At this moment, a brilliant magical light flashed in the air, like a meteor streaking across the night sky.

The water element and the [Ice Arrow] it had not yet brewed gradually dissipated in this light, like morning dew evaporating without a trace under the rising sun.

"Is this...the summons canceled?"

Furong looked at this scene in shock, feeling an uneasy premonition in her heart.

"Wait...Hermione, have you gotten rid of the influence of [Confusion spell]?"

She quickly turned to Hermione and found that the confusion in the other person's eyes was gone, replaced by clarity and determination.

"No, you have long since gotten rid of the influence of [Confusion Technique]. You were just pretending...but, when..."

She whispered, realizing that she seemed to have made a fatal mistake in underestimating Hermione's willpower.

The water element summoned by Hermione turned out to be a clever trap. It not only consumed Fleur's precious time, but also successfully induced her to use a high-environment charm control spell.

But now, this trap has completed its mission, putting Furong in an extremely disadvantageous situation.

However, it was too late.

Fleur could only watch helplessly as Hermione gently waved her hand "Qiqiqi".

A light of [dispelling magic] shrouded himself.

The [Frost Armor] and [Mage Armor] she had carefully laid out disappeared in this light, leaving only the [Higher Resistance Enhancement] struggling to support them.

But it's not over yet,

It seemed that the other party did not need to recite the incantation, and his whole person turned into silver light and disappeared.

That kind of magic effect... No, it doesn't disappear, but...

Fleur subconsciously turned around and saw the silver mist lighting up behind her, and Hermione's figure appeared in the mist.

It’s the space spell [Mesmerizing Step]!

Fleur didn't understand how Hermione managed to use the 3rd level [Dispel Magic] and the 2nd level [Wandering Step] continuously, but she understood that now she had reached the most urgent moment.

We need to come up with housekeeping measures.

Her silver eyes suddenly gathered the brilliance of magic, like the brightest stars in the night sky, staring at Hermione wolfishly.

[Heart-catching Gaze: 3 Ring Charm Control System, designate the target creature you are staring at, causing them to stop moving and stare at you blankly. 】

Fleur had never used this magic in the past, but now it was activated so quickly without any awkwardness. It was obvious from a glance that it had gone through a lot of practice.

This is undoubtedly Furong's hidden trump card, a "little surprise" specially prepared for close enemies.

However, for Hermione, this "surprise" seemed so weak.

Because what came out of the silver mist turned out to be Hermione in the form of a cat-person - having the outline of a human, but covered with cat's fur, limbs and facial features.

Apparently, Hermione had successfully entered her Animagus form.

Fleur's confident [catching gaze] had no effect on the cat-person Hermione.

After all, Nekomata themselves are magical creatures with the ability to enchant, and their specialty [Iron Will] allows them to resist most enchantment-based magics.

As a reflection of the Animagus transformation, Hermione can also exert part of the effects of this feat when she is in an ordinary human state.

This is why she was able to break free of the [Confusion Technique] earlier than Furong expected, and had the opportunity to secretly prepare magic to ambush Furong.

The failure of this attack declared Furong's defeat.

The cat-man Hermione suddenly rushed forward, and with her physical strength far beyond that of a human being, she pinned Fleur to the ground, and even the wand slipped out of her hand.

At this time, in the arena, a cat girl was sitting astride a silver-haired woman. Their eyes were intertwined, looking very ambiguous.

Fleur stared at Hermione fiercely for a long time, finally turned her head and uttered a few words with difficulty: "I give up!"

"Miss Delacour admits defeat, Miss Granger wins this game!"

Tonks announced the final result, and the audience burst into cheers.

Hermione stood up lightly from Fleur, and her whole body changed from cat-person back to its original form.

She held out a hand to Fleur, her eyes shining with kindness and respect.

Considering Levin's relationship, Fleur accepted the other person's kindness without hesitation and picked up her wand.

"You just used [Dispel Magic] and [Tracing Step] consecutively. How did you do that?" She couldn't help but ask.

"It's a magic called [Spell Matrix]." Hermione explained with a smile.

[Spell Matrix: 5-ring transformation system, prepare a magic matrix so that you can store up to four spells up to level 3. These spells are regarded as [spell prompt] super magic. 1

This spell also has an upper-level spell, which is a 7-level [Spell Sequence] that can store four 5-level spells for instant casting, or four 2-level spells for double instant casting.

At the beginning, Levin used [Spell Sequence] to pour out a storm of spells in a short period of time and defeated the duel master Snape.

After listening to Hermione's description, Fleur fell into deep thought for a moment.

The sophistication of this spell called [Spell Matrix] is self-evident. After anyone masters it, their combat effectiveness will immediately rise to a higher level.

Correspondingly, the difficulty of learning the Spell Matrix is ​​also quite high.

When Hermione tried to explain the principles to her, Fleur found that she... just didn't understand.

She finally realized the difference between herself and Hermione.

It's not just about tactics and the number of spells you master, but more importantly the understanding and use of magic.

His only advantage is that he is a few years older, but obviously, age does not bring a decisive advantage.

On the contrary, Hermione's skill and reaction speed far exceeded expectations.

Throughout the game, Fleur's every move seemed to be calculated by Hermione, and her spells and skills were far inferior to her opponent's.

It can be said that in this duel, his abilities were completely surpassed by Hermione.

No wonder she is so valued by Levin...or is it because of Levin's training that she became so good?

After this battle, Fleur not only felt a little more in awe of Hermione, but also felt a little more desire for Wen.

At the same time, Hermione, as the winner, also smiled and waved to Levin, her expression full of pride, as if she was saying to him: "Look, am I better than her?"

What reply can Levin have to this?

All he can do is smile...

In his mind, there is a little conflict between his girlfriend and a little competition is a good thing.

Competition only shows that they have feelings for him. After all, love is always selfish.

If the girls are really as close as a family, it can only be because there is no more passion between them and only family affection remains.

At this moment, Ludo Bagman's voice finally sounded.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, the third game of the Triwizard Tournament and all the duel round-robin matches have come to an end! Now it's time for the exciting moment.

Let's announce the Warriors' scores. "

"In this game, Mr. Polyakov and Miss Dumont both had one win, four losses, and two points." Bagman chose to count from the lowest score, "Mr. Krum's record is One win, three losses and one draw, three points."

There was applause from the audience. After witnessing their entire game process, everyone did not feel that they would do better on the court.

"Mr. Potter's performance was amazing. He showed strength far beyond his age in this game and achieved a record of two wins, two losses and one draw. His score was five points."

Bagman shouted out Harry Potter's score. Compared to the score, he was particularly satisfied with Potter's outstanding performance in the first home game.

"Hermione Granger and Fleur Delacour." Bagman paused and looked around at the audience.

The scene was silent, like the calm before the storm.

"The two witches still maintain their overwhelming power in the first two games, and their magical skills are beyond the reach of many adults.

Bagman's voice was full of passion and his praise was beyond words, "Just like the first two games, no other contestant can match them, their only opponents are each other!"

"Just now, they presented us with a wonderful match. I dare say that the level of dueling they displayed is enough to compete for gold and silver even on the stage of the International Dueling Championship!"

Bagman's praise was not empty. The pivot 3.0 masters present nodded in agreement.

At least many of the spells they used just now have never appeared in the International Duel Championship.

"However, the competition is always cruel. Miss Fleur Delacour once again lost to Miss Hermione Granger by a narrow margin. Their scores were eight points and ten points respectively.

Bagman's words seemed to light a fuse, and the wizards' cheers and applause merged into a huge wave of sound, soaring into the sky.

The worship and respect for the strong has been deeply ingrained in people's genes since ancient times.

In this jubilant atmosphere, Bagman continued to announce loudly:

"The fourth and final game will be held on the evening of the 24th. The Warriors will know the collective content of the game one day in advance. Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for the Warriors.

Pictured is Hermione

Update【4/3】, additional update 181/1061

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