Hermione chose to stay, not out of concern for Harry, but out of concern for Fleur.

The person behind Harry's incident was Voldemort, and Hermione, who knew the stakes involved, understood that at this time, she did not have enough strength to get involved in this level of confrontation.

Levin also held the same view on this, and he sternly warned Hermione not to touch those medals that may have problems.

On the eve of the competition, Hermione had tried to propose to Levin that she could fight alongside him to fight against the threat of Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

However, her proposal met with strong opposition from Levin: "Fighting the Dark Lord is the responsibility of me, Jaina, Tonks and other adult wizards. You just need to train our follow-up talents in the Erotic Society. We still have He's not dead yet, it's not your turn to play.

"You're not an adult either."

Hermione complained softly.

She had never seen Levin get so angry, and she finally agreed to Levin's request.

Although she was severely beaten by Levin, Hermione was in a great mood.

It wasn't that she was shaking and awakening, but that she could feel the deep care and concern from Levin's angry rebuke.

Although Levin is emotionally unstable, he can always give people a solid sense of security at critical moments.

However, even if Hermione didn't intend to directly intervene in Levin's plan, she was not willing to sit idly by.

She decided to do her best to provide Levin with some help - such as helping him keep an eye on Fleur and preventing him from accidentally touching the untouchable slide... I mean the medal.

Levin would be heartbroken if Fleur was delivered to the Dark Lord before Harry.

Of course, from her personal standpoint, this was completely the behavior of a rival (love rival)723, but considering Levin's deep affection for her, Hermione still reluctantly considered it for him.

When Hermione hung the runner-up medal around Fleur's neck, the audience burst into warm applause again.

From Hermione's own point of view, she was just doing this to prevent Fleur from accidentally touching other medals.

But her attentive gesture became a symbol of the friendship between the two schools in the eyes of the audience.

"It is said that friendship comes first and competition comes second. Miss Granger is worthy of being the champion. Not only does she have outstanding abilities, but her personal character is also respectable." She has lived up to this with practical actions.

Bagman also said deeply moved.

Now that they both had medals, they decided not to stay in the center of the maze, so they used their wands to create sparks to signal their departure.

The two originally thought that staff would take them away next.

Who knows, the staff did come - or in other words, they have always been "faithful", but there is a "small gap" between the existence form and the natives' imagination.

The hedges in front seemed to be injected with life. They squirmed and opened a wide opening, revealing a new road, as if they were warmly inviting them to go in this direction.

The two looked at each other and suddenly thought of the new friend Levin introduced to them that night when they were informed of the fourth game.

So they took the trophy and walked straight towards the new road regardless of whether there was any danger ahead.

The moment they crossed the hedge, a woman covered in lush plants suddenly appeared. It was the dryad rose they had encountered before.

"Congratulations!" Qiangwei clapped her hands enthusiastically, her green eyes flashing with joy, "Congratulations to the two winners of the Triwizard Tournament and the (cjcb) runner-up.

"Thank you, Rose.

The two nodded in greeting.

As they continued to move forward, the surrounding hedges also gave way, creating a living path to the outside of the maze, as spectacular as Moses parting the sea.

Whenever they passed a split hedge, tree spirits or flower demons would come out happily. They clapped and cheered, expressing congratulations in various languages:


"Congratulations on winning the championship!"


"The book is a flying dagger (o_mei_de_do)"

The whole process was full of cards, just like a float parade, it was so glorious, even the audience at the scene was infected by the atmosphere, and the cheers were louder than the waves.

In the middle of it, Hermione and Fleur's cheeks were red, not sure whether it was because of pride or shyness.

But Hermione always felt that this ritual was weird, as if everyone outside the maze had turned into orange juice.

Behind them, the invisible Tonks and Cirilla followed them all the way out.

They also felt that this scene was a bit exaggerated, but when they thought about the origins of the tree spirits and flower demons, they suddenly felt that it was normal to be exaggerated.

It can only be said that he is able to be liked by so many girls at the same time because he is really good at it. Fleur and Hermione will probably never forget this experience in their lifetime, and whenever they think of this experience, they will probably think of the creation. of this experience.

This is what a master does.

How could they not be envious in their hearts?

It's a pity that they have all graduated and are no longer of age to participate in such competitions.

They need to work on what really matters.

When they thought of this, the two of them couldn't help but quicken their pace, left the maze, and headed to the Forbidden Forest to join their men.

Hermione and Fleur were already basking in their glory,

While other players are still fighting hard in the maze, struggling for the remaining rankings.

Estella Dumont was still dueling with the crazy Krum. After several rounds, she was unable to resist the opponent's wild attacks, and finally fainted to the ground under Krum's fierce attack.

"[Heart-cutting out the bones]!"

Krum recited the spell coldly, and the evil green light danced on the tip of his wand, ready to go.

Only then did Professor Flitwick realize that Krum's intention was not just a competitive competition, but to kill his opponent.

The professor hurriedly tried to stop it, but it was too late.

The deadly green sparks rushed towards Estella and were about to hit her heart,

Suddenly, huge vines sprang out from the land and the nearby hedges, tightly protecting Estella.

The sparks of [Cruciatus Curse] hit the vines, causing them to be scorched black.

But Estella survived.

At the same time, a woman wearing various plants appeared, and she shouted sternly at Krum:

"Stop! She has lost the ability to resist. According to the rules set by Lord Levin, you are not allowed to attack her again!"

Beside her, the thick vines were like giant pythons, ready to go, as if if there was a mistake, they would rush forward and tie up Krum.

Crouch Jr. observed in the dark and cursed in his mind: "Damn it, these 'tree spirits' from Levin Green are still in the maze? It turns out that they are the so-called hidden patrollers."

He did not dare to take the risk of letting Krum continue to pester him, for fear that the tool man would be subdued by the tree spirit. When the time came, where would he find a new tool man to take the blame?

then. He had no choice but to control Krum and leave obediently.

Seeing Krum go away, the dryad turned around, gently helped Estella Dumont, and placed his other hand on her chest.

As the green light flashed in her hand, Estella's pale face became rosy visibly.

It is the treatment method of the tree spirit: [Rejuvenation].

"Miss Dryad, thank you for your help."

Professor Flitwick finally showed up and thanked the other party for his help.

However, the tree spirit just nodded slightly and said nothing.

Professor Flitwick was not surprised by this. When he was building the maze, they and other professors had already experienced how shy and shy these tree spirits were - except for the Levins, no one else had successfully managed to talk to them.

He offered: "Then, how about letting me get her out of the maze safely?"

However, Jing simply shook his head: "No need."

After saying that, she gently hugged Estella, her whole body blended into the hedge and disappeared into the rich greenery.

A few seconds later, at a certain exit of the maze, the dryad emerged from the hedge lightly holding Estella and handed her over to the anxiously waiting Madam Pomfrey.

"Oh, thank you for bringing her out, Miss Dryad."

Pomfrey was very enthusiastic about the green-haired woman in front of her. After taking Estella Dumont, she asked her enthusiastically what the green light was before.

Miss Dryad obviously couldn't stand such enthusiasm, and she immediately got into the hedge and disappeared like a frightened deer.

After seeing the scene that happened on the live broadcast, Estella Dumont's parents immediately protested against Durmstrang's production on behalf of the famous French Dumont family.

Mrs. Karkaro is already numb,

He did give Klum strict training and put tremendous pressure on him to win the championship.

But this does not mean that he allows Krum to use the Unforgivable Curse!

Could it be that Krum went crazy under the pressure?

This is great. Not only did Durmstrang fall short of his victory, but he also has to bear the blame of others. It is really a big defeat.

For ordinary viewers, this comparison is really an eye-opener.

They witnessed the true genius of the younger generation. Hermione and Fleur used unconventional means to pass through the maze, and finally won the first and second place respectively;

They also witnessed the cruelty and reality of the Triwizard Tournament. In front of everyone, there was a warrior who dared to cast the Unforgivable Curse on another warrior, and now went to attack another player from the same school. In order to achieve his goal, The unscrupulous cold-bloodedness is shocking;

What surprised the audience even more was that they saw all kinds of wonderful creatures in this competition:

Not to mention the various artifact animals and plants that are part of the level and are used to hinder the players' steps.

What's even more eye-catching are the part-time patrollers hidden in the maze.

Not only do they have the magical ability to control plants, but each one of them is also so beautiful. The appearance of the flower demons and tree spirit ladies made the audience feel as if the fairy tale had come true.

The picture shows the flower demon.

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