In Harry's eyes, today seemed to be his lucky day, because the fourth game went more smoothly than expected.

On his way through the maze, he didn't encounter any particularly difficult levels. The solutions seemed to be obvious. Basically, one or two spells could solve them.

The magical creatures he met were like old friends, all familiar faces from last year's class: the lively Hinkpunk, the loyal Bowtruckle. These creatures seemed to him a pleasant refresher on his knowledge.

There was only one dementor that gave him a little headache, but now he is very good at the Patronus Charm, and the creatures that once frightened him are no longer scary in front of him.

In his opinion, the biggest trouble he faced was that the maze was too circuitous and he had to take too many paths. As a result, after walking such a long way, he didn't even meet any other contestants. Could it be that they had all gone before him? Reaching the finish line in one step?

Harry didn't know that his smooth journey was entirely due to the efforts of two people.

The first one is naturally Vector Krum. After eliminating Estella Dumont, this guy killed his relatives and attacked Polyakov, who was in the same school.

Caught off guard, Polyakov was directly hit by his [Cruciatus Curse] and fainted on the spot.

He was also arrested on the spot by Hagrid, the security officer in charge of Polyakov, and Crouch Jr., who pretended to have just found him, disguised as Moody.

It can be said that in the eyes of outsiders, Vector Krum single-handedly pulled two people into the water in a row, clearing out a maze with no opponents for Harry. The difficulty of the game directly changed from pvp to pve, which made Harry's schedule difficult. -Be more relaxed.

From this point of view, Krum is not Harry's love rival, he is simply his adopted father-in-law.

And the second person he wanted to be grateful to was naturally Levin.

In order for Harry to finish the game as soon as possible, everyone had to get off work early. It can be said that Wei put a lot of effort into it.

He used his ability to control the secret eye to run directly in front of Harry, and then blocked all the more threatening levels in advance, leaving only the simplest meaning for him, just to make him go faster.

However, even so, Harry was still scurrying around the maze like a headless fly. In addition, he didn't like to make marks, so he really took a lot of wrong paths.

Harry's highest record was walking a long corridor seven times without realizing that he had been walking the same path.

This made Levin feel very tired.

He had thought that Harry might be a good person, but he really didn't expect him to be this bad.

Being a nanny for such a "savior" was really exhausting for him.

Maybe this is the retribution I got for depriving the savior of the opportunity to experience in the past four years.

He secretly swore in his heart that he would definitely make Harry suffer in the next semester. If he tried to help Harry avoid disaster, he would be like a puppy.

Levin complained while leading Harry to a mushroom circle by controlling the growth of the hedge.

This is a shortcut he set up in the maze. As long as you step into this mushroom circle, you can instantly teleport to a location very close to the center of the maze.

However, who would have thought that at this critical moment, Harry would cause trouble again.

"Isn't this a trap?" Facing this strange circle of colorful mushrooms, Harry took a step back hesitantly.

"Have you ever seen anyone with such an obvious trap?" Levin complained crazily in his heart.

Seeing Harry's reluctance to start, he was finally ready to do something cruel.

He waved his wand and summoned an animated garden plant to appear in the corridor behind Harry.

This animated garden plant was exactly the same as the one Hermione faced before, except that she faced an elephant and this time the attacker was a wild boar.

Levin gave the order and the wild boar immediately charged in Harry's direction.

By the time Harry sensed the threat behind him, it was already too late.

His whole body was pushed up by the wild boar, and he fell headlong into the mushroom circle.

The next moment, he appeared in another mushroom circle, directly crossing a distance of tens of meters and arriving at the core area of ​​the maze.

Harry also discovered this. The maze was composed of circles of hexagons. With each step closer to the center, the length of the sides of the hexagons gradually shortened.

"Haha, it seems I found a shortcut, I'm really lucky today." Harry shouted happily.

The spectators in the stands also thought so.

Only Levin was sulking alone in the corner: "You're lucky as hell, I've been silently assisting you from behind.

Now that we are close to the center of the maze, the rest of the way is easy to follow. After all, there are not so many side roads here.

But Levin was still sweating profusely.

He watched helplessly as Harry walked resolutely into a corridor filled with golden pride after a little trial and error.

This corridor was set up by Snape himself, using a combination of psychedelic drugs and hanging plants. When people enter this corridor, they will have an upside-down illusion, as if they are walking on the ceiling.

This situation will directly cause congestion in the human brain, and at the same time, the high starry sky will turn into a bottomless abyss, making people unable to help but develop a fear of heights.

What surprised Levin was that after Harry discovered that the [Crushing Curse] was ineffective against the Golden Mist, he actually chose to rush through it.

Obviously using a [Whirlwind Curse] or something can directly blow away the mist, why did he have to suffer this personally?

It's not like he didn't use a similar spell in the third duel.

Levin almost cried because of his stupidity.

He's obviously quite clever during a duel.

Harry's next challenge is the Sphinx, a mysterious creature who is also an old acquaintance of Levin.

The Sphinx seemed to have discovered the invisible Levin, and glanced in his direction intentionally or unintentionally.

"You need to answer my riddle." The Sphinx said to Harry, "You have three chances. If you guess it correctly within three times, I will let you pass; if you fail to guess it, I will ruthlessly Pounce on you. Of course, you can also choose not to answer, then I will let you go and will not hurt you."

Harry hesitated for a moment and finally nodded, "Okay, can I listen to the riddle?"

Just when the Sphinx was about to speak and take out her treasured puzzle, she suddenly received Guowen's spiritual message:

Asking for flowers......

"He is the last warrior. Keep the puzzle simple, okay."

The Sphinx immediately recognized that the person speaking was the boy who could turn into a Chimera, so he decided to give the other person some face.

Then, Harry heard the Sphinx say the famous riddle:

"Four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening. What is it?"

Harry was stunned.

At that moment, he even felt that the other party was insulting his IQ.

Anyone who has heard of the Sphinx should know the answer to this riddle, right... Or should we say that all Sphinxes only know this one riddle?

Harry couldn't figure out why this level was so easy even after thinking about it, but he still honestly answered: hurt!"

"You're amazing for answering so quickly!" The Sphinx acted as if Harry had answered a century-old problem correctly, praising him and then giving way to a path.

Harry happily ran towards the trophy.


"Thanks, Sphinx, I'll invite you to our house later."

Levin left a word and followed closely.

Harry continued to move forward, and when he passed the last fork in the road, the scene in front of him suddenly became clearer, and the high platform in the center of the maze was clearly visible.

The place where the trophy should have been placed is now empty.

"Perhaps Hermione and Fleur got there first," Harry thought.

Realizing that I am not the first, it is inevitable that there will be a hint of disappointment in my heart.

But only a little bit, because he clearly knew that in the three games, the gap between himself and the top two players was indeed quite obvious.

Fortunately, there were four medals on the table.

There were supposed to be six medals, which meant only two people had arrived before him and he ended up in third place.

"Third place is not bad." He trotted up the steps excitedly, his heart full of excitement and anticipation.

When he unexpectedly became a warrior, Harry never dared to imagine that he could achieve such great results in this Triwizard Tournament.

After all, this competition brought together the best students from various colleges, and he always felt that he was just a foil.

Today, although he is not as good as Hermione and Fleur, he has defeated little wizards like Krum and Estella who were also very good in their respective schools, and has reached the present step by step.

Although he didn't understand why he didn't meet other players throughout the whole process, maybe they were trapped in some trap.

But this is no longer important, being crazy means winning.

Filled with joy and pride, Harry reached out to grab the third place medal, ready to declare his victory to the world.

However, the moment his hand touched the medal, Harry's entire body disappeared in an instant.

Update【4/3】, additional update【87/107】

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