My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 418 Beauty Is A Disaster (Explosion-Tailed Snail Only)

About half a month has passed since Zhang Qiu successfully transformed into an Animagus.

Now she can skillfully transform into a sphinx to run on four legs, fly and other activities, and use her stinging tail derived from the manticore to shoot a poisonous needle from a hundred meters away to break a balloon.

She can even transform into a Sphinx, and together with Levin, who transforms into a Chimera, he can experience firsthand why the female Sphinx was frightened in the first place.

After fully empathizing with the female sphinx, Zhang Qiu remembered Levin's promise to the female sphinx.

It just so happened that she was making rapid progress in her studies and had enough free time - otherwise she wouldn't have come to Levin to look for brands.

So she took Levin with her to visit the Sphinx in Hagrid's cabin.

So, she took Levin with her to Hagrid's cabin to visit the Sphinx.

Last time, Levin transformed into a chimera and carried her, but this time, it was finally her turn to carry Levin.

But in order not to be discovered by others, she could only use [Advanced Invisibility] on herself.

Regarding Zhang Qiu's ability to transform into a sphinx, the female-faced "One Six Three" Sphinx showed great surprise. She circled around this new "kind" and "babbled with her many secrets that only the Sphinx knew."

She was so lonely, she hadn't seen anyone of the same kind for a long time.

Zhang Qiu made good friends with the female-faced Sphinx. Finally, Zhang Qiu also promised that if he had the opportunity to travel to Egypt, he would definitely visit her.

The weather in late spring in May can change at any time.

When the two left the shed, it was already drizzling outside and the sky was gray.

They did not fly this time, but chose to walk back from the grass in the fine powder-like crystal raindrops, getting their socks and cloak hems wet along the way.

The Forbidden Forest looked as if it had been enchanted. Every tree was shining with silver, as if covered with a layer of gauze. Raindrops slipped from the leaves and fell on the hair of the little wizards.

It's wet and makes people feel uncomfortable.

However, when they heard low, sad moans coming from Hagrid's hut, their uncomfortable mood suddenly turned into anxiety and worry.

Levin had never seen Hagrid in such a state, so he took Zhang Qiu and knocked on the door of the cabin.

"Hagrid! Are you in there?"

Levin and Hagrid have always had a good relationship. At first, it was because of Harry and the others. However, as time went by, this relationship gradually sublimated into a deep personal friendship.

Levin himself often hangs out in the Forbidden Forest for many purposes:

For example, collect materials, go on a date with a girl, accompany Luna to find Snorlax and Hook, find Daisy and centaurs, etc.

And Hagrid has always opened the door for him.

In addition, Hagrid is also Levin's supplier of Acromantula silk. Levin doesn't want to face that large group of spiders by himself. He is afraid that he will burn them all and make Hagrid sad.

Therefore, Zhang Qiu, Luna and others also have a good relationship with Hagrid.

Suddenly, a burst of heavy footsteps broke the tranquility of the hut.

The door slowly opened, and Hagrid's figure appeared in front of the two of them. His eyes were red and swollen, and tears fell down his cheeks, hitting his solid leather vest and making a small pattering sound.

"Why are you here so early?" Hagrid leaned against the door, took out a large handkerchief, and wiped his face haphazardly.

"Let's chat with the Sphinx." Zhang Qiu explained.

Levin looked at Hagrid's haggard face and asked worriedly, "What happened?"

"Maxim...that woman..." Hagrid choked, unable to continue.

It sounds like a relationship-related issue.

Levin quickly grabbed Hagrid's arm and helped him back into the house.

Hagrid seemed to have lost all strength, slumped down on the chair, and burst into tears. With tears streaming down his face, he noticed Levin's gaze and brought his face to his palms.

"Hagrid..." Levin understood, and patted Hagrid's arm sympathetically.

He sighed, and for a moment he didn't know how to comfort him.

After all, he has never experienced such a thing as falling out of love.

"I shouldn't trust foreigners..." Hagrid kept wiping his eyes, with deep disappointment in his voice, "...I have seen through her now! She doesn't understand at all. like me

She wants to please me again and wants me to tell her what the third project is... Wuwu... they can't believe any of them... I don't want to see her anymore, I don’t want to in this life.

Who said before that she wanted to see Madame Maxime for the rest of her life?

Now it starts to disappear again?

That's how virgins are, their moods are ups and downs, every day.

Levin bets that Hagrid's attitude will change back to its original state within a year.

Hagrid whimpered like a wounded beast, and kept wiping his eyes with his sleeves with his rough hands, as if wiping away the pain in his heart.

Zhang Qiu turned around and walked to the fire, bringing a cup of steaming tea. The warm aroma of the tea seemed to soothe people's hearts.

"Have a cup of tea, Hagrid, and calm down your mood. You have to go to class today. It might not be good for everyone to see the professor like this." Zhang Qiu wanted to divert Hagrid's attention.

Hagrid raised his head, his eyes red and swollen, showing deep sadness.

"I haven't been feeling normal lately," he admitted, stroking his teeth with one hand and wiping his face feebly with the other. "I'm falling out of love, and no one seems to like my classes——

"I like your class." Zhang Qiu lied immediately, "Marietta also likes it..."

...Then will you take my class next school year? "Hagrid said suddenly between sobs.

Zhang Qiu didn't understand how he found time to ask this question in such a crying state.

She hesitated for a moment, thinking about her experience of missing a course and now frantically making up for the twelve O.W.L. certificate exams...

When facing the N.E.W.T. exam, I can no longer do this.

So, she nodded firmly, "Of course, I will take the Care of Magical Creatures class."

"You are a good boy," Hagrid said, a hint of gratitude flashing in his eyes. "What about Marietta? Will she take my class in sixth grade?"

Hagrid asked awkward questions.

She didn’t want to lie, but she also didn’t want to hurt Hagrid’s feelings, so she could only be vague: “I don’t know, she didn’t tell me.

Needless to say, Marietta had no choice. She had had enough of the Blast-Ended Skrewts and decided to drop the course.

Hagrid was silent for a while and then stood up: "You are right, Levin, Zhang Qiu, I can't let you down. Let's go see the snails [their growth has been gratifying recently."

...Obviously, Hagrid's love for Blast-Ended Skrewts far outweighs his pain of broken love.

The two looked at each other helplessly, and had no choice but to silently follow Hagrid and help him close the door to the room.

Blast-tailed snails do grow very quickly [although no one knows exactly what they like to eat.

Levin noticed that when Hagrid saw these creatures, his face showed genuine joy and pride.

It was obvious that he truly loved these creatures that were so hated by young wizards.

When Zhang Qiu put a pile of canned herring and blue cheese into a cardboard box and walked to the snail enclosure in an attempt to lure a few over, there was a commotion in the entire enclosure. The bomb-tailed snails seemed to feel some kind of call, and they were restless and rushed towards Zhang Qiu's direction.

Among them, the two largest snails were particularly excited. They squeezed away the others around them and stumbled all the way to Zhang Qiu.

In order to 3.9 compete for that tempting first bite, they actually fought together, with fire flying everywhere.

Zhang Qiu felt something was wrong. These fried-tailed snails did stink a bit, but he would never be so excited about the smell.

So the reason why they are so excited is because of...themselves?

"Don't fight, don't fight."

Upon seeing this, Hagrid hurried forward and used his power star to separate the two squids who were fighting fiercely.

Zhang Qiu looked at the situation in front of her and silently retreated behind Levin. She didn't want to tell others about the strange thing that had just happened here.

"It's really strange," Hagrid scratched his head with confusion on his face, "These two are my favorites, but I have never seen them fight so fiercely. Is it the breeding season again?"

He muttered, feeling elusive about the complex habits of the Blast-Ended Skrewt. "After all, the Explosive-Tailed Skrewts are hybrid creatures that are a cross between a manticore and a fire crab. Their behavior patterns are really unpredictable."

Zhang Qiu blinked his eyes when he heard this, and had an ominous premonition in his heart.

The picture shows the disaster.

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