After introducing the rules of the competition, Bagman continued to praise Levin every day.

"You have to thank Mr. Green from the referee team for providing this project. The Sports Department has fully cooperated with the merchants in Hogsmeade Village, and this is the reason for the sponsorship. Those stingy old guys in the Ministry of Magic will not donate. Such a large amount of gold galleons.”

Levin stood among the warriors, looking a little embarrassed.

"By the way, there are a few pure-blood families, and they are more generous this time." Bagman suddenly thought of something and added, "They also sponsored the competition and prepared some small surprises for everyone. Ensure that every warrior does not return empty-handed.”

Hearing this, Levin couldn't help but frowned, but didn't say much.

"Can we just go through the maze?" Fleur asked doubtfully.

"Yes, but there will be many obstacles." Bagman replied cheerfully.

But then he thought of something and became sad, "Ms. Presto from the Department of Biological Management and Control, you know, she is the famous 'Fire Dragon Queen' and has prepared many dangerous animals for us. Professor Hagrid is also happy to sponsor , but there are so many options, we haven’t decided which one to choose yet..."

It’s best not to choose any of them!

This is the view of all warriors.

In addition, there are some spells that must be lifted, and magic plants will cause you trouble...and that sort of thing, you know. Also, the warrior with the leading score will enter the maze first. "

He smiled at Hermione and Fleur and said: "Then Mr. Potter will go in... and finally Mr. Polyakov. But you will all have to fight hard to succeed. It depends on your ability to overcome obstacles. It should be fun, Isn’t it?”

Hermione and Harry both knew very well what kind of animals Hagrid would provide on such occasions, and it would be no fun at all.

However, they nodded politely like other warriors.

"Very well...if you have no problem, let's go back to the castle, okay? It's a bit cold here..." Bagman suggested.

After Bagman's news was finished, the maze in front of him was sealed tightly again, and no clues could be found at all.

The warriors didn't want to stay and feel the cold wind at all, so they headed towards the castle one after another.

However, Hermione and Fleur were quietly left behind by Levin.

"How about it, Levin, do you want to take us around the maze in advance?" Seeing that everyone else had gone away, Fleur asked Levin excitedly, his beautiful silver eyes shining with anticipation.

"What are you thinking? I won't cheat so blatantly." Levin smiled bitterly, "I'm keeping you here because I want to introduce you to a special friend."

"A special friend? Who is he? Where is he?" Hermione asked curiously. She looked around and found no trace of anyone else.

"He's right here." Levin looked at Hermione strangely, as if she had answered an obvious question.

"She? Is... here?" Hermione looked around and used a detection magic to make sure there was no one around, and couldn't help but shudder.

"You don't want us to know ghosts, do you?" Her voice was trembling.

"I don't have that bad taste," Levin shook his head, "And with your strength, even if you encounter a ghost, just a [Fireball] will solve it. "What are you afraid of?

"But... ghosts are just scary," Hermione pouted and said coquettishly.

At this time, Furong suddenly said: "I seem to have sensed the person you mentioned. He seems to be hiding in that wall."

Her finger pointed at the hedge in front of the doorway.

Levin looked surprised, "Oh? How did you find out?"

He nodded approvingly, "But you guessed it right, the person I'm waiting for is right there.

"Okay, you still said it's not a ghost!"

Hearing what Levin said, Hermione, who had just been comforted by him, suddenly trembled again, and she glared at Levin angrily.

Levin was confused, "How does this have anything to do with ghosts?"

Hermione was furious when she saw that Levin was still pretending to be mysterious, and she asked: "If it's not a ghost, then why can it hide in the wall.

Levin was really dumbfounded after hearing Hermione's guess.

"You have such a rich imagination, and there are more than just ghosts that can hide inside the walls."

"You, you, you still don't admit it," Hermione became more excited and more specific as she spoke, "I clearly saw the ghost's eyes and heard her cry. It must be a female ghost!"

Indeed, at this moment, there was a faint sound of a woman crying from the direction of the doorway. It seemed to be a female ghost - it couldn't possibly be a witch (this is actually an English pun joke).

Levin smiled bitterly. He looked towards the door and said loudly: "Rose, stop pretending to be a ghost and come out."

"Hey hey hey."

The faint ghostly cry immediately turned into the girl's silver bell-like laughter.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful girl with green hair and green eyes emerged from the hedge in the doorway.

She happily ran to the three of them, and then threw herself on Cai Wen enthusiastically:

"Master, here I come!"

Seeing the "female ghost" she thought jumped onto her boyfriend in such an ambiguous manner, Hermione was no longer afraid and stared at her angrily.

Only then did she have the opportunity to observe the "female ghost" up close.

Then she discovered that this girl was indeed not a ghost because her body was not translucent.

But she's obviously not human either. How could a human have hair made of vines and leaves?

I originally thought it was Nie Xiaoqian, but after a long time I thought it was Grandma the Dryad.

Of course, there is no tree spirit grandma in "Liao Zhai" who is more beautiful than Nie Xiaoqian.

Levin seemed to see her doubts and explained: "Her name is Rose, she is a tree spirit, and now she is the hidden guard in this maze."

Levin paused and then added: "Dui Jing is a natural spirit created by me...

Then, he introduced the process of creating the tree spirit to the two of them in detail, as well as the basic information about the tree spirit.

Finally, he analyzed: "These natural spirits I created contain the essence of natural power. And Veela is also a naturally born fairy. Hibiscus, you can find the rose."

Perhaps it is the induction from the spirits of nature. "

"That's it." Furong nodded in sudden realization.

However, Hermione's eyes still revealed an indescribable displeasure when she looked at Rose.

…Please give me flowers…

She put her hands on her hips and her tone was full of doubts: "So, according to you, every tree spirit or other spirit is as attractive as her?"

The dryad rose in front of her has a slender body that everyone envies, and a face that looks innocent and innocent. In addition, as a dryad, she is inexperienced, and her every frown is full of... Delicate and cute, giving people a pure and lustful feeling.

Not to mention Levin, even she couldn't help but be attracted.

"Oh, that's not the case." Qiangwei blinked her green eyes, leaning against Levin with an innocent expression, "They are much more beautiful than Qiangwei.


"As expected!" Hermione heard this and seemed to have found conclusive evidence, "You must have an ulterior motive in creating these goblins.

She knew Levin too well, and with how carefree the boy was, she strongly suspected that Levin created this creature just to...

"Is there any ulterior purpose?" Levin said, twisting his body slightly and trying to push Rose away, but she wrapped around his neck like a vine, "I just want to create some assistants to help me manage it. It's just a garden... As for why they are so beautiful, of course it is because it is more pleasing to the eye. I don't want to create a bunch of ugly monsters to punish myself.

"Only a ghost would believe you."

Hermione snorted, expressing serious doubts about Levin's integrity in this regard, but she did not dwell on the issue anymore.

Levin took the opportunity to explain: "I called Qiangwei this time just to let you get to know each other. When the competition starts, she and other tree spirits will hide in the hedge to protect you. If you encounter any unexpected situation, you You can ask them for help at any time.”

"Okay...Okay, I misunderstood you."

Only then did Hermione understand Levin's kindness,

But she still insisted that Levin must have some other purpose in creating these goblins.

But in this regard, she has no ability to stop the other party.

Next, Hermione and Fleur chatted with Rose.

They are still very curious about this new race created by Levin.

In their eyes, creating species is a very great ability, especially since Levin did not create species through hybridization or transformation, but an incredible natural birth - what he created was a species with intelligence and special powers.

This made Levin shine even more brightly in their eyes.

After communicating with Qiangwei, the two also had an understanding of the upcoming game.

As Levin's proud creations, Rose and the Dryads are naturally not stupid.

Their intelligence is at least 15 points, and they are all considered geniuses among humans.

However, after all, they were only a few months old, so they were still considered babies among humans.

In addition, he had lived a life of isolation from the world for a long time and was relatively ignorant of the world. The two girls were able to figure out many of the facilities in the maze by just three strokes, five divisions and two divisions.

Now, they have a training direction for the next competition.

In addition, the thought of being protected by tree spirits made me feel much calmer.

The picture shows Tree Yujing.

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