As the game came to an end, the audience retreated in an orderly manner like a tide under the careful guidance of the staff.

Amid the noise of the crowd, Professor Dumbledore quietly appeared behind Snape.

He patted Snape's shoulder gently, and Snape immediately turned around. His frown relaxed slightly when he saw Dumbledore, but there was still a hint of helplessness: "Headmaster, what are your orders?"

"Severus, we need to talk." Dumbledore's tone was serious, and there was a hint of urgency in his deep eyes. "Please come to the Headmaster's Office." "

Snape nodded, his expression became solemn, and he followed Dumbledore silently.

In the principal's room, warm yellow lights were shining, and two cups of hot tea were steaming on the table.

Dumbledore flicked his wand, and a cup of hot tea floated steadily in front of Snape: "Severus, what do you think of Levin Green?"

Snape was silent for a moment, seeming to organize his words: "A very good little wizard, with equally obvious advantages and disadvantages, just like the four animals represented by his Animagus and Chimera - brave but Proud, smart but indifferent, kind but persistent, shrewd but egotistical.”

"Besides," Snape added, with a hint of disdain in his tone, "he is perhaps the most philandering little wizard in history, and he has ambiguous relationships with many little witches."

Dumbledore pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, his eyes revealing deep concern: "Severus, you know what I want to ask."

Without waiting for Snape to answer, he said to himself: "His performance in this game is really worrying... Although the magic he created is not as corrupting as the black magic, the effect is But it’s as scary as black magic...the kind of wanton offense and control of 21 other people’s spirits..."

He paused, as if recalling something: "I thought again of the terrible curse he imposed on the offender last month. If you go to Azkaban now, you can still see the man who keeps rejuvenating. .... None of the above spells are completely cruel and dangerous, but he teaches this dangerous magic to others wantonly..."

Speaking of this, Dumbledore's tone revealed deep worry,

"What's worse is that the method he used to eliminate Li Huo on the first day of the competition... I have only seen it with two wizards. You know which two I am talking about."

"Dumbledore, you really worry too much."

Snape said, with a hint of disdain in his tone,

"Levin and the mysterious man are completely different from each other. The Dark Lord only loves himself, and there has never been a place for others in his heart. But Levin Green, he loves many people... .Of course, there are more people who love him.”

There was a hint of sarcasm on Snape's lips. Even when he mentioned the old master, he could not hide his contempt.

"Tom was also a heartthrob when he was at Hogwarts. No matter teachers, students or ghosts, they would not care about this gentle, polite and excellent student.

Students feel disgusted. "

Dumbledore picked up the teacup and took a sip gently, as if savoring Snape's words.

"You are right, Severus, there is an essential difference between them." He said slowly, "Levin Green is purely a Muggle, but he is closely allied with Jaina Proudmoore's faction in the Ministry of Magic. They came together, and their gradually revealed political views were particularly radical.”

Speaking of this, Dumbledore's brows furrowed and worry overflowed as he spoke:

"Did you know? Through Levin's relationship, Jaina Proudmoore successfully attracted a group of Hogwarts graduates to join her faction last summer. They are all the best ones. These young people were attracted by Levin's He was attracted by the club and gradually and subtly resonated with the ideas of Gianna's faction."

He paused and looked at Snape deeply: "Oh, Severus, have you noticed that not only are Levin and Tom similar, he is also quite similar to young Gellert. They are both so talented. , they are all rigorous, powerful and independent in character, they are equally enthusiastic about the exploration of black magic and forbidden knowledge, and have no scruples in using it."

Dumbledore's voice gradually deepened, and a look of memory appeared on his face.

Snape suddenly raised his head, searched Dumbledore's expression with sharp eyes, and blurted out harsh words: "With all due respect, Dumbledore, isn't this kind of character exactly what you admire?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Snape immediately realized that he had made a mistake.

He coughed twice slightly, trying to hide his embarrassment: "Dumbledore, as far as I know, young Grindelwald did not devote all his energy to creating various new magics like Levin. Although Grindelwald He can also study forbidden magic, but has no interest in creating new things. In comparison, [Levin Green has created hundreds of interesting magics at least."

Snape said, waving his wand, and a ball of light flew out from the tip of the wand, flying around the principal's office like a lost firefly.

This is Levin's [Dancing Lights], and it is also the most widely spread spell among Levin's arcane magics so far.

Many young wizards have learned this practical little spell through other channels, even if they have not joined the Erudite Society.

After hearing this, Dumbledore said firmly: "I believe that like Gellert, he is also conducting various experiments in secret. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to master so many magics that cannot be learned in school at this age."

Snape also expressed his views: "Dumbledore, people like Levin Green are full of all kinds of strong desires, wander among witches, and are happy to enjoy themselves. Therefore, his character will be relatively more realistic. He cannot be like Grindelwald has no scruples for his ideals, even if they all have the ability to realize their ideals.

"This makes people even more worried." Dumbledore's face was full of sorrow, "Gellert had a more enthusiastic personality when he was young, and sometimes even liked to play pranks like the Weasley twins. Like Levin, he has a conceited nature. They are very willing to give each other a fair fight when facing opponents.”

Snape added: "But there are still essential differences between them!"

"Yes, you see clearly, they are indeed different." Dumbledore agreed.

Speaking of this, Dumbledore closed his eyes slightly, as if he was deep in memory: "Gellert is a pure idealist. He pretended to be Percival Graves and was very successful, but in the end he was unable to do so. He endured the death of poor Credence Barebone who became silent and was killed by an American Auror, and couldn't help but reveal his ideals.

thus exposing himself.

Dumbledore opened his eyes again, his gaze profound: "But Levin is different. When he finds that a head-on confrontation cannot guarantee his victory, he will not hesitate to use some means beyond the rules..."

As Dumbledore continued, his frown deepened.

"There is another point, and the most important point."

He said in a deep voice, "Sir Nicholas, the Fat Friar, and the school portraits all told me that they found a Death Eater-like mark on those girls. What surprised me was that Levin seemed to have used a certain In this way, Ms. Gray kept a secret from me, and she refused to reveal any information about them. You have to know, Severus, Gellert did not completely lose his respect for me until after the tragedy he and I caused because of Aberforth. of trust.

Dumbledore was silent,

His expression was full of sadness, and he paused for a long time, seeming to sort out the chaos in his heart.

"Gellert only started to form an army after getting the Elder Wand, and Levin... there were young wizards with similar Death Eater marks in the school, and most of the Aurors in the Ministry of Magic were controlled by the Jaina faction. The Erudite Society has almost become the reserve army of Jaina's all speaks for itself."

Dumbledore's voice was low and powerful, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from the bottom of his heart.

Snape listened, growing more and more astonished. He never thought that Levin Green had quietly reached this point.

His heart began to surge, and his understanding of Levin was somewhat subverted.

But for some reason, he admired Levin's approach more than Dumbledore:

Decisive, efficient, but with a bottom line.

"The styles of Green and Gellert are no longer the same." Dumbledore continued, "They do act within the authority of the law, but they are more willing to control the law and change the law to achieve their own goals.

Dumbledore paused and looked at Snape with a hint of pleading:

"Severus, I also formed the Order of the Phoenix myself. I don't want to take action against Levin and Jaina's faction, and I have no reason to take action. I just hope that you can pay more attention to me, as an old man, even if you have never been friends with him. Start with a person to observe his dynamics and signs... We must ensure the fulfillment of that prophecy.

Snape discovered for the first time that the greatest white wizard in the world, who had defeated two Dark Lords, was currently troubled by the return of Voldemort and the rise of Levin Green.

His eyes, the eyes behind those glasses, which have always been wise, look so old and tired at the moment.

"Of course I will do what you ask." Snape nodded, his tone firm, "But...

He leaned forward and put his hands on the table, "Dumbledore, if Levin and Jaina really did something outrageous, how would you respond?"

Snape's question was loud and echoed throughout the headmaster's room. He stared at Dumbledore, waiting for his answer.

"You treated Tom like this at the beginning, but what did you do in the end? You also promised to protect Lily, but what did you do in the end? You just taught Lily

An ancient magic that requires sacrificing oneself to cast (Guardian of Love?) And then borrowed their invisibility cloak before something happened?"

After Snape finished speaking, the principal's office fell into dead silence.

The air seemed to have solidified, leaving only the tense and heavy breathing of the two people. .

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