Ronald felt extremely conflicted.

Because a rumor fabricated by Rita Skeeter began to circulate in Hogwarts: Ronald Weasley, who is proficient in refining love potions, has become obsessed with the savior and the first seeker of the World Cup.

So many girls secretly asked him for advice on how to make love potions.

In a corner of the school, Ronald was losing his temper with a girl in the lower grade, because the girl had just come to ask her how to make a love potion and how to confuse boys.

Ronald's mood was very complicated, this was the third time this morning.

Ronald has never been more popular with witches than he is today,

Unfortunately, this welcome was not the way he imagined.

"Should I study seriously in Potions class and then open a training class on love potions or something?" In the afternoon Potions class, Ronald was flipping through the "Wizard Weekly" while discussing with Harry, " If this had happened before Christmas, I wouldn't have been unable to find a dance partner."

He was still brooding over what happened before the Christmas ball.

"Oh, forget it Ronald, even if the girls attend your love potion training class, they won't want to find you as their dance partner." Harry covered his face and urged his friends not to be so immoral, "They will only I think you need to find a boy as your dance partner."

"Even if I don't do this, I still find a boy as my dance partner..." Ronald glanced at Harry and said helplessly, "Anyway, it can't be worse than that. Maybe there is a witch who will like me. ?”

When he said this, he stared directly at Hermione, who was separated between the two people on the left, and did not pay attention to the surrounding situation.

"Mr. Weasley, despite your colorful social life,"

Snape's cold voice sounded next to them, startling both of them, "But I must warn you, you are not allowed to whisper in my class! Gryffindor will deduct ten

The whole class turned to look at them.

Draco seized this opportunity and pointed Potter's shitty badge at Harry from across the classroom, with a flash of light.

"Oh, you're still hiding under the table reading a magazine?"

Snape said again, grabbing the copy of "Wizard Weekly"

"Gryffindor will deduct another ten points...but of course..."

Snape's eyes fell on Rita Skeeter's article, and his dark eyes suddenly shone.

"Potter needs to collect newspaper clippings..."

Hermione on the other side almost laughed out loud. She seemed to have heard these words before...

It seems that Gilderoy Lockhart, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in his second year, had the habit of cutting out newspapers with his reports printed on them.

This joke is too old.

Obviously, with the slow speed at which trends in wizards change, it is entirely possible for a meme to last for a thousand years. At least everyone present will remember the funny professor.

The cheerful laughter of the Slytherins rang out in the underground classroom.

Snape's thin lips also twisted, showing a malicious smile, and read the article aloud:

"'The Secret Sad History of Harry Potter'.... Oh my God, my God, Potter, what's wrong with you again? He may be a different boy..."

Snape paused after each sentence to make the Slytherins laugh.

"...People who have good intentions for Vector Krum hope that the next time he shows his true love, he will choose a more worthy candidate.' How touching,

Snape said sarcastically, rolling up the magazine amid bursts of laughter from the Slytherins.

"Humph, I finally know why 'Miss Know-It-All' left you wisely (Hermione: "Why is it my business again?"), I think it's best to separate the two of you so that you can concentrate on formulating the potion, and Don’t just think about these messy affairs.”

As he spoke, he pointed his finger in the direction of the podium.

"Weasley, you sit here. Potter, come to the table in front of my podium. Okay, move on.

The two of them had no choice but to do so. Harry was so angry that he threw the ingredients and schoolbag into the cauldron, then walked to the empty table at the front of the classroom with the cauldron in hand.

Snape followed and sat beside his podium, watching Harry take out everything from the cauldron.

Harry decided not to look at Snape and began to pound his scarabs, imagining that each scarab looked like Snape's face.

"You've become the center of media attention, which seems to inflate your already careless head, Potter.

Snape said after the other students in the class started making potions quietly.

His voice was very soft, and if Hermione hadn't had her senses greatly enhanced after drinking the elixir of perception, he might not have been able to hear anything at all.

"You probably take it for granted that the entire magical world is marveling at you,"

Snape continued, "But I don't care how many times your picture appears in the newspaper. In my eyes, Potter, you are just an annoying little boy, but you think you can ignore all the rules and regulations."

Harry poured the powdered beetles into the cauldron and began cutting the ginger root.

His hands were shaking slightly with anger, but he kept his eyes lowered, as if he couldn't hear what Snape said to him.

"So, I want to give you a kind warning, Potter," Snape said in a softer and more sinister voice, "despite your reputation... if I catch you breaking into my office again... ..."

"I've never been near your office!" Harry said angrily, putting aside his pretense.

"Don't lie to me," Snape said in a low voice, staring hard at Harry's eyes with his unfathomable black eyes, "African tree snake skin and gillweed. Both of these are my personal storage. I know they are. Who stole it?"

Harry glared at Snape without any sign of weakness. He was determined not to blink or show any guilt.

Only Hermione on the side knew that these two things were definitely not stolen by Harry.

Because she had stolen them herself, she knew very well that they were important ingredients for making polyjuice potion.

He still remembered the information Levin revealed,

If there is anyone in Hogwarts who needs it the most, it can only be the transformed Barty Crouch Jr.

In order to maintain the appearance of Professor Moody at all times, Barty Jr. must take a sip of the compound potion every once in a while, which is why he carries the curved wine bottle with him.

"You weren't in your bed the night someone broke into my office!" Snape hissed. "You couldn't have hidden it from me, Potter! Yes, Mad-Eye Moody was probably in your star club, but I can't help it anymore. Your behavior will not be tolerated! If you sneak into my office in the middle of the night again, Potter, just wait and see!"

"Okay," Harry lowered his head to cut his ginger root, "I'll keep that in mind in case I want to go there on a whim."

"Do you know what this is, Potter?" Snape said, his eyes glinting with malice again.

"I don't know," Harry said, and this time he was telling the truth.

"This is Veritaserum - a potion that teaches you to tell the truth. It's extremely effective. Just three drops can make you reveal your innermost secrets and make all the students laugh.

Snape said fiercely, "Of course, the Ministry of Magic has very strict regulations to control the use of this potion. But you must be particularly careful, otherwise I will miss it."

He shook the crystal bottle slightly and poured it into the pumpkin juice for your dinner. And then, Potter...then we'll find out whether you've been to my office or not. "

Harry flinched. He had too many secrets that he didn't want to reveal to the public, and he had no doubt that Snape would actually do it.

In this almost stagnant atmosphere, someone suddenly knocked on the door outside the classroom.

"Come in," Snape said in his usual voice.

The door opened and the whole class turned to look. Igor Karkaroff, the dean of Durmstrang Academy of Magic, walked in, and everyone watched as he walked towards Snape's podium.

He curled his goatee between his fingers, looking restless.

"We need to talk." Karkaroff said abruptly as soon as he walked to Snape.

He seemed determined not to let anyone hear what he said, so his lips barely moved, as if he were a terrible ventriloquist.

"I'll talk to you after class, Karkaroff." Snape whispered,

But Karkaroff interrupted.

"I want to talk now, while you can't slip away, Severus. You've been avoiding me.

"We'll talk after class," Snape said sternly.

Karkaroff looked panicked and Snape looked angry.

But for the rest of the time, Karkaroff lingered behind Snape's podium.

He seemed determined not to let Snape slip away after class.

They were so anxious that they didn't notice that after class, a figure did not leave with the other little wizards (Denuo's) masters, but disappeared in the corner.

"What's so urgent?" Snape asked Karkaroff in a low voice after the students had left the classroom.

"Look," Karkaroff said.

He lifted up the left sleeve of his robes and showed Snape the Dark Mark on his forearm.

"How's it going?" Karkaroff said, "See? It's never been this obvious. It's become more and more obvious since the World Cup."

"Hide quickly!" Snape said viciously. His dark eyes glanced in the direction of the classroom, but found nothing.

"But you must have noticed -" Karkaroff said anxiously.

"So what!" Snape was a little impatient.

"If something happens, let's run away together," Karkaroff said in a weak tone. "Severus, we can run together. We can stay anonymous and hide in a place where no one is around. Maybe it can be the United States, and we can still take care of each other." .”

Snape was silent for a moment, shook his head, and said calmly: "Escape by yourself... I want to stay at Hogwarts.

"Why..." Karkaroff wanted to say something else, but Professor Snape gave him a cold look.

"No matter what, remember to be loyal." These words instantly swallowed Karkaroff's words.

Karkaroff stayed there for a long time, covered his dark mark with one hand, turned around, and strode out of the classroom. .

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