Ronald suddenly realized that what he had just done by singing might be a bit stupid.

"Aha, only you can do such a stupid thing."

Draco said slowly, his mocking eyes scanning the snacks in Ronald's arms,

"Tell me, Weasley, how did it feel when you bought something on the train for the first time? Did it feel very fresh and interesting?"

Ronald stared at Draco and said word by word: "Shut up Malfoy! Otherwise I will let you taste the taste of confinement!"

As he spoke, he puffed out his chest to reveal his prefect badge.

Draco looked at Ronald's menacing look and was stunned for a moment, then chuckled.

"Becoming a prefect?" Draco drawled, "Congratulations to you, Weasley, but it's a pity that you have no authority over me."

As he spoke, he took out a green prefect badge from his pocket and wore it on his chest, shaking it proudly.

Pansy also took out a prefect badge and put it on her body. She looked at Ronald's surprised look and sneered at the corner of her mouth: "What? Even a mere Weasley can be a prefect, can't we? What a joke.

"Humph, so what if you have a badge, Malfoy? You are still a loser who only knows how to show off." Ronald fired back without flinching, "So, take your followers and go away from me, don't mess with me. Crabbe and Gao You are not a prefect."

Draco raised his pointed chin with a proud smile on his face,

"I heard that you took the position of prefect that should have belonged to Potter. You are really brave. However, you'd better behave yourself. I will watch you like a hunting dog to see if you dare to be more embarrassed. .”

He glanced at Ronald contemptuously and turned to leave.

Although Draco spoke arrogantly, he knew in his heart that Levin did not like the trouble he caused Harry, but he also noticed that Levin, like himself, did not have a good impression of Ronald.

Therefore, all his firepower is now focused on Ronald.

Pansy saw this and led the clumsy Crabbe and Goyle to the food cart.

She picked some snacks, then returned to the box and slammed the door.

Calm returned to the carriage again, leaving only Ronald and Ernie.

Ernie looked at Ronald's flushed face and could feel the embarrassment and anger in the other person's heart.

In order to lighten the mood, he pretended to be nonchalant: "Hey, Ronald, I've always thought that Pepper Pussies are the best in the candy bag. They are mints that make your ears smoke. Do you want to try them?"

With that said, he gave one to Ronald.

On the other hand, at Hermione's insistence, Levin was forced to start this embarrassing patrol trip.

They shuttled between the carriages. Hermione and Zhang Qiu performed their duties as prefects with serious faces, while Levin looked a little absent-minded.

"Everything is normal in this compartment." Zhang Qiu said, looking at a group of students who were reading quietly.

Levin nodded, but couldn't help but think: the prefect's tasks are the same as he said before, nothing more than patrolling, maintaining order, stopping students from fighting and playing, and using prohibited items...

Wait, prohibited items?

He suddenly remembered something crucial to him.

He took out several prohibited items that he had just confiscated: constipation kernels, quick-acting truant candy, dung eggs, boxing binoculars...

Look at the trademarks above. They basically have the logo of Arcane Eyes, which is exactly the same as the logos of Arcane Magic TV and Arcane Magic Appliances Company.

The Arcane Eye is a blue eyeball symbol with two lightning bolts underneath, taken from the magic of Lishu Wisdom.

This is Levin's trademark for his products.

Since the Weasley twins received his large investment and technical support, their future stores would also have to be named by Levin.

Levin is ready, and it's called the Oddity Magic Joke Company.

In other words, most of these contraband items are products of the Weasley twins.

With Levin's investment and support, the Weasley twins' business has expanded rapidly in the past school year, and their prank products have become popular in Hogwarts.

The knowledgeable wizards of the Society provide a steady stream of raw materials, and the twins' production capacity is fully guaranteed:

And Levin's technical support makes their creativity endless.

What's even better is that the twins directly pulled out Levin as an investor and used it as a living advertisement.

With Levin's fame, their prank props account for almost half of the Hogwarts market.

If any Hogwarts student wants to buy prank products, the first person they think of is these two.

However, most of these prank products are contraband at Hogwarts.

Then here comes the problem.

As a superior, Levin should confiscate his products when he sees others using them, or should he turn a blind eye?

If you don't accept it, the school rules will be clearly stated there.

Although he himself had gone out at night and violated school rules, he was not discovered.

There are thousands of school rules, but the first one has not been found.

At Hogwarts, there is an unwritten rule: as long as you are not discovered, you can do whatever you want; but once you are discovered, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

But if Levin did confiscate the banned hoax products, he was worried that he would offend those loyal customers and affect the twins' business.

After all, Twins mainly sells prank props. The basic route for such toy products is:

Come from students, go to students, be closely connected with students, and cannot be separated from the student masses.

Students are the foundation of their business and the main force of consumption for thousands of years to come.

After all, students’ money is the easiest to cheat.

However, Levin then thought about it. The twins' products had almost formed a monopoly in the school. Although the students complained, if their things were confiscated, wouldn't they still have to find the twins to buy them again?

This is like those large technology companies. Although they are often criticized by users for various reasons, when new products are released, consumers will still rush to buy them.

In this process of bribery, it not only maintains the order of the school, but also invisibly stimulates domestic demand and boosts consumption!

Isn’t this a good thing that kills two birds with one stone?

The more Levin thought about it, the more it made sense.

As long as your thinking does not slip, you will always be able to sell more than you confiscate.

After understanding this, Levin immediately stopped worrying and followed Hermione everywhere to confiscate prohibited prank props.

In the last carriage, after Hermione decisively dealt with several little wizards who tried to play with fireworks in the train aisle, Levin was finally freed from having to patrol around the train.

‥…Please give me flowers…0

They returned to Zhang Qiu's prefect box, and Levin found that Luna and Gabri were not there.

He looked around and saw that they were sitting in the next box, sitting with Ginny, chatting happily with Harry and Neville.

Neville was holding a strange-looking plant in his hand and was introducing it to them with great interest.

The plant was very ugly, roughly cylindrical in shape, with a big lump protruding from the top. It looked fleshy, like a small gray cactus planted in a pot, but it was not covered with thorns, but covered with cloth. Full of boil-like things.

Levin recognized that the plant is called Mibu Miba. It is a plant produced in Assyria. It is very rare and has a strong self-defense mechanism. When attacked by outsiders, his boils are powerful weapons. They will spurt out A lot of viscous and unpleasant-smelling liquid attacks the enemy.

All in all, it's good that there wasn't any trouble.

When Levin saw this, he was secretly glad: Fortunately, they didn't cause any trouble.

He was about to return to the box when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure standing at the door of the box——Professor Remus John Lupin.

"Professor Lupin, I really didn't expect to see you here." Seeing this, Levin immediately stepped forward and shook hands with Professor Lupin, "I'm so happy to be able to take your Defense Against the Dark Arts class again."

Professor Lupine held Levin's hand tightly and patted Levin's shoulder affectionately with his other hand.

"I am also very happy to officially serve as your professor again." He sighed, "The substitute teaching time at the end of last semester was too short."

"Professor Lupin, although I like your courses very much, you should not go back to Hogwarts this year. Especially in this situation."

Levin took the opportunity to pull Professor Lupin into the box and lowered his voice: "Fudge is trying every possible means to cause trouble for Dumbledore. If your identity is discovered by them, they may use it as a basis to attack Dumbledore and interfere with Hogwarts." affairs."

Professor Lupine nodded slightly, indicating that he understood Levin's concerns, "I also have such concerns, but this time it was Dumbledore's arrangement. He told me that Fudge originally planned to send one of his people to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year. Dumbledore and They had a heated debate and finally used their knowledge of the dementors' unprovoked attack on Harry to successfully veto their proposal."

Having said this, Lupine showed a satisfied smile on his face, seeming to be very optimistic about the current situation.

He continued: "Now, Fudge can only let the official who originally managed the dementors, the witch Dolores Umbridge, enter the school as an observer. So, as long as we act carefully and don't give her any clues, Fudge There is no reason to directly interfere with Hogwarts affairs."

Lupine paused, then added: "It's a pity that Dumbledore can't find anyone else he trusts to serve as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in a short period of time, and he is unwilling to let Snape transfer to this position. Sirius has to run the family business. To fight Fudge in public opinion, you can only let me go. You are right about this. My identity is indeed a potential hidden danger. I will be more careful not to let my identity be exposed."

At this time, the food trolley came over, and Levin and Lupin also ended their conversation and returned to their private rooms. .

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