My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 391 Ronald’S Love Potion Cram School

During dinner time that day, Hermione and Ginny ran to Ravenclaw's long table again and got together with Levin and others.

Taking this opportunity, she told Levin what she had learned in Potions class.

"It's just as I expected." Levin nodded after hearing this.

Looking at the worried Hermione, he couldn't help but comforted: "Don't worry, he won't get what he wants.

"What won't go as expected?" Luna raised her head from the plate with a confused look in her eyes, "Is it Ronald's cram school for love potion...or is it Karkaroff's escape plan?

"Is Ronald really going to open a cram school for love potions?" Marietta popped up and asked happily, "If it is true, I would like to learn from him."

She said, looking at Levin with evil eyes.

Although she is Zhang Qiu's best friend, she has also been coveting his boyfriend for a long time.

But Zhang Qiu's attitude was very decisive: "Don't even think about it, Marietta, I won't agree to this only thing!"

"Don't be like this, Zhang Qiu, we are not best friends," Marietta said shamelessly, "Anyway, he has a lot of girlfriends, and one more of mine is not too much."

"Absolutely! Yes! No! OK!" Zhang Qiu put his hands on his chest and made a cross.

In front of men, best friends and everything else are disposable.

"It's great, being fought over by girls in front of me... When will I get this kind of treatment?" Steve looked at his roommate with admiration on his face.

Levin smiled helplessly. In his opinion, the argument between Zhang Qiu and Marietta was quite groundless.

Regardless of whether Ronald has the ability to run a cram school for love drugs, even if he could, he would not be affected by love drugs.

What's more, although Marietta can be called beautiful, that's for ordinary people.

If you really want to compare with the girls around 250 Levin, she is far behind. According to his standards, there is no way she can compare with her.

Zhang Qiu quarreled with his best friend because of this, because he looked down on his taste.

Of course, with his emotional intelligence, he would never tell this fact, or even intervene in the girls' fight.

Just fight, the more they fight, the more "precious" they will appear, and the more girls will cherish themselves.

At this time, just smile.

But from Hermione's side, it is indeed good news to confirm that Karkaroff has an escape plan.

As envisioned with Hermione before, this was a good time for them to take control of Durmstrang.

If Karkaroff had stayed at Hogwarts and stayed with Durmstrang's students,

Then they would have no chance to take action.

After all, there is magic, and many things may be discovered as long as they are done.

But once Karkaroff leaves on his own initiative,

That would completely give you a chance to make a move.

So, after finishing the meal, Levin informed Oriana and asked her to send clockwork scouts to strictly monitor Karkaroff 24 hours a day, and notify him immediately if he planned to run away.

After returning to the tower, Levin continued his experiments with plant spirits and nature spirits.

With the heroic spirit Rowena in front of him, his research began to go smoothly, and it is estimated that he will be able to produce results in a while.

But Levin's good mood only lasted until breakfast the next day.

While Levin was struggling with those rich and delicious jam waffles and smoked salmon, the messenger owl flew over, and Levin raised his head to look at the owl (bifh).

He was not the only one to do this. All the little wizards looked at where Ronald was in surprise. After a gray owl settled on the plate in front of him, four more barn owls and a brown owl flew over. Brown owl and a gray wood owl.

The Gryffindors around him stood up and moved away from him to avoid staining their clothes with spilled food.

More and more owls rushed forward, hoping to be the first to deliver the letter to him.

"What the hell -" Ronald said, taking the letter sent by the gray owl and reading it, "Oh, oh, oh, oh!"

He said angrily, his face turning red.

"What's going on?" Harry asked curiously.

"This - this is just ridiculous -" he thrust the letter at Harry.

Harry saw that it was a letter of encouragement, an encouragement of love.

The owner of the letter showed enthusiastic support for the love between Ronald and Klum. He believed that Ronald had done what he wanted to do but could not.

Some young wizards at Hogwarts also sent anonymous letters to Ronald through owls. They thought Ronald was too brave. As young wizards at Hogwarts, they would never dare to disclose their sexual orientation.

After all, it is Da Yin, and it is normal to have a few such people.

But most of them are letters of opposition,

One wrote: "I read in Wizarding Weekly that you were playing with Harry Potter's feelings. That boy has suffered so much. Just wait, I just need to find a big envelope and I will give it to you next time." Send a spell and throw it away."

There was another letter, which was obviously not handwritten, but seemed to be made up of letters cut out of "Wizard Weekly".

"You are a vile, evil wizard. You must have shamefully used the love potion to confuse Krum and Harry Potter. They deserve better men - go back to your Burrow."

As a result, the reason for the objection in most of the objection letters was against Ronald as a person, not because Ronald was a man.

There are not many people who really resist same-sex love.

It is indeed a great Yin.

"These are the kind of letters!" Ronald looked increasingly impatient. He opened the letters one by one and said desperately, "Krum deserves a housemate a hundred times better than someone like you... ...I should boil you in toad eggs..."

He swept all these letters to the ground indiscriminately and had no patience to read any more.

Among the scattered letters, a huge package jumped into view. The packaging of the package was particularly exquisite, and the purple bow added a bit of mystery. On the wrapping paper, it was clearly written: For the cutest red-haired boy in the world. ——Ronald Weasley.

" I finally have a supporter?"

This letter was the only bit of support among thousands of objections, and Ronald was immediately moved.

He patted the package curiously, gently untied the bow, and tore off a corner of the wrapping paper. The colorful candy wrappers were immediately revealed, as if waving to him.

"It's candies." Ronald's mood suddenly became clear. He put his hand into the package and grabbed a handful of candies. They fell into his hands like fragments of a rainbow.

He happily brought the candy in front of him, wanting to feel the sweet smell.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Those colorful candies turned into large black spiders in an instant, quickly climbing from his hands to his body.

Spiders! Ronald’s nightmare since childhood!

Ronald screamed in horror and waved his arms desperately to try to drive away these terrible spiders.

As he struggled, the torn package began to tremble violently, and then fell apart with a pop, and countless black spiders poured out from inside.

Ronald was so frightened that he jumped on the stool, but the spiders seemed to be chasing him and quickly crawled towards him.

What frightened Ronald even more was that because he waved his arms too hard, some spiders were thrown onto his head and face.

The spiders crawled up the legs of the chair, and Ronald jumped off the chair with a scream, staring at the spiders with wide eyes, and backed away while observing.

When the other little wizards saw Ronald looking so embarrassed, they thought it was an ordinary prank and burst into laughter.

When Ronald was escaping, the little wizards all jumped on chairs to hide, but no one was willing to help.

Seeing Ronald embarrassed seemed like a funny thing to them.

Ronald kept running away, but the spiders were much faster than him and covered him densely.

In the end, Ronald couldn't bear the pressure of this fear and fainted to the ground.

Seeing her brother in such a miserable state, Ginny immediately ran to Levin, took him by the corner of his clothes, and gave him a pleading look.

Levin sighed and stood up, pointing his wand casually.

"【Exorcist Barrier】"

A curtain of light shrouded the spiders, and a plume of black smoke emitted from most of the spiders at the same time. They crackled like fried beans and disappeared without a trace. The remaining twelve spiders were still crawling tenaciously on Ronald's body.

Levin saw one of them bite Ronald on the nose, and his nose suddenly inflated like a balloon.

There are real people hiding among these fake spiders.

"[Spiders are coming]!"

Levin made a casual move, and the two spiders immediately flew towards him and fell into a jar. Levin immediately closed the lid to complete the capture.

"Send Ronald to the school doctor's office quickly," he reminded Harry. "Tell Madam Pomfrey that it was a scarlet spider that bit Ronald. She will know how to prepare an antidote."

Harry and the Weasley twins hurriedly sent Ronald away.

Levin looked at the spider in the glass bottle with a satisfied look on his face.

The scarlet spider is also a very rare species of spider. It is a magical creature with a bright body and black legs. It has extraordinary speed and cannot build webs, but it is surprisingly poisonous.

Most importantly, they are also a precious magic material.

"It seems that there are benefits to showing kindness occasionally."

Levin put away the bottle and returned to his seat,

Then his face turned ugly.

Because he saw many more owls flying towards Hermione with envelopes.

The picture shows Zhang Qiu.

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