make people reluctant to get up once they sit down.

In addition to comfortable seats, there are tea and snacks in the box, as well as a whole row of bookshelves.

Levin glanced at the books on the bookshelf. They were basically authoritative magical journals, such as "Annals of Magical Beasts", "Transfiguration Today", "Master of Practical Potions", "Charming Innovations", etc., which Levin often contributed to. It is specially prepared for prefects to pass the time during their travels.

It seems that the professors at Hogwarts are using this to tell you sincerely that if you have nothing to do, just read more papers to pass the time.

All I can say is that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

Zhang Qiu never reads the books in the box. She always prefers to spend her time admiring the scenery outside the window or chatting with friends.

No one is chatting with her now. She still puts these books aside and reads "The Quibbler" with gusto.

Two or three years ago, before Levin acquired shares in "The Quibbler," she would not read such a third-rate newspaper at all.

The Bent-Horned Snorlax and the Harassment Busy are completely fake. They are neither real nor fun. Only children can watch them.

But now "747" is different. With Levin's help, Xenophilius began to write about things like the Crystal Skull, the Bermuda Triangle, the end of the world in 2012, 5G radiation, mask antennas, and lizard men ruling the world. A proven Muggle urban legend.

And he would always add: "That's what Muggles say.

There is quite a "foreigners say this" style.

Anyway, most wizards would not go out of their way to find a Muggle for confirmation.

But not to mention, after doing this, many more readers are interested in "The Quibbler". Even if these stories are false, at least they are interesting, and many of the contents are related to Muggles, which fully satisfies the curiosity of wizards. desire.

At least Zhang Qiu enjoyed watching it.

As for academic journals, dogs don’t even read them!

No, there are still people watching.

For example, Hermione,

At this time, she was holding a copy of the Magical Beasts Almanac and spreading it out to read.

It looks like you can't put it down, so you can spend a whole day without any problem.

Seeing Hermione focused on reading, Levin couldn't help but think of the first time he got into Zhang Qiu's prefect car.

At that time, he was also wondering why the professor would arrange it like this. He almost thought that Hermione had written the book after sending a letter of opinion to Dumbledore.

Later, after some inquiring, he found out that this was done by Professor McGonagall, known as "Big Hermione".

At this moment, a fierce noise suddenly came from outside the door, breaking the tranquility in the box.

Levin couldn't help but turn his head and look around, and saw Ronald and Malfoy having a quarrel at the door of the next box, with red faces and thick necks, as if they would start fighting at any time.

Although Levin couldn't hear exactly what they were arguing about through the soundproof door, he could make a rough guess from the faint sounds, Malfoy's provocative expression and Ronald's angry eyes.

It must have been Malfoy again sowing discord between Ronald and Harry, bringing up the old story of Ronald taking Harry's position as prefect.

Crabbe and Goyle were gloating and laughing from the sidelines, adding fuel to the fire.

Ronald was so angry that he was shaking all over. He angrily grabbed Neville's Mibu Mibao from the window sill. The thing was beating slightly and looked like a diseased organ, which made people feel very ominous.

However, Ronald could no longer care so much. Without even looking at it, he threw the Mibu Miba in the direction of Malfoy.

To be honest, Ronald may have really inherited the talent of the twins' batsmen. The Mibu Miba drew a perfect arc in the air and accurately shot into Malfoy's mouth.

Malfoy subconsciously shut up, but it was too late.

Once stimulated, something like the Mibu Mibao would spurt out a large amount of liquid, and now it was stuffed into Malfoy's mouth and pushed deeply into Malfoy's throat.

Malfoy's swallowing movements pressed it, his tongue circled around its end in panic, and then gently pressed against its boil.

As a result, Mibu Mibao was greatly stimulated, and thick juice spurted out from the eyes of the boils on the plant.

Streams of sticky, smelly dark green juice splashed everywhere in the car.

The ceiling and windows were all sprayed with splotches, as disgusting as exploding beef balls.

Ronald subconsciously hid behind the door, and although the juice didn't hit his face, it poured over his head. At this time, the top of his head was like wearing a sticky, dirty cuckold.

Neville was more unlucky, and was directly ejaculated in the face with thick juice. He shook his head and tried to squeeze out the juice from the eye that suffered the most.

Luna had quick eyesight and quick hands, and used "The Quibbler" to cover her face in time to avoid being creampied in the face with disgusting juice.

Ginny's performance was even better. She already had agile reflexes, otherwise she would not have become a professional Quidditch player in the original book. This summer, she received special combat training at Levin's house. In terms of skills, she is even more powerful. In addition, after officially joining the Genius Club and drinking the permanent attribute elixir, it can be said that her agility is at least 18 points higher.

When the ink flew toward her and Gabrielle, she quickly cast the [Barrier Spell], and a transparent wall rose in time to block the ink.

Harry was the worst offender. At that time, both of his hands were busy catching Leif, and he had no time to resist the splashing ink. The result... Like Neville, he was facial-ejaculated directly from the front, and the thick juice even shot directly into his mouth. The smell was foul and unpleasant, as disgusting as a big penis.

But the little bit of juice he swallowed was nothing compared to Malfoy who was directly orally exploded.

Malfoy screamed in surprise at the juice spurting out of his mouth, but the more he shut up, the more thick juice spurted out.

He shouted vaguely: " me!"

Goyle and Crabbe were both standing behind Malfoy, so they became the rare lucky ones who were not affected by the stinky juice. They looked at each other and immediately endured the stench and came to the rescue.

Goyle reached out and grabbed Malfoy's mouth, trying to pull out the Mibu Mibao.

However, he was also shot once by Mibuli Bao.

Crabbe was more decisive. He directly raised his hand and slapped Malfoy from the back of the head...

Crabbe looked tall and thick, and his attack was neither light nor heavy. With this slap, Malfoy was directly hit and dizzy. Fortunately, with this force, Mibu Miba was also slapped out and hit the window sill. Hit Ronald on the head.

Ronald screamed in pain and knocked the Mibu Mibao off his head.

But Malfoy's condition was not good. He was ejaculated by Mibu Mibao in his mouth, and a large amount of thick juice was ejected. Because Mibu Mibao was too long, it penetrated directly into the throat, so a lot of juice went directly into the nasal cavity along the trachea. Some of it went down his esophagus and into his stomach, making him extremely nauseous.

At this moment, he felt like his stomach was churning, and the stench that hit his nose made him burst into tears, coupled with Crabbe's slap just now.

With the three-pronged approach, Malfoy felt his eyes go dark.

This caused him to misjudge his situation.

Malfoy was lying on the ground rolling crazily, his face as pale as paper, and he kept shouting: "I'm poisoned! I'm poisoned! Come on, help me! I'm going to die!"

His sharp voice shouted so loudly that the whole box was buzzing.

Damn it, it’s poisonous?!

Harry stared blankly at Malfoy's painful struggle, and it took him a few seconds to come to his senses.

He hurriedly dug his hands into his mouth [trying to spit out all the thick juice he had just accidentally swallowed].

Ronald also wiped all the juice off his head, and then looked at Harry nervously, fearing that he might also be hit.

Harry covered his neck again. He just remembered that there was a mosquito bite on his neck. Could this be a wound?

He thought to himself, if this were the case, wouldn't the poison have already penetrated along the wound?

Ronald saw this and said: "Harry, don't worry! I seem to have read it in a Muggle book my father bought. The book mentioned that if a person is bitten by a poisonous snake, he can suck out the poison with his mouth. I will do it." Let me help you suck out the toxins!"

Harry was stunned, feeling that he had heard this statement before, and nodded hurriedly, urging Ronald to move faster.

However, Ronald said calmly: "The book also mentioned a little first aid knowledge. Before using this first aid method, you need to pay attention. If the rescuer has oral ulcers, he must not inhale! Okay! I don’t have ulcers now.”

After that, he hugged Harry directly and moved his mouth to his neck.

The noise in their box became louder and louder, especially Malfoy's high-pitched scream, which penetrated directly through the soundproof glass and came to Levin's side.

Hermione, who has always been obsessed with academics, finally couldn't stand it anymore. She raised her head and frowned: "What is the noise next door? Can you ask them to be quiet?"

Levin shrugged and said "I can't do it!".

But Hermione had already spoken, so there was no need to continue watching.

He stood up, opened the box door, and prepared to go and block the next door to cause even greater trouble.

Update【4/3】, additional update【100/113】

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